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CLI Reference

This page provides documentation for the calliope command line tool.


Calliope: a multi-scale energy systems modelling framework


calliope [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  --version  Display version.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

calliope generate_runs

Generate a script to run multiple models.


calliope generate_runs [OPTIONS] MODEL_FILE OUT_FILE


  --kind TEXT                One of: "bash", "bsub", "sbatch", or "windows".
  --scenarios TEXT
  --cluster_threads INTEGER
  --cluster_mem TEXT
  --cluster_time TEXT
  --additional_args TEXT     Any additional arguments to pass directly on to
                             `calliope run`.
  --override_dict TEXT
  --debug                    Print debug information when encountering errors.
  --quiet                    Be less verbose about what is happening,
                             including hiding solver output.
  --pdb                      If used together with --debug, drop into
                             interactive debugger on encountering errors.
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

calliope generate_scenarios

Generate scenario definitions from given combinations of overrides.


calliope generate_scenarios [OPTIONS] MODEL_FILE OUT_FILE [OVERRIDES]...


  --scenario_name_prefix TEXT
  --debug                      Print debug information when encountering
  --quiet                      Be less verbose about what is happening,
                               including hiding solver output.
  --pdb                        If used together with --debug, drop into
                               interactive debugger on encountering errors.
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

calliope new

Create new model at the given path, based on one of the built-in example models. The target path must not yet exist. Intermediate directories will be created automatically.


calliope new [OPTIONS] PATH


  --template TEXT
  --debug          Print debug information when encountering errors.
  --help           Show this message and exit.

calliope run

Execute the given model. Tries to guess from the file extension whether model_file is a YAML file or a pre-built model saved to NetCDF. This can also explicitly be set with the --model_format=yaml or --model_format=netcdf option.


calliope run [OPTIONS] MODEL_FILE


  --scenario TEXT
  --model_format TEXT
  --override_dict TEXT
  --save_netcdf TEXT
  --save_csv TEXT
  --save_logs TEXT
  --save_lp TEXT                  Build and save model to the given LP file.
                                  When this is set, the model is not sent to a
                                  solver, and all other save options are
  --debug                         Print debug information when encountering
  --quiet                         Be less verbose about what is happening,
                                  including hiding solver output.
  --pdb                           If used together with --debug, drop into
                                  interactive debugger on encountering errors.
  --profile                       Run through cProfile.
  --profile_filename TEXT         Filename to save profile to if enabled
  --fail_when_infeasible / --no_fail_when_infeasible
                                  Return fail on command line when problem is
                                  infeasible (default True).
  --help                          Show this message and exit.