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Urban Scale Example Model

This example consists of two possible sources of electricity, one possible source of heat, and one possible source of simultaneous heat and electricity. There are three locations, each describing a building, with transmission links between them.

The diagram below gives an overview:

Urban scale example model overview
Urban scale example model overview

We distinguish between model configuration (the options provided to Calliope to do its work) and the model definition (your representation of a physical system in YAML).

Model configuration

The model configuration file model.yaml is the place to tell Calliope about how to interpret the model definition and how to build and solve your model. It does not contain much data, but the scaffolding with which to construct and run your model.

You will notice that we load a custom math file in config.init. You can find out more about this custom math below

    name: Urban-scale example model
    # What version of Calliope this model is intended for
    calliope_version: 0.7.0
    # Time series data path - can either be a path relative to this file, or an absolute path
    time_subset: ["2005-07-01", "2005-07-02"] # Subset of timesteps
    custom_math: ["custom_math.yaml"]

    mode: plan # Choices: plan, operate
    ensure_feasibility: true # Switching on unmet demand

    solver: cbc

Bringing the YAML files together

Technically, you could define everything about your model in the same file as your configuration. One file with the top-level keys config, parameters, techs, nodes, tech_groups, node_groups, scenarios, overrides. However, this tends to become unwieldy.

Instead, various parts of the model are defined in different files and then we import them in the YAML file that we are going to load into calliope (calliope.Model("my_main_model_file.yaml")). The import section in our file looks like this:

import: # Import other files from paths relative to this file, or absolute paths
  - "model_config/techs.yaml"
  - "model_config/locations.yaml"
  - "scenarios.yaml"

Referencing tabular data

As of Calliope v0.7.0 it is possible to load tabular data completely separately from the YAML model definition. To do this we reference data tables under the data_sources key:

    source: data_sources/demand.csv
    rows: timesteps
    columns: [techs, nodes]
      parameters: sink_use_equals
    source: data_sources/pv_resource.csv
    rows: timesteps
    columns: [comment, scaler]
      parameters: source_use_equals
      techs: pv
      scaler: per_area
    drop: [comment, scaler]
    source: data_sources/export_power.csv
    rows: timesteps
    columns: nodes
      parameters: cost_export
      techs: chp
      costs: monetary
      carriers: electricity

In the Calliope example models, we only load timeseries data from file, including for energy demand, electricity export price and solar PV resource availability. These are large tables of data that do not work well in YAML files! As an example, the data in the energy demand CSV file looks like this:

techs demand_heat demand_heat demand_heat demand_electricity demand_electricity demand_electricity
nodes X1 X2 X3 X1 X2 X3
2005-01-01 00:00 4.348486 128.210300 25.173941 0.637704 101.809815 20.592169
2005-01-01 01:00 4.516168 106.472403 19.648068 0.523598 101.809815 20.286959

You'll notice that in each row there is reference to a timestep, and in each column to a technology and a node. Therefore, we reference timesteps in our data source rows and nodes and techs in our data source columns. Since all the data refers to the one parameter sink_use_equals, we don't add that information in the CSV file, but instead add it on as a dimension when loading the file.


You can read more about loading data from file in our dedicated tutorial.

Model definition

Indexed parameters

Before we dive into the technologies and nodes in the model, we have defined some parameters that are independent of both of these:

    data: 1
    index: monetary
    dims: costs
  # `bigM` sets the scale of unmet demand, which cannot be too high, otherwise the optimisation will not converge
  bigM: 1e6

Neither of these parameters is strictly necessary to define. They have defaults assigned to them (see the model definition schema in the reference section of the documentation). However, we have included them in here as examples.

objective_cost_weights can be used to weight different cost classes in the objective function (e.g., if we had co2_emissions as well as monetary costs). bigM ( is used to formulate certain types of constraints and should be a large number, but not so large that it causes numerical trouble.

bigM is dimensionless, while objective_cost_weights is indexed over the costs dimension. You will see this same parameter definition structure elsewhere in the model definition as we index certain parameters over other dimensions.

Supply technologies

This example model defines three supply technologies.

The first two are supply_gas and supply_grid_power, referring to the supply of gas (natural gas) and electricity, respectively, from the local distribution system. These 'infinitely' available national commodities can become carriers in the system, with the cost of their purchase being considered at supply, not conversion.

The layout of a supply technology
The layout of a supply technology which has an infinite source, a carrier conversion efficiency ($flow_{eff}^{out}$), and a constraint on its maximum built $flow_{cap}$ (which puts an upper limit on $flow_{out}$).

The definition of this technology in the example model's configuration looks as follows

    name: "National grid import"
    color: "#C5ABE3"
    base_tech: supply
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_out: electricity
    source_use_max: .inf
    flow_cap_max: 2000
    lifetime: 25
      data: 15
      index: monetary
      dims: costs
      data: 0.1 # 10p/kWh electricity price #ppt
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

    name: "Natural gas import"
    color: "#C98AAD"
    base_tech: supply
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_out: gas
    source_use_max: .inf
    flow_cap_max: 2000
    lifetime: 25
      data: 1
      index: monetary
      dims: costs
      data: 0.025 # 2.5p/kWh gas price #ppt
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

The final supply technology is pv (solar photovoltaic power), which serves as an inflexible supply technology. It has a time-varying source availability loaded from CSV, a maximum area over which it can capture its source (area_use_max) and a requirement that all available source is used (source_use_equals). This emulates the reality of solar technologies: once installed, their production matches the availability of solar energy.

The efficiency of the DC to AC inverter (which occurs after conversion from source to carrier) is considered in parasitic_eff. The area_use_per_flow_cap gives a link between the installed area of solar panels to the installed capacity of those panels (i.e. kWp).

In most cases, domestic PV panels are able to export excess energy to the national grid. We allow this here by specifying carrier_export. Revenue for export will be considered on a per-location basis.

The definition of this technology in the example model's configuration looks as follows:

    name: "Solar photovoltaic power"
    color: "#F9D956"
    base_tech: supply
    carrier_out: electricity
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_export: electricity
    source_unit: per_area
    area_use_per_flow_cap: 7 # 7m2 of panels needed to fit 1kWp of panels
    flow_out_parasitic_eff: 0.85 # inverter losses
    flow_cap_max: 250
    area_use_max: 1500
    lifetime: 25
      data: 1350
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

✨ Interlude: inheriting from technology groups

You will notice that the above technologies inherit interest_rate_setter. Inheritance allows us to avoid excessive repetition in our model definition. In this case, interest_rate_setter defines an interest rate that will be used to annualise any investment costs the technology defines.

Technologies can inherit from anything defined in tech_groups, while nodes can inherit from anything in node_groups. items in [tech/node]_groups can also inherit from each other, so you can create inheritance chains.

interest_rate_setter looks like this:

      data: 0.10
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

Conversion technologies

The example model defines two conversion technologies.

The first is boiler (natural gas boiler), which serves as an example of a simple conversion technology with one input carrier and one output carrier. Its only constraints are the cost of built capacity (costs.monetary.flow_cap), a constraint on its maximum built capacity (constraints.flow_cap_max), and a carrier conversion efficiency (flow_out_eff).

The layout of a conversion technology which has one carrier input and output
The layout of a simple conversion technology, in this case `boiler`, which has one carrier input and output, a carrier conversion efficiency ($flow_{eff}^{out}$), and a constraint on its maximum built $flow_{cap}$ (which puts an upper limit on $flow_{out}$).

The definition of this technology in the example model's configuration looks as follows:

    name: "Natural gas boiler"
    color: "#8E2999"
    base_tech: conversion
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_in: gas
    carrier_out: heat
      data: 600
      index: heat
      dims: carriers
    flow_out_eff: 0.85
    lifetime: 25
      data: 0.004 # .4p/kWh
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

There are a few things to note. First, boiler defines a name and a color (given as an HTML color code). These can be used when visualising your results. Second, it specifies its base_tech, conversion, its inflow carrier gas, and its outflow carrier heat, thus setting itself up as a gas to heat conversion technology. This is followed by the definition of constraining parameters and costs; the only cost class used is monetary but this is where other "costs", such as emissions, could be defined.

The second technology is chp (combined heat and power), and serves as an example of a possible conversion_plus technology making use of two output carriers.

The layout of a more complex node which makes use of multiple output carriers.
The layout of a more complex node which makes use of multiple output carriers.

This definition in the example model's configuration is more verbose:

    name: "Combined heat and power"
    color: "#E4AB97"
    base_tech: conversion
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_in: gas
    carrier_out: [electricity, heat]
    carrier_export: electricity
      data: 1500
      index: electricity
      dims: carriers
      data: 0.405
      index: electricity
      dims: carriers
    heat_to_power_ratio: 0.8
    lifetime: 25
      data: 750
      index: [[monetary, electricity]]
      dims: [costs, carriers]
      data: 0.004 # .4p/kWh for 4500 operating hours/year
      index: [[monetary, electricity]]
      dims: [costs, carriers]

Again, chp has the definitions for name, color, base_tech, and carrier_in/out. It has two carriers defined for its outflow. Note the parameter heat_to_power_ratio, which we set to 0.8. We will use this to create a link between the two output carriers. More importantly, it is a custom parameter - Calliope itself does not define heat_to_power_ratio Therefore, for now, it will not have any effect - we need to introduce our own custom math. In this case, we want to ensure that 0.8 units of heat are produced every time a unit of electricity is produced. Furthermore, while producing these units of energy - both electricity and heat - we want to ensure that gas consumption is only a function of electricity output.

✨ Interlude: custom math

The base Calliope math does not have the capacity to handle our chp technology definition from above. By default, setting two output carriers would mean that the choice is between those technologies (e.g., a heat pump that can produce heat or cooling). To ensure our chp will be constrained as we expect, we add custom math:

    description: Fix the relationship between heat and electricity output
    foreach: [nodes, techs, timesteps]
    where: "[chp] in techs"
      - expression: flow_out[carriers=electricity] * heat_to_power_ratio == flow_out[carriers=heat]

    # Remove the link between CHP inflow and heat outflow (now dealt with in `link_chp_outputs`)
      - where: "NOT [chp] in techs"
        expression: sum(flow_out_inc_eff, over=carriers) == sum(flow_in_inc_eff, over=carriers)
      - where: "[chp] in techs"
        expression: flow_out_inc_eff[carriers=electricity] == sum(flow_in_inc_eff, over=carriers)

There are two things we have to do:

  1. Create a link between heat and electricity outflow. They both are produced simultaneously. We may prefer to have the heat output be set to a maximum equal to the heat_to_power_ratio, in which case the expression would become:

    flow_out[carriers=electricity] * heat_to_power_ratio >= flow_out[carriers=heat]

  2. Unlink heat output from gas output. This requires updating a constraint that already exists in the base math. It is important that you understand the contents of the base math before you add custom math, to ensure you can override the math there appropriately.

Demand technologies

You always need demand for your carriers in a model. These move carriers out of the modelled system and are required for overall energy balance (energy into the system = energy out of the system).

    name: "Electrical demand"
    color: "#072486"
    base_tech: demand
    carrier_in: electricity

    name: "Heat demand"
    color: "#660507"
    base_tech: demand
    carrier_in: heat

Transmission technologies

In this district, electricity and heat can be distributed between nodes. Gas is made available in each node without consideration of transmission.

A transmission technology with the options for flow efficiency and flow capacity
A transmission technology with the options for flow efficiency ($flow_{eff}^{out}$ and $flow_{eff}^{in}$) and flow capacity ($flow_{cap}$).
    from: X1
    to: X2
    inherit: power_lines
    distance: 10
    from: X1
    to: X3
    inherit: power_lines
    distance: 5
    from: X1
    to: N1
    inherit: heat_pipes
    distance: 3
    from: N1
    to: X2
    inherit: heat_pipes
    distance: 3
    from: N1
    to: X3
    inherit: heat_pipes
    distance: 4

To avoid excessive duplication in model definition, our transmission technologies inherit most of the their parameters from technology groups:

    name: "Electrical power distribution"
    color: "#6783E3"
    base_tech: transmission
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_in: electricity
    carrier_out: electricity
    flow_cap_max: 2000
    flow_out_eff: 0.98
    lifetime: 25
      data: 0.01
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

    name: "District heat distribution"
    color: "#823739"
    base_tech: transmission
    inherit: interest_rate_setter
    carrier_in: heat
    carrier_out: heat
    flow_cap_max: 2000
    flow_out_eff_per_distance: 0.975
    lifetime: 25
      data: 0.3
      index: monetary
      dims: costs

power_lines has an efficiency of 0.95, so a loss during transmission of 0.05. heat_pipes has a loss rate per unit distance of 2.5%/unit distance (or flow_out_eff_per_distance of 97.5%). Over the distance between the two locations of 0.5km (0.5 units of distance), this translates to \(2.5^{0.5}\) = 1.58% loss rate.


In order to translate the model requirements shown in this section's introduction into a model definition, four nodes (i.e. geographic locations) are used: X1, X2, X3, and N1.

The technologies are set up at these nodes as follows:

Nodes and their technologies in the example model
Nodes and their technologies in the example model.

Let's now look at the first location definition:

      supply_grid_power: 100 # cost of transformers
    available_area: 500
    latitude: 51.4596158
    longitude: -0.1613446

There are several things to note here:

  • The node specifies a dictionary of technologies that it allows (techs), with each key of the dictionary referring to the name of technologies defined in our techs.yaml file. Technologies listed here must have been defined elsewhere in the model configuration.
  • It also overrides some options for both demand_electricity, demand_heat, and supply_grid_power. For grid supply, it sets a node-specific cost. For demands, the options set here are related to reading the demand time series from a CSV file. CSV is a simple text-based format that stores tables by comma-separated rows. We did not define any sink option in the definition of these demands. Instead, this is done directly via a node-specific override.

  • Coordinates are defined, but they will not be used for anything in the model as we have already defined the distance along links when we defined our transmission technologies. Coordinates are therefore only useful for geospatial visualisations.

  • An available_area is defined, which will limit the maximum area of all area_use technologies to the e.g. roof space available at our node. In this case, we just have pv, but the case where solar thermal panels compete with photovoltaic panels for space, this would limit the sum of the two to the available area.

The remaining nodes look similar:

          data: 43.1 # different boiler costs
          index: [[monetary, heat]]
          dims: [costs, carriers]
          data: -0.0203 # revenue for just producing electricity
          index: monetary
          dims: costs
          data: -0.0491 # FIT return for PV export
          index: monetary
          dims: costs
    available_area: 1300
    latitude: 51.4652373
    longitude: -0.1141548

          data: 78 # different boiler costs
          index: [[monetary, heat]]
          dims: [costs, carriers]
        flow_cap_max: 50 # changing tariff structure below 50kW
          data: -80.5 # reimbursement per kWp from FIT
          index: monetary
          dims: costs
    available_area: 900
    latitude: 51.4287016
    longitude: -0.1310635

X2 and X3 are very similar to X1, except that they do not connect to the national electricity grid, nor do they contain the chp technology. Specific pv cost structures are also given, emulating e.g. commercial vs. domestic feed-in tariffs.

N1 differs to the others by virtue of containing no technologies. It acts as a branching station for the heat network, allowing connections to one or both of X2 and X3 without double counting the pipeline from X1 to N1:

  N1: # node for branching heat transmission network
    latitude: 51.4450766
    longitude: -0.1247183

Revenue by export

You will have seen that both the chp and pv technologies define an export carrier (carrier_export). This means they can export their produced electricity directly out of the system as well as using it to meet demands within the system. Since export "cost" is a negative value for both technologies, they can accrue revenue by exporting electricity.

The revenue from PV export varies depending on location, emulating the different feed-in tariff structures that might exist between e.g. commercial and domestic properties. In domestic properties, the revenue is generated by simply having the installation (per kW installed capacity), as export is not metered. Export is metered in commercial properties, thus revenue is generated directly from export (per kWh exported). The revenue generated by CHP depends on the electricity grid wholesale price per kWh, being 80% of that. Therefore, the export "cost" for CHP is loaded from a CSV file of time-varying values. These revenue possibilities are reflected in the technologies' and locations' definitions.

Where to go next

To try loading and solving the model yourself, move on to the accompanying notebook here. You can also find a list of all the example models available in Calliope here.