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Generating scripts to repeatedly run variations of a model

scenarios-and-overrides can be used to run a given model multiple times with slightly changed settings or constraints.

This functionality can be used together with the calliope generate_runs and calliope generate_scenarios command-line tools to generate scripts that run a model many times over in a fully automated way, for example, to explore the effect of different technology costs on model results.

Generate runs

calliope generate_runs, at a minimum, must be given the following arguments:

  • the model configuration file to use
  • the name of the script to create
  • --kind: Currently, three options are available. windows creates a Windows batch (.bat) script that runs all models sequentially, bash creates an equivalent script to run on Linux or macOS, bsub creates a submission script for a LSF-based high-performance cluster, and sbatch creates a submission script for a SLURM-based high-performance cluster.
  • --scenarios: A semicolon-separated list of scenarios (or overrides/combinations of overrides) to generate scripts for, for example, scenario1;scenario2 or override1,override2a;override1,override2b. Note that when not using manually defined scenario names, a comma is used to group overrides together into a single model -- in the above example, override1,override2a would be applied to the first run and override1,override2b be applied to the second run.

A fully-formed command generating a Windows batch script to run a model four times with each of the scenarios "run1", "run2", "run3", and "run4":

calliope generate_runs model.yaml run_model.bat --kind=windows --scenarios "run1;run2;run3;run4"

Optional arguments are:

  • --cluster_threads: specifies the number of threads to request on a HPC cluster
  • --cluster_mem: specifies the memory to request on a HPC cluster
  • --cluster_time: specifies the run time to request on a HPC cluster
  • --additional_args: A text string of any additional arguments to pass directly through to calliope run in the generated scripts, for example, --additional_args="--debug".
  • --debug: Print additional debug information when running the run generation script.

An example generating a script to run on a bsub-type high-performance cluster, with additional arguments to specify the resources to request from the cluster:

calliope generate_runs model.yaml --kind=bsub --cluster_mem=1G --cluster_time=100 --cluster_threads=5  --scenarios "run1;run2;run3;run4"

Running this will create two files:

  • The cluster submission script to pass to bsub on the cluster.
  • The accompanying script defining the runs for the cluster to execute.

In all cases, results are saved into the same directory as the script, with filenames of the form out_{run_number}_{scenario_name}.nc, where {run_number} is the run number and {scenario_name} is the name of the scenario (or the string defining the overrides applied). On a cluster, log files are saved to files with names starting with log_ in the same directory.

Generate scenarios

The calliope generate_scenarios tool can be used to quickly generate a file with scenarios definition for inclusion in a model, if a large enough number of overrides exist to make it tedious to manually combine them into scenarios. Assuming that in model.yaml a range of overrides exist that specify a subset of time for the years 2000 through 2010, called "y2000" through "y2010", and a set of cost-related overrides called "cost_low", "cost_medium" and "cost_high", the following command would generate scenarios with combinations of all years and cost overrides, calling them "run_1", "run_2", and so on, and saving them to scenarios.yaml:

calliope generate_scenarios model.yaml scenarios.yaml y2000;y2001;y2002;2003;y2004;y2005;y2006;2007;2008;y2009;2010 cost_low;cost_medium;cost_high --scenario_name_prefix="run_"