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Indexed parameters (parameters)ΒΆ

Some data is not indexed over technologies / nodes. This data can be defined under the top-level key parameters. This could be a single value:

    my_param: 10

or (equivalent):

        data: 10

which can then be accessed in the model inputs model.inputs.my_param and used in custom math as my_param.

Or, it can be indexed over one or more model dimension(s):

        data: 100
        index: monetary
        dims: costs
        data: [2, 10]
        index: [[monetary, electricity], [monetary, heat]]  # (1)!
        dims: [costs, carriers]
  1. The length of the inner index lists is equal to the length of dims. The length of the outer list is equal to the length of data.

which can be accessed in the model inputs and custom math, e.g., model.inputs.my_multiindexed_param.sel(costs="monetary") and my_multiindexed_param.

You can also index over a new dimension:

        data: 100
        index: my_index_val
        dims: my_new_dim

Which will add the new dimension my_new_dim to your model: model.inputs.my_new_dim which you could choose to build a math component over: foreach: [my_new_dim].


The parameter section should not be used for large datasets (e.g., indexing over the time dimension) as it will have a high memory overhead on loading the data.