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Bases: dict

A subclass of dict with key access by attributes::

d = AttrDict({'a': 1, 'b': 2})
d.a == 1  # True

Includes a range of additional methods to read and write to YAML, and to deal with nested keys.

Source code in src/calliope/
def __init__(self, source_dict=None):

    if source_dict is not None:
        if isinstance(source_dict, dict):
            raise ValueError("Must pass a dict to AttrDict")


Return the AttrDict as a pure dict (with nested dicts if necessary).

Source code in src/calliope/
def as_dict(self, flat=False):
    Return the AttrDict as a pure dict (with nested dicts if

    if flat:
        return self.as_dict_flat()
        return self.as_dict_nested()


Source code in src/calliope/
def as_dict_flat(self):
    d = {}
    keys = self.keys_nested()
    for k in keys:
        d[k] = self.get_key(k)
    return d


Source code in src/calliope/
def as_dict_nested(self):
    d = {}
    for k, v in self.items():
        if isinstance(v, AttrDict):
            d[k] = v.as_dict()
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            d[k] = [i if not isinstance(i, AttrDict) else i.as_dict() for i in v]
            d[k] = v
    return d


Override copy method so that it returns an AttrDict

Source code in src/calliope/
def copy(self):
    """Override copy method so that it returns an AttrDict"""
    return AttrDict(self.as_dict().copy())


Delete the given key. Properly deals with nested keys.

Source code in src/calliope/
def del_key(self, key):
    """Delete the given key. Properly deals with nested keys."""
    if "." in key:
        key, remainder = key.split(".", 1)
            del self[key][remainder]
        except KeyError:

        # If we removed the last subkey, delete the parent key too
        if len(self[key].keys()) == 0:
            del self[key]

        del self[key]

from_yaml(filename, resolve_imports=True) classmethod

Returns an AttrDict initialized from the given path or file object f, which must point to a YAML file. The path can be a string or a pathlib.Path.


Name Type Description Default
filename str | Path
resolve_imports bool | str

If resolve_imports is True, top-level import: statements are resolved recursively. If resolve_imports is False, top-levelimport:statements are treated like any other key and not further processed. Ifresolve_importsis a string, such asfoobar, import statements underneath that key are resolved, i.e.foobar.import:``. When resolving import statements, anything defined locally overrides definitions in the imported file.


Returns: calliope.AttrDict:

Source code in src/calliope/
def from_yaml(
    cls, filename: str | Path, resolve_imports: bool | str = True
) -> Self:
    Returns an AttrDict initialized from the given path or
    file object ``f``, which must point to a YAML file. The path can
    be a string or a pathlib.Path.

        filename (str | pathlib.Path):
        resolve_imports (bool | str, optional):
            If ``resolve_imports`` is True, top-level ``import:`` statements
            are resolved recursively.
            If ``resolve_imports is False, top-level ``import:`` statements
            are treated like any other key and not further processed.
            If ``resolve_imports`` is a string, such as ``foobar``, import
            statements underneath that key are resolved, i.e. ``foobar.import:``.
            When resolving import statements, anything defined locally
            overrides definitions in the imported file.
    filename = Path(filename)
    loaded = cls(_yaml_load(filename.read_text(encoding="utf-8")))
    loaded = cls._resolve_imports(loaded, resolve_imports, filename)
    return loaded

from_yaml_string(string, resolve_imports=True) classmethod

Returns an AttrDict initialized from the given string.

Input string must be valid YAML.


Name Type Description Default
string str

Valid YAML string.

resolve_imports bool | str

If resolve_imports is True, top-level import: statements are resolved recursively. If resolve_imports is False, top-levelimport:statements are treated like any other key and not further processed. Ifresolve_importsis a string, such asfoobar, import statements underneath that key are resolved, i.e.foobar.import:``. When resolving import statements, anything defined locally overrides definitions in the imported file.


Returns: calliope.AttrDict:

Source code in src/calliope/
def from_yaml_string(cls, string: str, resolve_imports: bool | str = True) -> Self:
    Returns an AttrDict initialized from the given string.

    Input string must be valid YAML.

        string (str): Valid YAML string.
        resolve_imports (bool | str, optional):
            If ``resolve_imports`` is True, top-level ``import:`` statements
            are resolved recursively.
            If ``resolve_imports is False, top-level ``import:`` statements
            are treated like any other key and not further processed.
            If ``resolve_imports`` is a string, such as ``foobar``, import
            statements underneath that key are resolved, i.e. ``foobar.import:``.
            When resolving import statements, anything defined locally
            overrides definitions in the imported file.

    loaded = cls(_yaml_load(string))
    loaded = cls._resolve_imports(loaded, resolve_imports)
    return loaded

get_key(key, default=_MISSING)

Looks up the given key. Like set_key(), deals with nested keys.

If default is anything but _MISSING, the given default is returned if the key does not exist.

Source code in src/calliope/
def get_key(self, key, default=_MISSING):
    Looks up the given ``key``. Like set_key(), deals with nested

    If default is anything but ``_MISSING``, the given default is
    returned if the key does not exist.

    if "." in key:
        # Nested key of form ""
        key, remainder = key.split(".", 1)
        if default != _MISSING:
                value = self[key].get_key(remainder, default)
            except KeyError:
                # subdict exists, but doesn't contain key
                return default
            except AttributeError:
                # key points to non-dict thing, so no get_key attribute
                return default
            value = self[key].get_key(remainder)
        # Single, non-nested key of form "foo"
        if default != _MISSING:
            return self.get(key, default)
            return self[key]
    return value


Initialize a new AttrDict from the given dict. Handles any nested dicts by turning them into AttrDicts too::

d = AttrDict({'a': 1, 'b': {'x': 1, 'y': 2}})
d.b.x == 1  # True
Source code in src/calliope/
def init_from_dict(self, d):
    Initialize a new AttrDict from the given dict. Handles any
    nested dicts by turning them into AttrDicts too::

        d = AttrDict({'a': 1, 'b': {'x': 1, 'y': 2}})
        d.b.x == 1  # True

    for k, v in d.items():
        # First, keys must be strings, not ints
        if isinstance(k, int):
            k = str(k)

        # Now, assign to the key, handling nested AttrDicts properly
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            self.set_key(k, AttrDict(v))
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            # Modifying the list in-place so that if it is a modified
            # list subclass, e.g. CommentedSeq, it is not killed
            for i in range(len(v)):
                if isinstance(v[i], dict):
                    v[i] = AttrDict(v[i])
            self.set_key(k, v)
            self.set_key(k, v)


Returns all keys in the AttrDict, sorted, including the keys of nested subdicts (which may be either regular dicts or AttrDicts).

If subkeys_as='list' (default), then a list of all keys is returned, in the form ['a', 'b.b1', 'b.b2'].

If subkeys_as='dict', a list containing keys and dicts of subkeys is returned, in the form ['a', {'b': ['b1', 'b2']}].

Source code in src/calliope/
def keys_nested(self, subkeys_as="list"):
    Returns all keys in the AttrDict, sorted, including the keys of
    nested subdicts (which may be either regular dicts or AttrDicts).

    If ``subkeys_as='list'`` (default), then a list of
    all keys is returned, in the form ``['a', 'b.b1', 'b.b2']``.

    If ``subkeys_as='dict'``, a list containing keys and dicts of
    subkeys is returned, in the form ``['a', {'b': ['b1', 'b2']}]``.

    keys = []
    for k, v in sorted(self.items()):
        # Check if dict instance (which AttrDict is too),
        # and for non-emptyness of the dict
        if isinstance(v, dict) and v:
            if subkeys_as == "list":
                keys.extend([k + "." + kk for kk in v.keys_nested()])
            elif subkeys_as == "dict":
                keys.append({k: v.keys_nested(subkeys_as=subkeys_as)})
    return keys

set_key(key, value)

Set the given key to the given value. Handles nested keys, e.g.::

d = AttrDict()
d.set_key('', 1) == 1  # True
Source code in src/calliope/
def set_key(self, key, value):
    Set the given ``key`` to the given ``value``. Handles nested
    keys, e.g.::

        d = AttrDict()
        d.set_key('', 1) == 1  # True

    if isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, AttrDict):
        value = AttrDict(value)
    if "." in key:
        key, remainder = key.split(".", 1)
            self[key].set_key(remainder, value)
        except KeyError:
            self[key] = AttrDict()
            self[key].set_key(remainder, value)
        except AttributeError:
            if self[key] is None:  # If the value is None, we replace it
                self[key] = AttrDict()
                self[key].set_key(remainder, value)
            # Else there is probably something there, and we don't just
            # want to overwrite so stop and warn the user
                raise KeyError("Cannot set nested key on non-dict key.")
        if key in self and isinstance(value, AttrDict):
            for k, v in value.items():
                self[key].set_key(k, v)
            self[key] = value


Saves the AttrDict to the path as a YAML file, or returns a YAML string if path is None.

Source code in src/calliope/
def to_yaml(self, path=None):
    Saves the AttrDict to the ``path`` as a YAML file, or returns
    a YAML string if ``path`` is None.

    result = self.copy()
    yaml_ = ruamel_yaml.YAML()
    yaml_.indent = 2
    yaml_.block_seq_indent = 0

    # Numpy objects should be converted to regular Python objects,
    # so that they are properly displayed in the resulting YAML output
    for k in result.keys_nested():
        # Convert numpy numbers to regular python ones
        v = result.get_key(k)
        if isinstance(v, np.floating):
            result.set_key(k, float(v))
        elif isinstance(v, np.integer):
            result.set_key(k, int(v))
        # Lists are turned into seqs so that they are formatted nicely
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            result.set_key(k, yaml_.seq(v))

    result = result.as_dict()

    if path is not None:
        with open(path, "w") as f:
            yaml_.dump(result, f)
        stream = io.StringIO()
        yaml_.dump(result, stream)
        return stream.getvalue()

union(other, allow_override=False, allow_replacement=False, allow_subdict_override_with_none=False)

Merges the AttrDict in-place with the passed other AttrDict. Keys in other take precedence, and nested keys are properly handled.

If allow_override is False, a KeyError is raised if other tries to redefine an already defined key.

If allow_replacement, allow "REPLACE" key to replace an entire sub-dict.

If allow_subdict_override_with_none is False (default), a key of the form this.that: None in other will be ignored if subdicts exist in self like 1, rather than wiping them.

Source code in src/calliope/
def union(
    Merges the AttrDict in-place with the passed ``other``
    AttrDict. Keys in ``other`` take precedence, and nested keys
    are properly handled.

    If ``allow_override`` is False, a KeyError is raised if
    other tries to redefine an already defined key.

    If ``allow_replacement``, allow "_REPLACE_" key to replace an
    entire sub-dict.

    If ``allow_subdict_override_with_none`` is False (default),
    a key of the form ``this.that: None`` in other will be ignored
    if subdicts exist in self like `` 1``, rather
    than wiping them.

    self_keys = self.keys_nested()
    other_keys = other.keys_nested()
    if allow_replacement:
        WIPE_KEY = "_REPLACE_"
        override_keys = [k for k in other_keys if WIPE_KEY not in k]
        wipe_keys = [
            k.split("." + WIPE_KEY)[0] for k in other_keys if WIPE_KEY in k
        override_keys = other_keys
        wipe_keys = []
    for k in override_keys:
        if not allow_override and k in self_keys:
            raise KeyError("Key defined twice: {}".format(k))
            other_value = other.get_key(k)
            # If other value is None, and would overwrite an entire subdict,
            # we skip it
            if not (
                other_value is None and isinstance(self.get_key(k, None), AttrDict)
                self.set_key(k, other_value)
    for k in wipe_keys:
        self.set_key(k, other.get_key(k + "." + WIPE_KEY))