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Exceptions and Warning handling.

formatwarning_orig = warnings.formatwarning module-attribute


Bases: Exception


Bases: Warning


Bases: Exception

ModelErrors should stop execution of the model, e.g. due to a problem with the model formulation or input data.


Bases: Warning

ModelWarnings should be raised for possible model errors, but where execution can still continue.

print_warnings_and_raise_errors(warnings=None, errors=None, during='model processing', bullet=' * ')

Concatenate collections of warnings/errors and print (warnings) / raise ModelError (errors) with a bullet point list of the concatenated collections.

Lists will return simple bullet lists: E.g. warnings=["foo", "bar"] becomes:

Possible issues found during model processing:
* foo
* bar

Dicts of lists will return nested bullet lists: E.g. errors={"foo": ["foobar", "foobaz"]} becomes:

Errors during model processing:
* foo
    * foobar
    * foobaz


Name Type Description Default
warnings Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]]

List of warning strings or dictionary of warning strings. If None or an empty list, no warnings will be printed. Defaults to None.

errors Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]]

List of error strings or dictionary of error strings. If None or an empty list, no errors will be raised. Defaults to None.

during str

Substring that will be placed at the top of the concatenated list of warnings/errors to point to during which phase of data processing they occurred. Defaults to "model processing".

'model processing'
bullet str

Type of bullet points to use. Defaults to " * ".

' * '


Type Description

If errors is not None or is a non-empty list/dict

Source code in src/calliope/
def print_warnings_and_raise_errors(
    warnings: Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]] = None,
    errors: Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]] = None,
    during: str = "model processing",
    bullet: str = " * ",
) -> None:
    Concatenate collections of warnings/errors and print (warnings) / raise ModelError (errors) with a bullet point list of the concatenated collections.

    Lists will return simple bullet lists:
    E.g. warnings=["foo", "bar"] becomes:

        Possible issues found during model processing:
        * foo
        * bar

    Dicts of lists will return nested bullet lists:
    E.g. errors={"foo": ["foobar", "foobaz"]} becomes:

        Errors during model processing:
        * foo
            * foobar
            * foobaz

        warnings (Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]], optional):
            List of warning strings or dictionary of warning strings.
            If None or an empty list, no warnings will be printed.
            Defaults to None.
        errors (Optional[Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]], optional):
            List of error strings or dictionary of error strings.
            If None or an empty list, no errors will be raised.
            Defaults to None.
        during (str, optional):
            Substring that will be placed at the top of the concatenated list of warnings/errors to point to during which phase of data processing they occurred.
            Defaults to "model processing".
        bullet (str, optional): Type of bullet points to use. Defaults to " * ".

        ModelError: If errors is not None or is a non-empty list/dict

    spacer = " " * len(bullet)

    def _sort_strings(stringlist: list[str]) -> list[str]:
        return sorted(list(set(stringlist)))

    def _predicate(string_: str) -> bool:
        return not string_.startswith((bullet, spacer))

    def _indenter(strings: Union[list[str], dict[str, list[str]]]) -> str:
        if isinstance(strings, dict):
            sorted_strings = []
            for k, v in strings.items():
                sorted_strings.append(str(k) + ":")
                sorted_strings.extend(_sort_strings([spacer + bullet + i for i in v]))
            sorted_strings = _sort_strings(strings)
        return textwrap.indent("\n".join(sorted_strings), bullet, predicate=_predicate)

    if warnings:
        warn(f"Possible issues found during {during}:\n" + _indenter(warnings))

    if errors:
        raise ModelError(f"Errors during {during}:\n" + _indenter(errors))

    return None

warn(message, _class=ModelWarning)

Source code in src/calliope/
def warn(message, _class=ModelWarning):
    warnings.warn(message, _class)