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Time-varying flow limit


Set per-timestep variations in limits to out/inflows, which would otherwise be limited by a static value. For example, flow_cap can be made to fluctuate per timestep above/below its rated value. User-defined timeseries parameters need to be in the model inputs for these constraints. This can be achieved by defining them for each relevant technology in a CSV file and loading that as a data source.

New indexed parameters:

  • flow_cap_max_relative_per_ts
  • storage_max_relative_per_ts

Helper functions used:

  • sum (expression)

YAML definition

Download the YAML example

    description: >
      Limit flow out in each hour according to a time varying fractional limit
      that is multiplied by the technology flow cap. This represents, for
      instance, the impact of outdoor temperature on the maximum output of a
      technology relative to its rated max output.
    foreach: [nodes, techs, carriers, timesteps]
    where: "flow_cap_max_relative_per_ts"
      - expression: >
          flow_out <=
          flow_cap_max_relative_per_ts * flow_cap * flow_out_parasitic_eff