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Create the Calliope logger object and apply other logging tools/functionality.

LogWriter(logger, level, strip=False)

Custom logger to redirect solver outputs to avoid message duplication.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def __init__(self, logger, level, strip=False):
    "Custom logger to redirect solver outputs to avoid message duplication."
    self.logger = logger
    self.level = level
    self.strip = strip

level = level instance-attribute

logger = logger instance-attribute

strip = strip instance-attribute


Source code in src/calliope/util/
def flush(self):


Source code in src/calliope/util/
def write(self, message):
    if message != "\n":
        if self.strip:
            message = message.strip()
        getattr(self.logger, self.level)(message)

log_time(logger, timings, identifier, comment=None, level='info', time_since_solve_start=False)

Simultaneously log the time of a Calliope event to dictionary and to the logger.


Name Type Description Default
logger Logger

Logger to use for logging the time.

timings dict

Dictionary of model timings.

identifier str

Short description to use as the event key in timings.

comment Optional[str]

Long description of the event. If not given, identifier will be used. Defaults to None.

level str

Level at which to log the event with the logger. Defaults to "info".

time_since_solve_start bool

If True, append comment in log message on the event's time compared to the time since the model was sent to the solver (in seconds). Defaults to False.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def log_time(
    logger: logging.Logger,
    timings: dict,
    identifier: str,
    comment: Optional[str] = None,
    level: str = "info",
    time_since_solve_start: bool = False,
    Simultaneously log the time of a Calliope event to dictionary and to the logger.

        logger (logging.Logger): Logger to use for logging the time.
        timings (dict): Dictionary of model timings.
        identifier (str): Short description to use as the event key in `timings`.
        comment (Optional[str], optional):
            Long description of the event.
            If not given, `identifier` will be used.
            Defaults to None.
        level (str, optional): Level at which to log the event with the `logger`. Defaults to "info".
        time_since_solve_start (bool, optional):
            If True, append comment in log message on the event's time compared to the time since the model was sent to the solver (in seconds).
            Defaults to False.
    if comment is None:
        comment = identifier

    timings[identifier] = now =

    if time_since_solve_start and "solve_start" in timings:
        time_diff = now - timings["solve_start"]
        comment += f". Time since start of solving optimisation problem: {time_diff}"

    getattr(logger, level.lower())(comment)

set_log_verbosity(verbosity, include_solver_output=True, capture_warnings=True)

Set the verbosity of logging and setup the root logger to log to console (stdout) with timestamp output formatting.


Name Type Description Default
verbosity str | int

Logging level to use in all Calliope loggers. Can be a string (e.g. INFO, DEBUG) or an integer (e.g. 20 is equivalent to INFO). See for more information.

include_solver_output bool

If True, the logging level for just the backend model is set to DEBUG, which turns on display of solver output. Defaults to True.

capture_warnings bool

If True, capture Python warnings in the logger (at the WARNING level). This results in more consistent output when running in Python. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def set_log_verbosity(
    verbosity: str | int,
    include_solver_output: bool = True,
    capture_warnings: bool = True,
    Set the verbosity of logging and setup the root logger to log to
    console (stdout) with timestamp output formatting.

        verbosity (str | int):
            Logging level to use in all Calliope loggers.
            Can be a string (e.g. `INFO`, `DEBUG`) or an integer (e.g. `20` is equivalent to `INFO`).
            See for more information.
        include_solver_output (bool, optional):
            If True, the logging level for just the backend model is set to
            DEBUG, which turns on display of solver output.
            Defaults to True.
        capture_warnings (bool, optional):
            If True, capture Python warnings in the logger (at the `WARNING` level).
            This results in more consistent output when running in Python.
            Defaults to True.
    if isinstance(verbosity, str):
        verbosity = verbosity.upper()
    backend_logger = logging.getLogger("calliope.backend.backend_model.<solve>")
    if include_solver_output is True:

    setup_root_logger(verbosity=verbosity, capture_warnings=capture_warnings)

setup_root_logger(verbosity, capture_warnings=True)

Setup Calliope root logger.

Here, we set the logger format, clear any existing "handlers", set the Calliope-wide logging level (i.e. verbosity), and optionally fold in python warnings into logging.


Name Type Description Default
verbosity str | int

Logging level to use in all Calliope loggers. Can be a string (e.g. INFO, DEBUG) or an integer (e.g. 20 is equivalent to INFO). See for more information.

capture_warnings bool

If True, capture Python warnings in the logger (at the WARNING level). This results in more consistent output when running in Python. Defaults to True.



Type Description

logging.Logger: Calliope root logger with all setup applied.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def setup_root_logger(
    verbosity: str | int, capture_warnings: bool = True
) -> logging.Logger:
    """Setup Calliope root logger.

    Here, we set the logger format, clear any existing "handlers",
    set the Calliope-wide logging level (i.e. verbosity), and optionally fold in python warnings into logging.

        verbosity (str | int):
            Logging level to use in all Calliope loggers.
            Can be a string (e.g. `INFO`, `DEBUG`) or an integer (e.g. `20` is equivalent to `INFO`).
            See for more information.
        capture_warnings (bool, optional):
            If True, capture Python warnings in the logger (at the `WARNING` level).
            This results in more consistent output when running in Python.
            Defaults to True.

        logging.Logger: Calliope root logger with all setup applied.
    root_logger = logging.getLogger("calliope")  # Get the root logger

    # Remove any existing output handlers from root logger
    if root_logger.hasHandlers():

    # Create a console log handler with decent formatting and attach it
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s", datefmt=_time_format
    console = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)

    if capture_warnings:

    return root_logger