Source code for

Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Functions to read saved model results.


import glob
import logging
import os

import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

from .utils import AttrDict

REQUIRED_TABLES = ['capacity_factor', 'levelized_cost',
                   'metadata', 'groups', 'shares', 'summary',

def _check(path, solution):
    # Superficial check if some key tables are missing
    missing_keys = set(REQUIRED_TABLES) - set(solution.data_vars)
    if len(missing_keys) > 0:
        logging.warning('Solution {} missing tables: '
                        '{}'.format(path, missing_keys))

[docs]def read_netcdf(path): """Read model solution from NetCDF4 file""" with xr.open_dataset(path) as solution: solution.load() # Deserialize YAML attributes for k in ['config_model', 'config_run']: solution.attrs[k] = AttrDict.from_yaml_string(solution.attrs[k]) _check(path, solution) return solution
def read_csv(directory): solution = AttrDict() tables_to_read = glob.glob(directory + '/*.csv') if len(tables_to_read) == 0: raise IOError('No CSV files found') # Only keep basenames without extension tables_to_read = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0] for f in tables_to_read] arrays = {} for f in tables_to_read: src = os.path.join(directory, f + '.csv') cols = pd.read_csv(src, nrows=1).columns series = pd.read_csv(src, index_col=list(range(len(cols) - 1)), parse_dates=True, squeeze=True) # Make everything except the last column a MultiIndex arrays[f] = xr.DataArray.from_series(series) solution = xr.Dataset(arrays) # Restore metadata from YAML md = AttrDict.from_yaml(os.path.join(directory, 'metadata.yaml')) for k in md.keys(): solution.attrs[k] = md[k] _check(directory, solution) return solution def _detect_format(directory): """Detects format, falling back to CSV if it can't find NetCDF4""" if os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory, '')): return 'netcdf' else: return 'csv'
[docs]def read_dir(directory): """Combines output files from `directory` and return an AttrDict containing them all. If a solution is missing or there is an error reading it, an empty AttrDict is added to the results in its stead and the error is logged. """ results = AttrDict() results.iterations = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(directory, 'iterations.csv'), index_col=0) = AttrDict() for i in results.iterations.index.tolist(): iteration_dir = os.path.join(directory, '{:0>4d}'.format(i)) fmt = _detect_format(iteration_dir) logging.debug('Iteration: {}, Format detected: {}'.format(i, fmt)) try: if fmt == 'netcdf': sol_path = os.path.join(iteration_dir, '')[i] = read_netcdf(sol_path) else: sol_path = iteration_dir[i] = read_csv(sol_path) logging.debug('Read as {}: {}'.format(fmt, sol_path)) except IOError as err: logging.warning('I/O error in `{}` at iteration `{}`' ': {}'.format(iteration_dir, i, err)) #[i] = AttrDict() # add an empty entry continue return results
## # Functionality to post-process parallel runs into aggregated NetCDF files ## def union_of_indexes(indexes): idx = indexes[0] for i in range(len(indexes) - 1): idx = idx.union(indexes[i + 1]) return idx def get_overarching_time_index(datasets): all_time_dims = [v.coords['t'].to_index() for k, v in datasets.items()] return union_of_indexes(all_time_dims) def get_longest_time_index_length(datasets): all_time_dims = [len(v.coords['t'].to_index()) for k, v in datasets.items()] return max(all_time_dims) def results_to_dataset(results, run_name, reset_time_index=False): # Add 'run' dimension for k in[k].coords['run'] = k[k]['run'] = k # Reindex all datasets with reset list of integeres or # union of all time indices # In the first case, all loaded datasets should have roughly the # same length of dimension t (e.g. multiple runs across a single year) if reset_time_index: max_len_idx = list(range(get_longest_time_index_length( for k in[k]['t'] = list(range(len([k]['t'])))[k] =[k].reindex(dict(t=max_len_idx)) else: new_idx = get_overarching_time_index( for k in[k] =[k].reindex(dict(t=new_idx)) ds_results = xr.concat(, dim='run') # Remove metadata for k in list(ds_results.attrs.keys()): if k != 'calliope_version': del ds_results.attrs[k] = 'run' = 'cols_iterations' ds_results['iterations'] = results.iterations ds_results['iterations'] = ds_results.iterations.astype(str) # Force to str # Add run name dimension ds_results['run_name'] = xr.DataArray([run_name], coords={'run_name': [run_name]}) ds_results = ds_results.set_coords('run_name') return ds_results def dir_to_dataset(in_dir, run_name, reset_time_index=False): results = read_dir(in_dir) return results_to_dataset(results, run_name, reset_time_index) def convert_run_dir_to_netcdf(in_dir, out_file, reset_time_index=False): this_dir = os.path.join(in_dir, 'Output') run_name = this_dir.split('/')[-1] ds = dir_to_dataset(this_dir, run_name, reset_time_index) encoding = {k: {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 4} for k in ds.data_vars} ds.to_netcdf(out_file, format='netCDF4', encoding=encoding) ds.close() # Force-close NetCDF file after writing def convert_subdirs_to_netcdfs(in_dir, out_dir, reset_time_index_for_subdirs=None): if reset_time_index_for_subdirs is None: reset_time_index_for_subdirs = [] subdirs = [ i for i in os.listdir(in_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(in_dir, i)) and not i.startswith('.') ] os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) for s in subdirs: if s in reset_time_index_for_subdirs: reset_time_index = True else: reset_time_index = False this_path = os.path.join(in_dir, s) out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, s + '.nc') if os.path.exists(out_file): print('File exists, skipping: {}'.format(out_file)) else: print('Processing {}'.format(this_path)) convert_run_dir_to_netcdf(this_path, out_file, reset_time_index) def combine_subdir_netcdfs(in_dir, out_file): in_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(in_dir, '*.nc')) datasets = [xr.open_dataset(i) for i in in_files] t_idx = get_overarching_time_index(datasets) for i in range(len(datasets)): datasets[i] = datasets[i].reindex(dict(t=t_idx)) ds = xr.concat(datasets, dim='run_name') encoding = {k: {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 4} for k in ds.data_vars} ds.to_netcdf(out_file, format='netCDF4', encoding=encoding) ds.close() # Force-close NetCDF file after writing for d in datasets: d.close()