Model formulation

This section details the mathematical formulation of the different components. For each component, a link to the actual implementing function in the Calliope code is given.

Time-varying vs. constant model parameters

Some model parameters which are defined over the set of time steps t can either given as time series or as constant values. If given as constant values, the same value is used for each time step t. For details on how to define a parameter as time-varying and how to load time series data into it, see the time series description in the model configuration section.

Decision variables


  • s_cap(y, x): installed storage capacity. Supply plus/Storage only
  • r_cap(y, x): installed resource <-> storage conversion capacity
  • e_cap(y, x): installed storage <-> grid conversion capacity (gross)
  • r2_cap(y, x): installed secondary resource conversion capacity
  • r_area(y, x): resource collector area

Unit Commitment

  • r(y, x, t): resource <-> storage/carrier_in (+ production, - consumption)
  • r2(y, x, t): secondary resource -> storage (+ production)
  • c_prod(c, y, x, t): resource/storage/carrier_in -> carrier_out (+ production)
  • c_con(c, y, x, t): resource/storage/carrier_in <- carrier_out (- consumption)
  • s(y, x, t): total energy stored in device
  • export(y, x, t): carrier_out -> export


  • cost(y, x, k): total costs
  • cost_fixed(y, x, k): fixed operation costs
  • cost_var(y, x, k, t): variable operation costs

Objective function (cost minimization)

Provided by: calliope.constraints.objective.objective_cost_minimization()

The default objective function minimizes cost:

\[min: z = \sum_y (weight(y) \times \sum_x cost(y, x, k=k_{m}))\]

where \(k_{m}\) is the monetary cost class.

Alternative objective functions can be used by setting the objective in the model configuration (see Model-wide settings).

weight(y) is 1 by default, but can be adjusted to change the relative weighting of costs of different technologies in the objective, by setting weight on any technology (see Technology).

Basic constraints

Node resource

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_resource()

Defines constraint c_r_available:

\[r_{avail}(y, x, t) = resource(y, x, t) \times r_{scale}(y, x) \times r_{area}(y, x)\]

Which limits the resource flow to supply and supply_plus technologies, or from demand technologies.

For supply:

If the option constraints.force_r is set to true, then

\[\frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)}{e_{eff}(y, x, t)} = r_{avail}(y, x, t)\]

If that option is not set:

\[\frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)}{e_{eff}(y, x, t)} \leq r_{avail}(y, x, t)\]

For demand:

If the option constraints.force_r is set to true, then

\[c_{con}(c, y, x, t) \times e_{eff}(y, x, t) = r_{avail}(y, x, t)\]

If that option is not set:

\[c_{con}(c, y, x, t) \times e_{eff}(y, x, t) \geq r_{avail}(y, x, t)\]

For supply_plus:

If the option constraints.force_r is set to true, then

\[r(y, x, t) = r_{avail}(y, x, t) \times r_{eff}(y, x, t)\]

If that option is not set:

\[r(y, x, t) \leq r_{avail}(y, x, t) \times r_{eff}(y, x, t)\]


For all other technology types, defining a resource is irrelevant, so they are not constrained here.

Node energy balance

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_energy_balance()

Defines nine constraints, which are discussed in turn:

  • c_balance_transmission: energy balance for transmission technologies
  • c_balance_conversion: energy balance for conversion technologies
  • c_balance_conversion_plus: energy balance for conversion_plus technologies
  • c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_out: energy balance for conversion_plus technologies which have a secondary output carriers
  • c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_out: energy balance for conversion_plus technologies which have a tertiary output carriers
  • c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_in: energy balance for conversion_plus technologies which have a secondary input carriers
  • c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_in: energy balance for conversion_plus technologies which have a tertiary input carriers
  • c_balance_supply_plus: energy balance for supply_plus technologies
  • c_balance_storage: energy balance for storage technologies

Transmission balance

Transmission technologies are internally expanded into two technologies per transmission link, of the form technology_name:destination.

For example, if the technology hvdc is defined and connects region_1 to region_2, the framework will internally create a technology called hvdc:region_2 which exists in region_1 to connect it to region_2, and a technology called hvdc:region_1 which exists in region_2 to connect it to region_1.

The balancing for transmission technologies is given by

\[c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) = -1 \times c_{con}(c, y_{remote}, x_{remote}, t) \times e_{eff}(y, x, t) \times e_{eff,perdistance}(y, x)\]

Here, \(x_{remote}, y_{remote}\) are x and y at the remote end of the transmission technology. For example, for (y, x) = ('hvdc:region_2', 'region_1'), the remotes would be ('hvdc:region_1', 'region_2').

\(c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)\) for c='power', y='hvdc:region_2', x='region_1' would be the import of power from region_2 to region_1, via a hvdc connection, at time t.

This also shows that transmission technologies can have both a static or time-dependent efficiency (line loss), \(e_{eff}(y, x, t)\), and a distance-dependent efficiency, \(e_{eff,perdistance}(y, x)\).

For more detail on distance-dependent configuration see Model configuration.

Conversion balance

The conversion balance is given by

\[c_{prod}(c_{out}, y, x, t) = -1 \times c_{con}(c_{in}, y, x, t) \times e_{eff}(y, x, t)\]

The principle is similar to that of the transmission balance. The production of carrier \(c_{out}\) (the carrier_out option set for the conversion technology) is driven by the consumption of carrier \(c_{in}\) (the carrier_in option set for the conversion technology).

Conversion_plus balance

Conversion plus technologies can have several carriers in and several carriers out, leading to a more complex production/consumption balance.

For the primary carrier(s), the balance is:

\[\sum\limits_{c_{out_1}} \frac{c_{prod}(c_{out_1}, y, x, t) }{carrier_{fraction}(c_{out_1})} = -1 \times \sum\limits_{c_{in_1}} c_{con}(c_{in_1}, y, x, t) \times carrier_{fraction}(c_{in_1}) \times e_{eff}(x, y, t)\]

Where c_{out_1} and c_{in_1} are the sets of primary production and consumption carriers, respectively and carrier_{fraction} is the relative contribution of these carriers, as defined in ??.

The remaining constraints (c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_out, c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_out, c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_in, c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_in) link the input/output of the technology secondary and tertiary carriers to the primary consumption/production.

For production:

\[\sum\limits_{c_{out_1}} \frac{c_{prod}}{\frac{(c_{out_1}, y, x, t)}{carrier_{fraction}(c_{out_1})}} \times min(carrier_{fraction}(c_{out_x}))= \sum\limits_{c_{out_x}} c_{prod}(c_{out_x}, y, x, t) \times \frac{carrier_{fraction}(c_{out_x})}{min(carrier_{fraction}(c_{out_x}))}\]

For consumption:

\[\sum\limits_{c_{in_1}} \frac{c_{con}(c_{in_1}, y, x, t) }{carrier_{fraction}(c_{in_1})} \times min(carrier_{fraction}(c_{in_x}))= \sum\limits_{c_{in_x}} c_{con}(c_{in_x}, y, x, t) \times \frac{carrier_{fraction}(c_{in_x})}{min(carrier_{fraction}(c_{in_x}))}\]

Where x is either 2 (secondary carriers) or 3 (tertiary carriers).


The conversion_plus technology is still experimental and may not cover all edge cases as intended. Please raise an issue on GitHub if you see unexpected behavior. It is also possible to use a combination of several regular conversion technologies to achieve some of the behaviors covered by conversion_plus, but at the expense of model complexity.

Supply_plus balance

Supply_plus technologies are supply technologies with more control over resource flow. You can have multiple resources, a resource capacity, and storage of resource before it is converted to the primary carrier_out.

If storage is possible:

\[s(y, x, t) = s_{minusone} + r(y, x, t) + r_{2}(y, x, t) - c_{prod}\]


\[r(y, x, t) = c_{prod} - r_{2}\]


\(c_{prod}\) is defined as \(\frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)}{total_{eff}}\).

\(total_{eff}(y, x, t)\) is defined as \(e_{eff}(y, x, t) + p_{eff}(y, x, t)\), the plant efficiency including parasitic losses

\(r_{2}(y, x, t)\) is the secondary resource and is always set to zero unless the technology explicitly defines a secondary resource.

\(s(y, x, t)\) is the storage level at time \(t\).

\(s_{minusone}\) describes the state of storage at the previous timestep. \(s_{minusone} = s_{init}(y, x)\) at time \(t=0\). Else,

\[s_{minusone} = (1 - s_{loss}) \times timeres(t-1) \times s(y, x, t-1)\]


In operation mode, s_init is carried over from the previous optimization period.

Storage balance

Storage technologies balance energy charge, energy discharge, and energy stored:

\[s(y, x, t) = s_{minusone} - c_{prod} - c_{con}\]


\(c_{prod}\) is defined as \(\frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)}{total_{eff}}\) if \(total_{eff} > 0\), otherwise \(c_{prod} = 0\)

\(c_{con}\) is defined as \(c_{con}(c, y, x, t) \times total_{eff}\)

\(total_{eff}(y, x, t)\) is defined as \(e_{eff}(y, x, t) + p_{eff}(y, x, t)\), the plant efficiency including parasitic losses

\(s(y, x, t)\) is the storage level at time \(t\).

\(s_{minusone}\) describes the state of storage at the previous timestep. \(s_{minusone} = s_{init}(y, x)\) at time \(t=0\). Else,

\[s_{minusone} = (1 - s_{loss}) \times timeres(t-1) \times s(y, x, t-1)\]


In operation mode, s_init is carried over from the previous optimization period.

Node build constraints

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_constraints_build()

Built capacity is managed by six constraints.


This constrains the built storage capacity by:

\[s_{cap}(y, x) \leq s_{cap,max}(y, x)\]

If y.constraints.s_cap.equals is set for location x or the model is running in operational mode, the inequality in the equation above is turned into an equality constraint.

If both \(e_{cap,max}(y, x)\) and \(charge\_rate\) are not given, \(s_{cap}(y, x)\) is automatically set to zero.

If y.constraints.s_time.max is true at location x, then y.constraints.s_time.max and y.constraints.e_cap.max are used to to compute s_cap.max. The minimum value of s_cap.max is taken, based on analysis of all possible time sets which meet the s_time.max value. This allows time-varying efficiency, \(e_{eff}(y, x, t)\) to be accounted for.


This constrains the built resource conversion capacity by:

\[r_{cap}(y, x) \leq r_{cap,max}(y, x)\]

If the model is running in operational mode, the inequality in the equation above is turned into an equality constraint.


This constrains the resource conversion area by:

\[r_{area}(y, x) \leq r_{area,max}(y, x)\]

By default, y.constraints.r_area.max is set to false, and in that case, \(r_{area}(y, x)\) is forced to \(1.0\). If the model is running in operational mode, the inequality in the equation above is turned into an equality constraint. Finally, if y.constraints.r_area_per_e_cap is given, then the equation \(r_{area}(y, x) = e_{cap}(y, x) * r\_area\_per\_cap\) applies instead.


This constrains the carrier conversion capacity by:

\[e_{cap}(y, x) \leq e_{cap,max}(y, x) \times e\_cap\_scale\]

If a technology y is not allowed at a location x, \(e_{cap}(y, x) = 0\) is forced.

y.constraints.e_cap_scale defaults to 1.0 but can be set on a per-technology, per-location basis if necessary.

If y.constraints.e_cap.equals is set for location x or the model is running in operational mode, the inequality in the equation above is turned into an equality constraint.


This constrains the carrier conversion capacity for storage technologies by:

\[e_{cap}(y, x) \leq e_{cap,max}\]

Where \(e_{cap,max} = s_{cap}(y, x) * charge\_rate * e\_cap\_scale\)

y.constraints.e_cap_scale defaults to 1.0 but can be set on a per-technology, per-location basis if necessary.


This manages the secondary resource conversion capacity by:

\[r2_{cap}(y, x) \leq r2_{cap,max}(y, x)\]

If y.constraints.r2_cap.equals is set for location x or the model is running in operational mode, the inequality in the equation above is turned into an equality constraint.

There is an additional relevant option, y.constraints.r2_cap_follows, which can be overridden on a per-location basis. It can be set either to r_cap or e_cap, and if set, sets c_r2_cap to track one of these, ie, \(r2_{cap,max} = r_{cap}(y, x)\) (analogously for e_cap), and also turns the constraint into an equality constraint.

Node operational constraints

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_constraints_operational()

This component ensures that nodes remain within their operational limits, by constraining r, c_prod, c_con, s, r2, and export.


\(r(y, x, t)\) is constrained to remain within \(r_{cap}(y, x)\), with the constraint c_r_max_upper:

\[r(y, x, t) \leq time\_res(t) \times r_{cap}(y, x)\]


\(c_prod(c, y, x, t)\) is constrained by c_prod_max and c_prod_min:

\[c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) \leq time\_res(t) \times e_{cap}(y, x) \times p_{eff}(y, x, t)\]

if c is the carrier_out of y, else \(c_{prod}(c, y, x, y) = 0\).

If e_cap_min_use is defined, the minimum output is constrained by:

\[c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) \geq time\_res(t) \times e_{cap}(y, x) \times e_{cap,minuse} \times p_{eff}(y, x, t)\]

These contraints are skipped for conversion_plus technologies if c is not the primary carrier.


For technologies which are not supply or supply_plus, \(c_con(c, y, x, t)\) is non-zero. Thus \(c_con(c, y, x, t)\) is constrainted by c_con_max:

\[c_{con}(c, y, x, t) \geq -1 \times timeres(t) \times e_{cap}(y, x)\]

and \(c_{con}(c, y, x, t) = 0\) otherwise.

This constraint is skipped for a conversion_plus and conversion technologies If c is a possible consumption carrier (primary, secondary, or tertiary).


The constraint c_s_max ensures that storage cannot exceed its maximum size by

\[s(y, x, t) \leq s_{cap}(y, x)\]


c_r2_max constrains the secondary resource by

\[r2(y, x, t) \leq timeres(t) \times r2_{cap}(y, x)\]

There is an additional check if y.constraints.r2_startup_only is true. In this case, \(r2(y, x, t) = 0\) unless the current timestep is still within the startup time set in the startup_time_bounds model-wide setting. This can be useful to prevent undesired edge effects from occurring in the model.


c_export_max constrains the export of a produced carrier by

\[export(y, x, t) \leq export_{cap}(y, x)\]

Transmission constraints

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_constraints_transmission()

This component provides a single constraint, c_transmission_capacity, which forces \(e_{cap}\) to be symmetric for transmission nodes. For example, for for a given transmission line between \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), using the technology hvdc:

\[e_{cap}(hvdc:x_2, x_1) = e_{cap}(hvdc:x_1, x_2)\]

Node costs

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.node_costs()

These equations compute costs per node.

Weights are adjusted for individual timesteps depending on the timestep reduction methods applied (see Time resolution adjustment), and are given by \(W(t)\) when computing costs.

The depreciation rate for each cost class k is calculated as

\[d(y, k) = \frac{1}{plant\_life(y)}\]

if the interest rate \(i\) is \(0\), else

\[d(y, k) = \frac{i \times (1 + i(y, k))^{plant\_life(k)}}{(1 + i(y, k))^{plant\_life(k)} - 1}\]

Costs are split into fixed and variable costs. The total costs are computed in c_cost by

\[cost(y, x, k) = cost_{fixed}(y, x, k) + \sum\limits_t cost_{var}(y, x, k, t)\]

The fixed costs include construction costs, annual operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, and O&M costs which are a fraction of the construction costs. The total fixed costs are computed in c_cost_fixed by

\[cost_{fixed}(y, x, k) = cost_{con} + cost_{om, frac} \times cost_{con} + cost_{om, fixed} \times e_{cap}(y, x) \times \frac{\sum\limits_t timeres(t) \times W(t)}{8760}\]


\[\begin{split}cost_{con} &= d(y, k) \times \frac{\sum\limits_t timeres(t) \times W(t)}{8760} \\ & \times (cost_{s\_cap}(y, k) \times s_{cap}(y, x) \\ & + cost_{r\_cap}(y, k) \times r_{cap}(y, x) \\ & + cost_{r\_area}(y, k) \times r_{area}(y, x) \\ & + cost_{e\_cap}(y, k) \times e_{cap}(y, x)) \\ & + cost_{r2\_cap}(y, k) \times r2_{cap}(y, x))\end{split}\]

The costs are as defined in the model definition, e.g. \(cost_{r\_cap}(y, k)\) corresponds to y.costs.k.r_cap.

For transmission technologies, \(cost_{e\_cap}(y, k)\) is computed differently, to include the per-distance costs:

\[cost_{e\_cap,transmission}(y, k) = \frac{cost_{e\_cap}(y, k) + cost_{e\_cap,perdistance}(y, k)}{2}\]

This implies that for transmission technologies, the cost of construction is split equally across the two locations connected by the technology.

The variable costs are O&M costs applied at each time step:

\[cost_{var} = cost_{op,var} + cost_{op,fuel} + cost_{op,r2} + cost_{op, export}\]


\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}cost_{op,var} = cost_{om\_var}(k, y, x, t) \times \sum_t W(t) \times c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)\\cost_{op,fuel} = \frac{cost_{om\_fuel}(k, y, x, t) \times \sum_t W(t) \times r(y, x, t)}{r_{eff}(y, x)}\\cost_{op,r2} = \frac{cost_{om\_r2}(k, y, x, t) \times \sum_t W(t) \times r_{2}(y, x, t)}{r2_{eff}(y, x)}\\cost_{op, export} = cost_{export}(k, y, x, t) \times export(y, x, t)\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

If \(cost_{om\_fuel}(k, y, x, t)\) is given for a supply technology and \(e_{eff}(y, x) > 0\) for that technology, then:

\[cost_{op,fuel} =cost_{om\_fuel}(k, y, x, t) \times \sum_t W(t) \times \frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)}{e_{eff}(y, x)}\]

c is the technology primary carrier_out in all cases.

Model balancing constraints

Provided by: calliope.constraints.base.model_constraints()

Model-wide balancing constraints are constructed for nodes that have children:

\[\sum_{y, x \in X_{i}} c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) + \sum_{y, x \in X_{i}} c_{con}(c, y, x, t) = 0 \qquad\forall i, t\]

\(i\) are the level 0 locations, and \(X_{i}\) is the set of level 1 locations (\(x\)) within the given level 0 location, together with that location itself.

There is also the need to ensure that technologies cannot export more energy than they produce:

\[c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) \geq export(y, x, t)\]

Planning constraints

These constraints are loaded automatically, but only when running in planning mode.

System margin

Provided by: calliope.constraints.planning.system_margin()

This is a simplified capacity margin constraint, requiring the capacity to supply a given carrier in the time step with the highest demand for that carrier to be above the demand in that timestep by at least the given fraction:

\[\sum_y \sum_x c_{prod}(c, y, x, t_{max,c}) \times (1 + m_{c}) \leq timeres(t) \times \sum_{y_{c}} \sum_x (e_{cap}(y, x) / e_{eff}(y, x, t_{max,c}))\]

where \(y_{c}\) is the subset of y that delivers the carrier c and \(m_{c}\) is the system margin for that carrier.

For each carrier (with the name carrier_name), Calliope attempts to read the model-wide option system_margin.carrier_name, only applying this constraint if a setting exists.

System-wide capacity

Provided by: calliope.constraints.planning.node_constraints_build_total()

This constraint sets a maximum for capacity, e_cap, across all locations for any given technology:

\[\sum_x e_{cap}(x, y) \leq e_{cap,total\_max}(y)\]

If \(e_{cap,total\_equals}\) is given instead, this becomes \(\sum_x e_{cap}(x, y) \leq e_{cap,total\_max}(y)\).

\[\sum_y \sum_x c_{prod}(c, y, x, t_{max,c}) \times (1 + m_{c}) \leq timeres(t) \times \sum_{y_{c}} \sum_x (e_{cap}(y, x) / e_{eff}(y, x, t_{max,c}))\]

where \(y_{c}\) is the subset of y that delivers the carrier c and \(m_{c}\) is the system margin for that carrier.

For each carrier (with the name carrier_name), Calliope attempts to read the model-wide option system_margin.carrier_name, only applying this constraint if a setting exists.

Optional constraints

Optional constraints are included with Calliope but not loaded by default (see the configuration section for instructions on how to load them in a model).

These optional constraints can be used both in planning and operational modes.


Provided by: calliope.constraints.optional.ramping_rate()

Constrains the rate at which plants can adjust their output, for technologies that define constraints.e_ramping:

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}diff = \frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) + c_{con}(c, y, x, t)}{timeres(t)} - \frac{c_{prod}(c, y, x, t-1) + c_{con}(c, y, x, t-1)}{timeres(t-1)}\\max\_ramping\_rate = e_{ramping} \times e_{cap}(y, x)\\diff \leq max\_ramping\_rate\\diff \geq -1 \times max\_ramping\_rate\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Group fractions

Provided by: calliope.constraints.optional.group_fraction()

This component provides the ability to constrain groups of technologies to provide a certain fraction of total output, a certain fraction of total capacity, or a certain fraction of peak power demand. See Parents and groups in the configuration section for further details on how to set up groups of technologies.

The settings for the group fraction constraints are read from the model-wide configuration, in a group_fraction setting, as follows:

      renewables: ['>=', 0.8]

This is a minimal example that forces at least 80% of the installed capacity to be renewables. To activate the output group constraint, the output setting underneath group_fraction can be set in the same way, or demand_power_peak to activate the fraction of peak power demand group constraint.

For the above example, the c_group_fraction_capacity constraint sets up an equation of the form

\[\sum_{y^*} \sum_x e_{cap}(y, x) \geq fraction \times \sum_y \sum_x e_{cap}(y, x)\]

Here, \(y^*\) is the subset of \(y\) given by the specified group, in this example, renewables. \(fraction\) is the fraction specified, in this example, \(0.8\). The relation between the right-hand side and the left-hand side, \(\geq\), is determined by the setting given, >=, which can be ==, <=, or >=.

If more than one group is listed under capacity, several analogous constraints are set up.

Similarly, c_group_fraction_output sets up constraints in the form of

\[\sum_{y^*} \sum_x \sum_t c_{prod}(c, y, x, t) \geq fraction \times \sum_y \sum_x \sum_t c_{prod}(c, y, x, t)\]

Finally, c_group_fraction_demand_power_peak sets up constraints in the form of

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\sum_{y^*} \sum_x e_{cap}(y, x) \geq fraction \times (-1 - m_{c}) \times peak\\peak = \frac{\sum_x r(y_d, x, t_{peak}) \times r_{scale}(y_d, x)}{timeres(t_{peak})}\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

This assumes the existence of a technology, demand_power, which defines a demand (negative resource). \(y_d\) is demand_power. \(m_{c}\) is the capacity margin defined for the carrier c in the model-wide settings (see System margin). \(t_{peak}\) is the timestep where \(r(y_d, x, t)\) is maximal.

Whether any of these equations are equalities, greater-or-equal-than inequalities, or lesser-or-equal-than inequalities, is determined by whether >=, <=, or == is given in their respective settings.

Available area

Provided by: calliope.constraints.optional.max_r_area_per_loc()

Where several technologies require space to acquire resource (e.g. solar collecting technologies) at a given location, this constraint provides the ability to limit the total area available at a location:

\[area_{available}(x) \geq \sum_y \sum_{xi} r_{area}(y, xi)\]

Where xi is the set of locations within the family tree, descending from and including x.

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