Source code for calliope.core

Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Core model functionality via the Model class.


import datetime
import functools
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import os
import random
import shutil
import time
import warnings

import pyomo.opt as popt  # pylint: disable=import-error
import pyomo.core as po  # pylint: disable=import-error
# pyomo.environ is needed for pyomo solver plugins
import pyomo.environ  # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-error
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from import TempfileManager  # pylint: disable=import-error

from ._version import __version__
from . import exceptions
from . import constraints
from . import locations
from . import output
from . import sets
from . import time_funcs  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from . import time_masks  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from . import utils

# Enable simple format when printing ModelWarnings
formatwarning_orig = warnings.formatwarning
_time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

def _get_time():
    return time.strftime(_time_format)

def _formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=None):
    """Formats ModelWarnings as "Warning: message" without extra crud"""
    if category == exceptions.ModelWarning:
        return 'Warning: ' + str(message) + '\n'
        return formatwarning_orig(message, category, filename, lineno, line)

warnings.formatwarning = _formatwarning

def get_default_techs(foo=0):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    Get list of techs pre-defined in defaults.yaml.

    The foo=0 parameter makes sure that lru_cache has an argument to cache,
    the function must always be called as get_default_techs() with no
    arguments, ensuring that the values are only read from disk once and
    then cached.

    module_config = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config')
    o = utils.AttrDict.from_yaml(os.path.join(module_config, 'defaults.yaml'))
    return list(o.techs.keys())

def get_model_config(cr, config_run_path, adjust_data_path=None,
    cr is the run configuration AttrDict,
    config_run_path the path to the run configuration file

    If ``adjust_data_path`` is given, the data_path setting is adjusted
    using the given path, else, it is forced to an absolute path.

    If ``insert_defaults`` is False, the default settings from
    defaults.yaml will not be included, which is necessary when
    generating model settings file for parallel runs.

    # Ensure 'model' key is a list
    if not isinstance(cr.model, list):
        cr.model = [cr.model]

    # Interpret relative config paths as relative to run.yaml
    cr.model = [utils.relative_path(i, config_run_path) for i in cr.model]

    # Load defaults from module path
    module_conf = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'config')
    o = utils.AttrDict.from_yaml(os.path.join(module_conf, 'defaults.yaml'))

    # If defaults should not be inserted, replace the loaded AttrDict
    # with an empty one (a bit of a hack, but we also want the
    # default_techs list so we need to load the AttrDict anyway)
    if not insert_defaults:
        o = utils.AttrDict()
        o.techs = utils.AttrDict()

    # Load all additional files, continuously checking consistency
    for path in cr.model:
        new_o = utils.AttrDict.from_yaml(path)
        if 'techs' in list(new_o.keys()):
            overlap = set(get_default_techs()) & set(new_o.techs.keys())
            if overlap:
                e = exceptions.ModelError
                raise e('Trying to re-define a default technology in '
                        '{}: {}'.format(path, list(overlap)))
        # Interpret data_path as relative to `path`  (i.e the currently
        # open model config file), unless `adjust_data_path` is given
        if 'data_path' in new_o:
            if adjust_data_path:
                new_o.data_path = os.path.join(adjust_data_path,
                new_o.data_path = utils.relative_path(new_o.data_path, path)
        # The input files are allowed to override defaults
        o.union(new_o, allow_override=True)

    return o

[docs]class Model(object): """ Calliope model. Parameters ---------- config_run : str or AttrDict, optional Path to YAML file with run settings, or AttrDict containing run settings. If not given, the included default run and model settings are used. override : AttrDict, optional Provide any additional options or override options from ``config_run`` by passing an AttrDict of the form ``{'model_settings': 'foo.yaml'}``. Any option possible in ``run.yaml`` can be specified in the dict, inluding ``override.`` options. """ def __init__(self, config_run=None, override=None): super().__init__() self.verbose = False self.debug = utils.AttrDict() # Populate self.config_run and self.config_model self.initialize_configuration(config_run, override) self._get_option = utils.option_getter(self.config_model) self.get_cost = utils.cost_getter(self._get_option) # Set random seed if specified in run configuration random_seed = self.config_run.get('random_seed', None) if random_seed: np.random.seed(seed=random_seed) # Populate config_model with link distances, where metadata is given # but no distances given in locations.yaml self.get_distances() # Initialize sets self.initialize_parents() self.initialize_sets() # Get timeseries constraints/costs self.initialize_timeseries() # For any exporting technology, set 'export' value to carrier_out self.check_and_set_export() # Read data and apply time resolution adjustments self.read_data() self.mode = self.config_run.mode self.initialize_time() def override_model_config(self, override_dict): od = override_dict if 'data_path' in od.keys_nested(): # If run_config overrides data_path, interpret it as # relative to the run_config file's path od['data_path'] = utils.relative_path(od['data_path'], self.config_run_path) self.config_model.union(od, allow_override=True, allow_replacement=True) def initialize_configuration(self, config_run, override): self.flush_option_cache() # Load run configuration if not config_run: raise exceptions.ModelError( 'Must specify run configuration as either a path or an AttrDict.' ) if isinstance(config_run, str): # 1) config_run is a string, assume it's a path cr = utils.AttrDict.from_yaml(config_run) # self.run_id is used to set an output folder for logs, if # debug.keep_temp_files is set to True self.run_id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(config_run))[0] self.config_run_path = config_run else: # 2) config_run is not a string, assume it's an AttrDict cr = config_run assert isinstance(cr, utils.AttrDict) # we have no filename so we just use current date/time self.run_id ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") # Use current working directory as config_run path self.config_run_path = os.getcwd() self.config_run = cr if override: assert isinstance(override, utils.AttrDict) cr.union(override, allow_override=True, allow_replacement=True) # If manually specify a run_id in debug, overwrite the generated one if 'debug.run_id' in cr.keys_nested(): self.run_id = cr.debug.run_id self.config_model = get_model_config(cr, self.config_run_path) # Override config_model settings if specified in config_run # 1) Via 'model_override', which is the path to a YAML file if 'model_override' in cr: override_path = utils.relative_path(cr.model_override, self.config_run_path) override_dict = utils.AttrDict.from_yaml(override_path) self.override_model_config(override_dict) # 2) Via 'override', which is an AttrDict if ('override' in cr and isinstance(cr.override, utils.AttrDict)): self.override_model_config(cr.override) # Initialize locations locs = self.config_model.locations self.config_model.locations = locations.process_locations(locs) # As a final step, flush the option cache self.flush_option_cache()
[docs] def initialize_timeseries(self): """ Find any constraints/costs values requested as from 'file' in YAMLs and store that information. """ timeseries_constraint = ['r'] allowed_timeseries_constraints = ['r_eff', 'r_scale', 'r2_eff', 's_loss', 'e_prod', 'e_con', 'e_eff', 'p_eff', 'e_cap_min_use', 'e_ramping', 'om_var', 'om_fuel', 'om_r2', 'export'] # Flatten the dictionary to get e.g. techs.ccgt.constraints.e_eff as keys for k, v in self.config_model.as_dict_flat().items(): if isinstance(v, str): if v.startswith("file"): # Find any referring to a file params = k.split('.') # Split the elements of the key to get constraint/cost type if params[-1] == 'r': None # 'r' already in the list automatically elif params[-1] in allowed_timeseries_constraints: #Look for e.g. e_eff timeseries_constraint.append(params[-1]) else: raise Exception("unable to handle loading data from " "file for '{}'".format(params[-1])) # Send list of parameters to config_model AttrDict self.config_model['timeseries_constraints'] = list(set(timeseries_constraint))
[docs] def check_and_set_export(self): """ In instances where a technology is allowing export, e.g. techs.ccgt.export: true then change 'true' to the carrier of that technology. """ for y in self._sets['y_export']: for x in self._sets['x_export']: export = self.get_option(y + '.export', x=x) if y not in self._sets['y_conversion_plus']: carrier = self.get_option( y + '.carrier', x=x, default=y + '.carrier_out' ) other_carriers = [] else: carrier, other_carriers = self.get_cp_carriers(y, x) if export is True: self.set_option(y + '.export', carrier, x=x) # any instance where export is not False, but is set to some string value elif export != carrier and export not in other_carriers: raise exceptions.ModelError( 'Attempting to export carrier {} '.format(export) + 'from {}:{} '.format(y, x) + 'when this technology does not produce this carrier' )
def initialize_time(self): # Carry y_ subset sets over to data for easier data analysis['_sets'] = {k: v for k, v in self._sets.items() if 'y_' in k}['_weights'] = xr.DataArray( pd.Series(1,['t'].values), dims=['t'] ) time_config = self.config_run.get('time', False) if not time_config: return None # Nothing more to do here else: # For analysis purposes, keep old data around self.data_original = ## # Process masking and get list of timesteps to keep at high res ## if 'masks' in time_config: masks = {} # time.masks is a list of {'function': .., 'options': ..} dicts for entry in time_config.masks: entry = utils.AttrDict(entry) mask_func = utils.plugin_load(entry.function, builtin_module='time_masks') mask_kwargs = entry.get_key('options', default={}) masks[entry.to_yaml()] = mask_func(, **mask_kwargs) self._masks = masks # FIXME a better place to put masks # Concatenate the DatetimeIndexes by using dummy Series chosen_timesteps = pd.concat([pd.Series(0, index=m) for m in masks.values()]).index # timesteps: a list of timesteps NOT picked by masks timesteps = pd.Index( else: timesteps = None ## # Process function, apply resolution adjustments ## if 'function' in time_config: func = utils.plugin_load( time_config.function, builtin_module='time_funcs') func_kwargs = time_config.get('function_options', {}) = func(, timesteps=timesteps, **func_kwargs) self._sets['t'] =['t'].to_index() # Raise error if we've made adjustments incompatible # with operational mode if self.mode == 'operate': opmode_safe ='opmode_safe', False) if opmode_safe:['time_res'] = self.get_timeres() else: msg = 'Time settings incompatible with operational mode' raise exceptions.ModelError(msg) return None
[docs] def get_distances(self): """ Where distances are not given for links, use any metadata to fill in the gap. Distance calculated using vincenty inverse formula (given in utils module). """ # Check if metadata & links are loaded if (not self.config_model.get('metadata', None) or not self.config_model.get('links', None)): return None # We continue if both links and metadata are defined in config_model link_tech = set() # fill with '' strings link_tech_distance = set() # fill with '' strings if '' exists for key in self.config_model.links.as_dict_flat().keys(): link_tech.update(['.'.join(key.split('.', 2)[:2])]) # get only '' if 'distance' in key: link_tech_distance.update(['.'.join(key.split('.', 2)[:2])]) # get only '' # create set with '' strings where '' does not exist fill_distance = link_tech.difference(link_tech_distance) for i in fill_distance: # Links are given as 'a,b', so need to split them into individuals locs = i.split('.')[0].split(',') # Find distance using vincenty func & metadata of lat-long, # ignoring curvature if metadata is given as x-y, not lat-long loc_coords = self.config_model.metadata.location_coordinates loc1 = getattr(loc_coords, locs[0]) # look for first location in a,b loc2 = getattr(loc_coords, locs[1]) # look for second location in a,b if all(['lat' in key or 'lon' in key for key in # geographic loc_coords.as_dict_flat().keys()]): dist = utils.vincenty([, loc1.lon], [, loc2.lon]) elif all(['x' in key or 'y' in key for key in # cartesian loc_coords.as_dict_flat().keys()]): dist = np.sqrt((loc1.x - loc2.x)**2 + (loc1.y - loc2.y)**2) else: raise KeyError( 'unidentified coordinate system. Expecting data ' 'in the format {lat: N, lon: M} or {x: N, y: M} for ' 'user coordinate values of N, M.') # update config_model self.config_model.links.set_key(i + '.distance', dist)
[docs] def get_t(self, timestamp, offset=0): """ Get a timestamp before/after (by offset) from the given timestamp in the model's set of timestamps. Raises ModelError if out of bounds. """ idx =['t'].to_index() if isinstance(offset, pd.Timedelta): loc = idx.get_loc(timestamp + offset) else: # integer loc = idx.get_loc(timestamp) + offset if loc < 0: raise exceptions.ModelError( 'Attempted to get a timestep before the first one.' ) else: try: return idx[loc] except IndexError: # Beyond length of index raise exceptions.ModelError( 'Attempted to get a timestep beoynd the last one.' )
[docs] def prev_t(self, timestamp): """Return the timestep prior to the given timestep.""" return self.get_t(timestamp, offset=-1)
[docs] def get_timeres(self, verify=False): """Returns resolution of data in hours. If ``verify=True``, verifies that the entire file is at the same resolution. ``self.get_timeres(verify=True)`` can be called after Model initialization to verify this. """ datetime_index = self._sets['t'] seconds = (datetime_index[0] - datetime_index[1]).total_seconds() if verify: for i in range(len(datetime_index) - 1): assert ((datetime_index[i] - datetime_index[i + 1]).total_seconds() == seconds) hours = abs(seconds) / 3600 return hours
[docs] def get_option(self, option, x=None, default=None, ignore_inheritance=False): """ Retrieves options from model settings for the given tech, falling back to the default if the option is not defined for the tech. If ``x`` is given, will attempt to use location-specific override from the location matrix first before falling back to model-wide settings. If ``default`` is given, it is used as a fallback if no default value can be found in the regular inheritance chain. If ``default`` is None and the regular inheritance chain defines no default, an error is raised. If ``ignore_inheritance`` is True, the default is immediately used instead of a search through the inheritance chain if the option has not been set for the given tech. If the first segment of the option contains ':', it will be interpreted as implicit tech subsetting: e.g. asking for 'hvac:r1' implicitly uses 'hvac:r1' with the parent 'hvac', even if that has not been defined, to search the option inheritance chain. Examples: * ``model.get_option('ccgt.costs.om_var')`` * ``model.get_option('csp.weight')`` * ``model.get_option('csp.r', x='33')`` * ``model.get_option('ccgt.costs.om_var',\ default='defaults.costs.om_var')`` """ key = (option, x, default, ignore_inheritance) try: result = self.option_cache[key] except KeyError: # self._get_option is defined inside __init__ result = self.option_cache[key] = self._get_option(*key) return result
[docs] def set_option(self, option, value, x=None): """ Set ``option`` to ``value``. Returns None on success. A default can be set by passing an option like ``defaults.constraints.e_eff``. """ if x is None: self.config_model.set_key('techs.' + option, value) else: # Setting a specific x[x, '_override.' + option] = value self.config_model.set_key('locations.' + x + '.override.' + option, value) self.flush_option_cache()
def flush_option_cache(self): self.option_cache = {} def get_name(self, y): try: return self.get_option(y + '.name') except exceptions.OptionNotSetError: return y
[docs] def get_carrier(self, y, direction, level=None, primary=False, all_carriers=False): """ Get the ``carrier_in`` or ``carrier_out`` of a technology in the model Parameters ---------- y: str technology direction: str, `in` or `out` For `carrier_in` and `carrier_out` repectively level: int; 2 or 3; optional, default = None for conversion_plus technologies, define the carrier level if not top level, e.g. level=3 gives `carrier_out_3` primary: bool, optional, default = False give `primary carrier` for a given technology, which is a carrier in `carrier_out` given ass `primary carrier` in the technology definition all_carriers: bool, optional, default = False give all carriers for tech y and given direction. For conversion_plus technologies, this will give an array of carriers, if more than one carrier has been defined in the given direction. All levels are combined. """ if y in self._sets['y_conversion_plus']: if level: # Either 2 or 3 return self.get_option( y + '_'.join('.carrier', direction, str(level)) ) primary_carrier, all_carriers = self.get_cp_carriers( y, direction=direction) if primary: return primary_carrier if all_carriers: return all_carriers else: carrier = self.get_option( y + '.carrier', default=y + '.carrier_' + direction ) if not carrier: # no carrier_in/carrier_out defined return 'resource' else: return carrier
def get_weight(self, y): return self.get_option(y + '.stack_weight') def get_color(self, y): color = self.get_option(y + '.color') if color is False: # If no color defined, choose one by seeding random generator # with the tech name to get pseudo-random one random.seed(y) r = lambda: random.randint(0, 255) color = '#{:0>2x}{:0>2x}{:0>2x}'.format(r(), r(), r()) return color
[docs] def get_parent(self, y): """Returns the abstract base technology from which ``y`` descends.""" if y in self._sets['y_transmission']: return 'transmission' else: while True: parent = self.get_option(y + '.parent') if parent == 'defaults': break y = parent return y
[docs] def get_group_members(self, group, in_model=True, head_nodes_only=True, expand_transmission=True): """ Return the member technologies of a group. If ``in_model`` is True, only technologies (head nodes) in use in the current model are returned. Returns: * A list of group members if there are any. * If a group has no members (is only member of other groups, i.e. a head node), a list with a single item containing only the group/technology itself. * An empty list if the group is defined but not allowed in the current model. * None if the group doesn't exist. Other arguments: ``head_nodes_only`` : if True, don't return intermediate groups, i.e. technology definitions that are inherited from. Setting this to False only makes sense if in_model is also False, because in_model=True implies that only head nodes are returned. ``expand_transmission`` : if True, return in-model transmission technologies in the form ``tech:location``. """ def _get(self, group, memberset): members = [i for i in self.parents if self.parents[i] == group] if members: for i, member in enumerate(members): if not head_nodes_only: memberset.add(member) members[i] = _get(self, member, memberset) return members else: memberset.add(group) if group not in self.parents: return None memberset = set() _get(self, group, memberset) # Fills memberset if in_model: memberset = set([y for y in memberset if (y in self._sets['y'] or y in self._sets['techs_transmission'])]) # Expand transmission techs if expand_transmission: for y in list(memberset): if y in self._sets['techs_transmission']: memberset.remove(y) memberset.update([yt for yt in self._sets['y_transmission'] if yt.startswith(y + ':')]) return list(memberset)
[docs] @utils.memoize_instancemethod def get_eff_ref(self, var, y, x=None): """Get reference efficiency, falling back to efficiency if no reference efficiency has been set.""" base = y + '.constraints.' + var eff_ref = self.get_option(base + '_eff_ref', x=x, default=False) if eff_ref is False: eff_ref = self.get_option(base + '_eff', x=x) # Check for case wher e_eff is a timeseries file (so the option # is a string), and no e_eff_ref has been set to override that # string with a numeric option if isinstance(eff_ref, str): raise exceptions.ModelError( 'Must set `e_eff_ref` if `e_eff` is a file.' ) return eff_ref
[docs] @utils.memoize_instancemethod def get_cp_carriers(self, y, x=None, direction='out'): """ Find all carriers for conversion_plus technology & return the primary output carrier as string and all other output carriers as list of strings """ c = self.get_option(y + '.carrier_{}'.format(direction), x=x) primary_carrier = self.get_option(y + '.primary_carrier', x=x) c_2 = self.get_option(y + '.carrier_{}_2'.format(direction), x=x) c_3 = self.get_option(y + '.carrier_{}_3'.format(direction), x=x) other_c = set() # direction = 'out', 'primary_carrier' has to be defined if 'carrier_in' # contains several carriers (i.e. is a dict) if direction == 'out' and isinstance(c, dict): if not primary_carrier: e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('primary_carrier must be set for conversion_plus technology ' '`{}` as carrier_out contains multiple carriers'.format(y)) other_c.update(c.keys()) elif direction == 'out' and isinstance(c, str): other_c.update([c]) primary_carrier = c # direction = 'in', there is no "primary_carrier" elif direction == 'in': other_c.update(c.keys() if isinstance(c, dict) else [c]) primary_carrier = None other_c.update(c_2.keys() if isinstance(c_2, dict) else [c_2]) other_c.update(c_3.keys() if isinstance(c_3, dict) else [c_3]) other_c.discard(False) # if there is no secondary or tertiary carrier, they return False if len(other_c) == 1: # only one value other_c = str(list(other_c)[0]) else: other_c = tuple(other_c) return primary_carrier, other_c
[docs] def scale_to_peak(self, df, peak, scale_time_res=True): """Returns the given dataframe scaled to the given peak value. If ``scale_time_res`` is True, the peak is multiplied by the model's time resolution. Set it to False to scale things like efficiencies. """ # Normalize to (0, 1), then multiply by the desired maximum, # scaling this peak according to time_res if scale_time_res: adjustment = self.get_timeres() else: adjustment = 1 if peak < 0: scale = float(df.min()) else: scale = float(df.max()) return (df / scale) * peak * adjustment
def initialize_parents(self): techs = self.config_model.techs try: self.parents = {i: techs[i].parent for i in techs.keys() if i != 'defaults'} except KeyError: tech = inspect.trace()[-1][0].f_locals['i'] if 'parent' not in list(techs[tech].keys()): e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Technology `' + tech + '` defines no parent!') # Verify that no technologies apart from the default technologies # inherit from 'defaults' for k, v in self.parents.items(): if k not in get_default_techs() and v == 'defaults': e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Tech `' + k + '` inherits from `defaults` but ' + 'should inherit from a built-in default technology.') # Verify that all parents are themselves actually defined for k, v in self.parents.items(): if v not in list(techs.keys()): e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Parent `' + v + '` of technology `' + k + '` is not defined.')
[docs] @utils.memoize_instancemethod def ischild(self, y, of): """Returns True if ``y`` is a child of ``of``, else False""" result = False while (result is False) and (y != 'defaults'): parent = self.parents[y] if parent == of: result = True y = parent return result
[docs] @utils.memoize_instancemethod def functionality_switch(self, func_name): """ Check if a given functionality of the model is required, based on whether there is any reference to it in model configuration that isn't defaults. Args: - func_name: str; the funcitonality to check Returns: bool; Whether the functionality is switched is on (True) or off (False) """ return any([ func_name in i for i in self.config_model.as_dict_flat().keys() if 'default' not in i ])
def get_time_slice(self): if self.config_run.get_key('subset_t', default=False): return slice(None) else: return slice( self.config_run.subset_t[0], self.config_run.subset_t[1] ) def initialize_sets(self): self._sets = utils.AttrDict() self.config_model # t: time _t = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(self.config_model.data_path, 'set_t.csv'), header=None, index_col=1, parse_dates=[1] ) self._set_t_original = _t.index if self.config_run.get_key('subset_t', default=False): _t = _t.loc[self.config_run.subset_t[0]:self.config_run.subset_t[1]] self._sets['t'] = _t.index # x: locations _x = list(self.config_model.locations.keys()) if self.config_run.get_key('subset_x', default=False): _x = [i for i in _x if i in self.config_run.subset_x] self._sets['x'] = _x # y: techs sets_y = sets.init_set_y(self, _x) self._sets = {**self._sets, **sets_y} # x subsets sets_x = sets.init_set_x(self) self._sets = {**self._sets, **sets_x} # c: carriers sets_c = sets.init_set_c(self) self._sets['c'] = sets_c # k: cost classes classes_c = [ list(self.config_model.techs[k].costs.keys()) for k in self.config_model.techs if k != 'defaults' # Prevent 'default' from entering set if 'costs' in self.config_model.techs[k] ] # Flatten list and make sure 'monetary' is in it classes_c = ( [i for i in itertools.chain.from_iterable(classes_c)] + ['monetary'] ) # Remove any duplicates by going from list to set and back self._sets['k'] = list(set(classes_c)) # Locations settings matrix and transmission technologies self._locations = locations.generate_location_matrix( self.config_model.locations, techs=self._sets['y'] ) # Locations table: only keep rows that are actually in set `x` self._locations = self._locations.loc[_x, :] # Initialize transmission technologies sets.init_y_trans(self) # set 'y' is now complete, ensure that all techs conform to the # rule that only "head" techs can be used in the model for y in self._sets['y']: if self.get_option(y + '.parent') in self._sets['y']: e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Only technologies without children can be used ' 'in the model definition ' '({}, {}).'.format(y, self.get_option(y + '.parent'))) @utils.memoize def _get_option_from_csv(self, filename): """Read CSV time series""" d_path = os.path.join(self.config_model.data_path, filename) df = pd.read_csv(d_path, index_col=0) df.index = self._set_t_original df = df.loc[self._sets['t'], :] # Subset in case necessary # Fill columns that weren't defined with NaN # missing_cols = list(set( - set(df.columns)) # for c in missing_cols: # df[c] = np.nan # Ensure that the read file's index matches the data's timesteps mismatch = df.index.difference(self._sets['t']) if len(mismatch) > 0: e = exceptions.ModelError entries = mismatch.tolist() raise e('File has invalid index. Ensure that it has the same ' 'date range and resolution as set_t.csv: {}.\n\n' 'Invalid entries: {}'.format(filename, entries)) return df def _get_filename(self, param, option, y, x): # If we have a string, it must be `file` or `file=..` if not option.startswith('file'): e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Invalid value for `{}.{}.{}`:' ' `{}`'.format(param, y, x, option)) # Parse the option and return the filename else: try: # Parse 'file=filename' option f = option.split('=')[1] except IndexError: # If set to just 'file', set filename with y and # param, e.g. 'csp_r_eff.csv' if isinstance(param, str): f = y + '_' + param + '.csv' else: f = y + '_' + '_'.join(param) + '.csv' return f def _apply_x_map(self, df, x_map, x=None): # Format is <name in model config>:<name in data> x_map_dict = {i.split(':')[0].strip(): i.split(':')[1].strip() for i in x_map.split(',')} x_map_str = 'x_map: \'{}\''.format(x_map) # Get the mapping for this x from x_map # NB not removing old columns in case # those are also used somewhere! if x is None: x = list(x_map_dict.keys()) elif x in x_map_dict: x = [x] else: x = [] for this_x in x: try: x_m = x_map_dict[this_x] except KeyError: e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('x_map defined but does not map ' 'location defined in model config: ' '{}, with {}'.format(this_x, x_map_str)) if x_m not in df.columns: e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Trying to map to a column not ' 'contained in data: {}, for region ' '{}, with {}' .format(x_m, this_x, x_map_str)) df[this_x] = df[x_m] return df def _read_param_for_tech(self, param, y, time_res, option, x=None): # added check that it is a constraint (string param) if option != float('inf') and param == 'r': self._sets['y_finite_r'].add(y) k = '{}.{}:{}'.format(param, y, x) if isinstance(option, str): # if option is string, read a file self._sets['y_' + param + '_timeseries'].add(y) f = self._get_filename(param, option, y, x) df = self._get_option_from_csv(f) self.debug.data_sources.set_key(k, 'file:' + f) else: # option is numeric df = pd.DataFrame( option, index=self._sets['t'], columns=self._sets['x'] ) self.debug.data_sources.set_key(k, 'model_config') # Apply x_map if necessary x_map = self.get_option(y + '.x_map', x=x) if x_map is not None: df = self._apply_x_map(df, x_map, x) if param == 'r' and (x in df.columns or x is None): if x is None: x_slice = slice(None) else: x_slice = x # Convert power to energy for r, if necessary r_unit = self.get_option(y + '.constraints.r_unit', x=x) if r_unit == 'power': df.loc[:, x_slice] = df.loc[:, x_slice] * time_res # Scale r to a given maximum if necessary scale = self.get_option( y + '.constraints.r_scale_to_peak', x=x ) if scale: df.loc[:, x_slice] = self.scale_to_peak(df.loc[:, x_slice], scale) if x is not None: df = df.loc[:, x] return df def _validate_param_df(self, param, y, df): for x in self._sets['x']: if x not in df.columns: if[x, y] == 0: df[x] = np.nan else: df[x] = 0 k = '{}.{}:{}'.format(param, y, x) w = exceptions.ModelWarning message = 'Could not load data for {}'.format(k) warnings.warn(message, w) v = '_NOT_FOUND_' self.debug.data_sources.set_key(k, v) def _validate_param_dataset_consistency(self, dataset): sources = self.debug.data_sources missing_data = [kk for kk in sources.keys_nested() if sources.get_key(kk) == '_NOT_FOUND_'] if len(missing_data) > 0: message = ('The following parameter values could not be read ' 'from file. They were automatically set to `0`: ' + ', '.join(missing_data)) warnings.warn(message, exceptions.ModelWarning) # Finally, check data consistency. For now, demand must be <= 0, # and supply >=0, at all times. # FIXME update these checks on implementing conditional param updates. for y in self._sets['y_finite_r']: base_tech = self.get_parent(y) possible_x = [x for x in self._sets['x'] if[x, y] != 0] for x in possible_x: series = dataset['r'].loc[{'y': y, 'x': x}].to_pandas() err_suffix = 'for tech: {}, at location: {}'.format(y, x) if base_tech == 'demand': err = 'Demand resource must be <=0, ' + err_suffix assert (series <= 0).all(), err elif base_tech == 'supply': err = 'Supply resource must be >=0, ' + err_suffix assert (series >= 0).all(), err
[docs] def read_data(self): """ Populate parameter data from CSV files or model configuration. """ data = {} attrs = {} self.debug.data_sources = utils.AttrDict() # `time_res` never changes, so always reflects the spacing # of time step indices attrs['time_res'] = time_res = self.get_timeres() time_res_series = pd.Series(time_res, index=self._sets['t']) = 't' data['_time_res'] = xr.DataArray(time_res_series) # Last index t for which model may still use startup exceptions startup_time_idx = int(self.config_model.startup_time / time_res) attrs['startup_time_bounds'] = self._sets['t'][startup_time_idx] # Storage initialization parameter, defined over (x, y) s_init = {y: [self.get_option(y + '.constraints.s_init', x=x) for x in self._sets['x']] for y in self._sets['y']} s_init = pd.DataFrame(s_init, index=self._sets['x']) = 'y' = 'x' data['s_init'] = xr.DataArray(s_init) # Parameters that may be defined over (x, y, t) ts_constraint_sets = { 'y_' + k + '_timeseries': set() for k in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints } self._sets = {**self._sets, **ts_constraint_sets} # Add all instances of finite resource (either timeseries dependant or not) self._sets['y_finite_r'] = set() for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: # Constraints param_data = {} if 'om' in param or 'export' in param: # Cost constraints for y in self._sets['y']: cost_ts = {} for k in self._sets['k']: # First, set up each parameter without considering # potential per-location (per-x) overrides option = self.get_cost(param, y, k) cost_ts[k] = self._read_param_for_tech( param, y, time_res, option, x=None) for x in self._sets['x']: # Check for each x whether it defines an override # that is different from the generic option, and if so, # update the dataframe option_x = self.get_cost(param, y, k, x=x) if option != option_x: cost_ts[k].loc[:, x] = self._read_param_for_tech( param, y, time_res, option_x, x=x) self._validate_param_df(param, y, cost_ts[k]) # Have all `x` been set? # Create cost_ts = {k: xr.DataArray(v, dims=['t', 'x']) for k, v in cost_ts.items()} param_data[y] = xr.Dataset(cost_ts).to_array(dim='k') else: for y in self._sets['y']: # First, set up each parameter without considering # potential per-location (per-x) overrides j = '.'.join([y, 'constraints', param]) option = self.get_option(j) constraint_ts = self._read_param_for_tech( param, y, time_res, option, x=None) for x in self._sets['x']: # Check for each x whether it defines an override # that is different from the generic option, and if so, # update the dataframe option_x = self.get_option(j, x=x) if option != option_x: constraint_ts.loc[:, x] = self._read_param_for_tech( param, y, time_res, option_x, x=x) self._validate_param_df(param, y, constraint_ts) # Have all `x` been set? param_data[y] = xr.DataArray(constraint_ts, dims=['t', 'x']) # Turn param_data into a DataArray data[param] = xr.Dataset(param_data).to_array(dim='y') dataset = xr.Dataset(data) dataset.attrs = attrs # Check data consistency self._validate_param_dataset_consistency(dataset) # Make sure there are no NaNs anywhere in the data # to prevent potential solver problems dataset = dataset.fillna(0) # initialise an additional set now that we know y_finite_r self._sets['y_sp_finite_r'] = list( self._sets['y_finite_r'].intersection(self._sets['y_supply_plus']) ) = dataset
def _get_t_max_demand(self): """Return timestep index with maximum demand""" # FIXME needs unit tests t_max_demands = utils.AttrDict() for c in self._sets['c']: ys = [y for y in['y'].values if self.get_carrier(y, 'in') == c] # Get copy of r data array r_carrier =['r'].loc[{'y': ys}].copy() # Only kep negative (=demand) values r_carrier.values[r_carrier.values > 0] = 0 t_max_demands[c] = (r_carrier.sum(dim='y').sum(dim='x') .to_dataframe() .sum(axis=1).idxmin()) return t_max_demands def add_constraint(self, constraint, *args, **kwargs): try: constraint(self, *args, **kwargs) # If there is an error in a constraint, make sure to also get # the index where the error happened and pass that along except ValueError as e: index = inspect.trace()[-1][0].f_locals['index'] index_string = ', at index: {}'.format(index) if not e.args: e.args = ('',) e.args = (e.args[0] + index_string,) + e.args[1:] # Also log it because that is what Pyomo does, and want to ensure # that the log entry contains the info we added logging.error('Error generating constraint' + index_string) raise def _param_populator(self, src_data, src_param, levels): """ Returns a `getter` function that returns (x, t)-specific values for parameters, used in parameter updating """ getter_data = (src_data[src_param].to_dataframe().reorder_levels(levels) .to_dict()[src_param]) def getter_constraint(m, y, x, t): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return getter_data[(y, x, t)] def getter_cost(m, y, x, t, k): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return getter_data[(y, x, t, k)] if len(src_data[src_param].dims) == 4: # Costs return getter_cost else: # All other constraints return getter_constraint def _param_updater(self, src_data, src_param, t_offset=None): """ Returns a `getter` function that returns (x, t)-specific values for parameters, used in parameter updating """ if len(src_data[src_param].dims) == 4: # Costs levels = ['y', 'x', 't', 'k'] else: # all other constraints levels = ['y', 'x', 't'] getter_data = (src_data[src_param].to_dataframe() .reorder_levels(levels) .to_dict()[src_param]) def getter(m, i): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # i is the key of the Pyomo Param, which is (y, x, t) # for constraints and (y, x, t, k) for costs j = list(i) if t_offset: j[2] = self.get_t(j[2], t_offset) # Change time return getter_data[tuple(j)] return getter def update_parameters(self, t_offset): d = for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: y_set = self._sets['y_' + param + '_timeseries'] initializer = self._param_updater(d, param, t_offset) param_object = getattr(self.m, param + '_param') for i in param_object.iterkeys(): param_object[i] = initializer(self.m, i) s_init =['s_init'].to_dataframe().to_dict()['s_init'] s_init_initializer = lambda m, y, x: float(s_init[x, y]) for y in self.m.y_store: for x in self.m.x: self.m.s_init[y, x] = s_init_initializer(self.m, y, x) def _set_t_end(self): # t_end is the timestep previous to t_start + horizon, # because the .loc[start:end] slice includes the end try: offset = int(self.config_model.opmode.horizon /['time_res']) - 1 self.t_end = self.get_t(self.t_start, offset=offset) except KeyError: # If t_end is beyond last timestep, cap it to last one, and # log the occurance t_bound = self._sets['t'][-1] msg = 'Capping t_end to {}'.format(t_bound) logging.debug(msg) self.t_end = t_bound
[docs] def generate_model(self, t_start=None): """ Generate the model and store it under the property `m`. Args: t_start : if self.mode == 'operate', this must be specified, but that is done automatically via solve_iterative() when calling run() """ # # Setup # self.m = m = po.ConcreteModel() d = self.t_start = t_start self.t_max_demand = self._get_t_max_demand() # # Sets # # Time steps # datetimes =['t'].to_pandas().reset_index(drop=True) # datetimes = pd.Series(range(len(['t'])),['t'].values) if self.mode == 'plan': m.t = po.Set(initialize=d['t'].to_index(), ordered=True) elif self.mode == 'operate': self._set_t_end() m.t = po.Set(initialize=d['t'].to_series()[self.t_start:self.t_end].index, ordered=True) # Carriers m.c = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['c'], ordered=True) # Locations m.x = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['x'], ordered=True) # Locations with only transmission technologies defined m.x_transmission = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_transmission'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Locations which have transmission AND other technologies m.x_transmission_plus = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_transmission_plus'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Source/sink locations (i.e. have `r` defined) m.x_r = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['x_r'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Storage locations m.x_store = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_store'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Deman locations m.x_demand = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_demand'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Conversion locations m.x_conversion = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_conversion'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Export locations m.x_export = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['x_export'], within=m.x, ordered=True) # Cost classes m.k = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['k'], ordered=True) # # Technologies and various subsets of technologies # m.y = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['y'], ordered=True) # Supply technologies m.y_supply = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_supply'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Supply+ technologies m.y_supply_plus = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_supply_plus'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Storage only technologies m.y_storage = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_storage'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Transmission technologies m.y_transmission = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_transmission'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion technologies m.y_conversion = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_conversion'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion+ technologies m.y_conversion_plus = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_conversion_plus'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Demand sources m.y_demand = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_demand'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Technologies to deal with unmet demand m.y_unmet = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_unmet'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Supply/Demand sources m.y_sd = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_sd'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Technologies that contain storage m.y_store = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_store'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Technologies with a finite resource defined (timeseries or otherwise) m.y_finite_r = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_finite_r'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Supply+ technologies with a finite resource defined (timeseries or otherwise) m.y_sp_finite_r = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_sp_finite_r'], within=m.y_finite_r, ordered=True) # Supply/demand technologies with r_area constraints m.y_sd_r_area = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_sd_r_area'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Supply+ technologies with r_area constraints m.y_sp_r_area = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_sp_r_area'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # All technologies with r_area constraints m.y_r_area = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_r_area'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Supply+ technologies that allow secondary resource m.y_sp_r2 = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_sp_r2'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion+ technologies that allow secondary carrier_out m.y_cp_2out = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_cp_2out'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion+ technologies that allow tertiary carrier_out m.y_cp_3out = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_cp_3out'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion+ technologies that allow secondary carrier_in m.y_cp_2in = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_cp_2in'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Conversion+ technologies that allow tertiary carrier_in m.y_cp_3in = po.Set( initialize=self._sets['y_cp_3in'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Technologies that allow export m.y_export = po.Set(initialize=self._sets['y_export'], within=m.y, ordered=True) # Timeseries for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: setattr(m, 'y_' + param + '_timeseries', po.Set(initialize=self._sets['y_' + param + '_timeseries'], within=m.y)) # # Parameters # # Here we set timeseries data as Pyomo parameters as it makes constraints # generation significantly quicker. Other data comes from config_model # dictionary to avoid over-dependance on Pyomo for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: y_set = list(getattr(m, 'y_' + param + '_timeseries')) if len(d[param].dims) == 4: # Costs initializer = self._param_populator(d, param, ['y', 'x', 't', 'k']) setattr( m, param + '_param', po.Param(y_set, m.x, m.t, m.k, initialize=initializer, mutable=True) ) else: # All other constraints initializer = self._param_populator(d, param, ['y', 'x', 't']) setattr( m, param + '_param', po.Param(y_set, m.x, m.t, initialize=initializer, mutable=True) ) s_init =['s_init'].to_dataframe().to_dict()['s_init'] s_init_initializer = lambda m, y, x: float(s_init[x, y]) m.s_init = po.Param(m.y_store, m.x, initialize=s_init_initializer, mutable=True) # # Variables and constraints # # Generate variables, uses same error checking as constraint generation self.add_constraint(constraints.base.generate_variables) # 1. Required constr = [constraints.base.node_resource, constraints.base.node_energy_balance, constraints.base.node_constraints_build, constraints.base.node_constraints_operational, constraints.base.node_constraints_transmission, constraints.base.node_costs, constraints.base.model_constraints] if self.mode == 'plan': constr += [constraints.planning.system_margin, constraints.planning.node_constraints_build_total] for c in constr: self.add_constraint(c) # 2. Optional if self.config_model.get_key('constraints', default=False): for c in self.config_model.constraints: self.add_constraint(utils._load_function(c)) # 3. Objective function default_obj = 'constraints.objective.objective_cost_minimization' objective = self.config_model.get_key('objective', default=default_obj) self.add_constraint(utils._load_function(objective))
def _log_time(self): self.run_times["end"] = time.time() self.run_times["runtime"] = int(time.time() - self.run_times["start"])'Runtime: ' + str(self.run_times["runtime"]) + ' secs')
[docs] def run(self, iterative_warmstart=True): """ Instantiate and solve the model """ o = self.config_model d = cr = self.config_run self.run_times = {} self.run_times["start"] = time.time() if self.verbose: print('[{}] Model run started.'.format(_get_time())) if self.mode == 'plan': self.generate_model() # Generated model goes to self.m self.solve() self.load_solution() elif self.mode == 'operate': assert len(['_time_res'].to_series().unique()) == 1, \ 'Operational mode only works with uniform time step lengths.' time_res =['time_res'] assert (time_res <= self.config_model.opmode.horizon and time_res <= self.config_model.opmode.window), \ 'Timestep length must be smaller than horizon and window.' # solve_iterative() generates, solves, and loads the solution self.solve_iterative(iterative_warmstart) else: e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Invalid model mode: `{}`'.format(self.mode)) self._log_time() if self.verbose: print('[{}] Solution ready. ' 'Total run time was {} seconds.' .format(_get_time(), self.run_times["runtime"])) if cr.get_key('', default=False) is True: output_format = cr.get_key('output.format', default=['netcdf']) if not isinstance(output_format, list): output_format = [output_format] for fmt in output_format: self.save_solution(fmt) if self.verbose: print('[{}] Solution saved to file.'.format(_get_time())) save_constr = cr.get_key('output.save_constraints', default=False) if save_constr: options = cr.get_key('output.save_constraints_options', default={}) output.generate_constraints(self.solution, output_path=save_constr, **options) if self.verbose: print('[{}] Constraints saved to file.'.format(_get_time()))
def _solve_with_output_capture(self, warmstart, solver_kwargs): if self.config_run.get_key('debug.echo_solver_log', default=False): return self._solve(warmstart, solver_kwargs) else: # Silencing output by redirecting stdout and stderr with utils.capture_output() as self.pyomo_output: return self._solve(warmstart, solver_kwargs) def _solve(self, warmstart, solver_kwargs): warning = None solver = self.config_run.get_key('solver') if warmstart: try: results = self.opt.solve(self.m, warmstart=True, tee=True, **solver_kwargs) except ValueError as e: if 'warmstart' in e.args[0]: warning = ('The chosen solver, {}, ' 'does not support warmstart, ' 'which may impact performance.').format(solver) results = self.opt.solve(self.m, tee=True, **solver_kwargs) else: results = self.opt.solve(self.m, tee=True, **solver_kwargs) return results, warning
[docs] def solve(self, warmstart=False): """ Args: warmstart : (default False) re-solve an updated model instance Returns: None """ cr = self.config_run solver_kwargs = {} if not warmstart: solver_io = cr.get_key('solver_io', default=False) if solver_io: self.opt = popt.SolverFactory(cr.solver, solver_io=solver_io) else: self.opt = popt.SolverFactory(cr.solver) # Set solver options from run_settings file, if it exists try: for k in cr.solver_options.keys_nested(): self.opt.options[k] = cr.solver_options.get_key(k) except KeyError: pass if cr.get_key('debug.symbolic_solver_labels', default=False): solver_kwargs['symbolic_solver_labels'] = True if cr.get_key('debug.keep_temp_files', default=False): solver_kwargs['keepfiles'] = True if self.mode == 'plan': logdir = os.path.join('Logs', self.run_id) elif self.mode == 'operate': logdir = os.path.join('Logs', self.run_id + '_' + str(self.t_start)) if (cr.get_key('debug.overwrite_temp_files', default=False) and os.path.exists(logdir)): shutil.rmtree(logdir) os.makedirs(logdir) TempfileManager.tempdir = logdir self.run_times["preprocessed"] = time.time() if self.verbose: print('[{}] Model preprocessing took {:.2f} seconds.' .format(_get_time(), self.run_times["preprocessed"] - self.run_times["start"])) try: self.results, warnmsg = self._solve_with_output_capture(warmstart, solver_kwargs) except: logging.critical('Solver output:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(self.pyomo_output))) raise if warnmsg: warnings.warn(warnmsg, exceptions.ModelWarning) self.load_results() self.run_times["solved"] = time.time() if self.verbose: print('[{}] Solving model took {:.2f} seconds.' .format(_get_time(), self.run_times["solved"] - self.run_times["preprocessed"]))
[docs] def process_solution(self): """ Called from both load_solution() and load_solution_iterative() """ # Add levelized cost self.solution = (self.solution .merge(self.get_levelized_cost() .to_dataset(name='levelized_cost'))) # Add capacity factor self.solution = (self.solution .merge(self.get_capacity_factor() .to_dataset(name='capacity_factor'))) # Add metadata md = self.get_metadata() = 'cols_metadata' = 'y' self.solution = (self.solution.merge(xr.DataArray(md) .to_dataset(name='metadata'))) # Add summary summary = self.get_summary() = 'cols_summary' = 'techs' self.solution = (self.solution.merge(xr.DataArray(summary) .to_dataset(name='summary'))) # Add groups groups = self.get_groups() = 'cols_groups' = 'techs' self.solution = (self.solution.merge(xr.DataArray(groups) .to_dataset(name='groups'))) # Add shares shares = self.get_shares(groups) = 'cols_shares' = 'techs' self.solution = (self.solution.merge(xr.DataArray(shares) .to_dataset(name='shares'))) # Add time resolution self.solution = (self.solution .merge(['_time_res'] .copy(deep=True) .to_dataset(name='time_res'))) # Add model and run configuration self.solution.attrs['config_run'] = self.config_run self.solution.attrs['config_model'] = self.config_model
def load_solution(self): sol = self.get_node_variables() sol = sol.merge(self.get_totals()) sol = sol.merge(self.get_node_parameters()) sol = sol.merge(self.get_costs().to_dataset(name='costs')) self.solution = sol self.process_solution()
[docs] def get_var(self, var, dims=None, standardize_coords=True): """ Return output for variable `var` as a pandas.Series (1d), pandas.Dataframe (2d), or xarray.DataArray (3d and higher). Parameters ---------- var : variable name as string, e.g. 'es_prod' dims : list, optional indices as strings, e.g. ('y', 'x', 't'); if not given, they are auto-detected """ m = self.m try: var_container = getattr(m, var) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.ModelError('Variable {} inexistent.'.format(var)) # Get dims if not dims: dims = [ for i in var_container.index_set().set_tuple] # Make sure standard coordinate names are used if standardize_coords: dims = [i.split('_')[0] for i in dims] result = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(var_container.get_values(), orient='index') if result.empty: raise exceptions.ModelError('Variable {} has no data.'.format(var)) result.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(result.index, names=dims) result = result[0] # Get the only column in the dataframe # Unstack and sort by time axis if len(dims) == 1: result = result.sort_index() elif len(dims) == 2: # if len(dims) is 2, we already have a well-formed DataFrame result = result.unstack(level=0) result = result.sort_index() else: # len(dims) >= 3 result = xr.DataArray.from_series(result) return result
def get_c_sum(self): c = self.get_var('c_prod') + self.get_var('c_con') return c.fillna(0) def get_node_variables(self): detail = ['s', 'r', 'r2', 'export'] p = xr.Dataset() p['e'] = self.get_c_sum() for v in detail: try: p[v] = self.get_var(v) except exceptions.ModelError: continue return p def get_e_cap_net(self): # Create a DataFrame of p_eff to combine with the decision variable e_cap # to get e_cap_net m = self.m p_eff = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({ (y, x): self.get_option(y + '.constraints.p_eff', x=x) for y in m.y for x in m.x}, orient='index') p_eff.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(p_eff.index, names=['y', 'x']) p_eff = p_eff[0].unstack(level=0).sort_index() return self.get_var('e_cap') * p_eff def get_node_parameters(self): detail = ['e_cap', 's_cap', 'r_cap', 'r_area', 'r2_cap'] result = xr.Dataset() for v in detail: try: result[v] = self.get_var(v) except exceptions.ModelError: continue result['e_cap_net'] = self.get_e_cap_net() return result def get_costs(self, t_subset=None): if t_subset is None: return self.get_var('cost') else: # len_adjust is the fraction of construction and fixed costs # that is accrued to the chosen t_subset. NB: construction and fixed # operation costs are calculated for a whole year len_adjust = (sum(['_time_res'].to_series().iloc[t_subset]) / sum(['_time_res'].to_series())) # Adjust for the fact that fixed costs accrue over a smaller length # of time as per len_adjust cost_fixed = self.get_var('cost_fixed') * len_adjust # Adjust for the fact that variable costs are only accrued over # the t_subset period cost_variable = self.get_var('cost_var')[{'t': t_subset}].sum(dim='t') return cost_fixed + cost_variable
[docs] def get_totals(self, t_subset=None, apply_weights=True): """Get total produced and consumed per technology and location.""" if t_subset is None: t_subset = slice(None) if apply_weights: try: weights =['_weights'][dict(t=t_subset)] except AttributeError: weights = 1 else: weights = 1 p = xr.Dataset({i: (self.get_var(i)[dict(t=t_subset)] * weights).sum(dim='t') for i in ['c_prod', 'c_con']}) return p
[docs] def get_levelized_cost(self): """ Get levelized costs. NB: Only production, not consumption, is used in calculations. """ sol = self.solution cost_dict = {} for cost in self._sets['k']: carrier_dict = {} for carrier in self._sets['c']: # Levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # don't warn about division by zero lc = (sol['costs'].loc[dict(k=cost)] / sol['c_prod'].loc[dict(c=carrier)]) lc = lc.to_pandas() # Make sure the dataframe has y as columns and x as index if == 'y': lc = lc.T lc = lc.replace(np.inf, 0) carrier_dict[carrier] = lc cost_dict[cost] = xr.Dataset(carrier_dict).to_array(dim='c') arr = xr.Dataset(cost_dict).to_array(dim='k') return arr
def _get_time_res_sum(self): m = self.m time_res =['_time_res'].to_series() weights =['_weights'].to_series() try: # Try loading time_res_sum from operational mode time_res_sum =['time_res_sum'] except KeyError: time_res_sum = sum([t] *[t] for t in m.t) return time_res_sum
[docs] def get_capacity_factor(self): """ Get capacity factor. NB: Only production, not consumption, is used in calculations. """ sol = self.solution cfs = {} for carrier in sol.coords['c'].values: time_res_sum = self._get_time_res_sum() with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): cf = sol['c_prod'].loc[dict(c=carrier)] / (sol['e_cap_net'] * time_res_sum) cf = cf.to_pandas() # Make sure the dataframe has y as columns and x as index if == 'y': cf = cf.T cf = cf.fillna(0) cfs[carrier] = cf arr = xr.Dataset(cfs).to_array(dim='c') return arr
def get_metadata(self): df = pd.DataFrame(index=self._sets['y']) df.loc[:, 'type'] = y: self.get_parent(y)) df.loc[:, 'name'] = y: self.get_name(y)) df.loc[:, 'carrier_in'] = lambda y: self.get_carrier(y, direction='in', all_carriers=True)) df.loc[:, 'carrier_out'] = lambda y: self.get_carrier(y, direction='out', all_carriers=True)) df.loc[:, 'stack_weight'] = y: self.get_weight(y)) df.loc[:, 'color'] = y: self.get_color(y)) return df def get_summary(self, sort_by='e_cap', carrier=None): sol = self.solution c_prod = sol['c_prod'].sum(dim='x') c_con = sol['c_con'].sum(dim='x') df = pd.DataFrame(index=sol.y, columns=['e_con', 'e_prod']) if carrier is not None: # If a specific carrier is asked for, we only grab that one df['e_prod'] = c_prod.loc[dict(c=carrier)] df['e_con'] = c_con.loc[dict(c=carrier)] else: # If no specific carrier asked for, we intelligently pick # the correct one for each technology for y in sol.y: carrier_out = self.get_carrier( y.item(), direction='out', all_carriers=True ) carrier_in = self.get_carrier( y.item(), direction='in', all_carriers=True ) if isinstance(carrier_out, tuple): # conversion_plus # for carrier_out, we take the primary_carrier carrier_out = self.get_carrier(y.item(), direction='out', primary=True) if isinstance(carrier_in, tuple): # conversion_plus # here we don't have a 'primary_carrier_in' value, # so we just take the first in the list carrier_in = list(carrier_in)[0] df.loc[y.item(), 'e_prod'] = ( c_prod.loc[dict(y=y, c=carrier_out)].item() if carrier_out != 'resource' else np.nan ) df.loc[y.item(), 'e_con'] = ( c_con.loc[dict(y=y, c=carrier_in)].item() if carrier_in != 'resource' else np.nan ) df = df.astype(np.float32) # np.float needed to avoid divide by zero error # Total (over locations) capacity factors per carrier time_res_sum = self._get_time_res_sum() with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # don't warn about division by zero cf = np.divide(df.loc[:, 'e_prod'], (sol['e_cap_net'].sum(dim='x') * time_res_sum)) df['cf'] = cf # Total (over locations) levelized costs per carrier for k in sorted(sol['levelized_cost'].coords['k'].values): with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): # don't warn about division by zero df['levelized_cost_' + k] = np.divide( sol['costs'].loc[dict(k=k)].sum(dim='x'), df.loc[:, 'e_prod']) # Add other carrier-independent stuff df['e_cap'] = sol['e_cap'].sum(dim='x') # Optional characteristics: optionals = ['r_area', 's_cap', 'r_cap'] for optional in optionals: try: df[optional] = sol[optional].sum(dim='x') except: continue # # Add technology type # df['type'] = # Get the basename of each tech (i.e., 'hvac' for 'hvac:location1') df['index_name'] = df.index basenames = [i[0] for i in df.index_name.str.split(':').tolist()] # Add this to the summary df df['basename'] = basenames # Now go through each transmission tech and sum it up into one row, # appending this to the summary df transmission_basetechs = set([t for t in df.basename if self.get_parent(t) == 'transmission']) for basename in transmission_basetechs: if df.basename.str.contains(basename).any(): temp = df.query('basename == "{}"'.format(basename)) temp_sum = temp.sum() cf_cost_cols = (['cf'] + [c for c in df.columns if 'cost_' in c]) temp_cf_cost = temp.loc[:, cf_cost_cols] \ .mul(temp.loc[:, 'e_prod'], axis=0) \ .sum() / temp.loc[:, 'e_prod'].sum() temp_sum.loc[cf_cost_cols] = temp_cf_cost temp_sum.index_name = basename temp_sum.type = 'transmission' df = df.append(temp_sum, ignore_index=True) # Finally, drop the transmission techs with ':' in their name, # only keeping the summary rows, drop temporary columns, and re-set # the index df = df[~df.index_name.str.contains(':')] df = df.set_index('index_name') = 'y' df = df.drop(['basename'], axis=1) return df.sort_values(by=sort_by, ascending=False) def get_groups(self): ggm = self.get_group_members s = pd.Series({k: '|'.join(ggm(k, head_nodes_only=True)) for k in self.config_model.techs if ggm(k, head_nodes_only=True) != [] and ggm(k, head_nodes_only=True) is not None}) df = pd.DataFrame(s, columns=['members']) # Forcing booleans to strings so that groups table has # uniform datatypes gg = lambda y: str(self.get_option( y + '.group', default='', ignore_inheritance=True) ) df['group'] = df['type'] = return df def get_shares(self, groups): from . import analysis vars_ = ['e_prod', 'e_con', 'e_cap'] df = pd.DataFrame(index=groups.index, columns=vars_) for var in vars_: for index, row in groups.iterrows(): group_members = row['members'].split('|') group_type = row['type'] share = analysis.get_group_share(self.solution, group_members, group_type, var=var)[index, var] = share.to_pandas() return df def load_solution_iterative(self, node_vars, total_vars, cost_vars): totals = sum(total_vars) costs = sum(cost_vars) node = xr.concat(node_vars, dim='t') # We are simply concatenating the same timesteps over and over again # when we concatenate the indivudal runs, so we need to set the # correct time axis again node['t'] = self._sets['t'] sol = self.get_node_parameters() sol = sol.merge(totals) sol = sol.merge(costs) sol = sol.merge(node) self.solution = sol self.process_solution()
[docs] def solve_iterative(self, iterative_warmstart=True): """ Solve iterative by updating model parameters. By default, on optimizations subsequent to the first one, warmstart is used to speed up the model generation process. Returns None on success, storing results under self.solution """ o = self.config_model d = time_res = d['_time_res'].to_series() window_adj = int(self.config_model.opmode.window / d.attrs['time_res']) steps = [self._sets['t'][i] for i in range(len(self._sets['t'])) if (i % window_adj) == 0] # Remove the last step - since we look forward at each step, # it would take us beyond actually existing data steps = steps[:-1] node_vars = [] total_vars = [] cost_vars = [] d.attrs['time_res_sum'] = 0 # This will fail if the time range given is too short, i.e. there are # no future timesteps to consider. if len(steps) == 0: raise exceptions.ModelError('Unable to solve iteratively with ' 'current time subset and step-size') self.generate_model(t_start=steps[0]) for index, step in enumerate(steps): if index == 0: self.solve(warmstart=False) else: self.t_start = step self._set_t_end() # Note: we don't update the timestep set, so it keeps the # values it got on first construction. Instead, # we use an offset when updating parameter data so that # the correct values are read into the "incorrect" timesteps. self.update_parameters(t_offset=step - steps[0]) self.solve(warmstart=iterative_warmstart) self.load_results() # Gather relevant model results over decision interval, so # we only grab [0:window/time_res_static] steps, where # window/time_res_static will be an iloc index if index == (len(steps) - 1): # Final iteration saves data from entire horizon stepsize = int(self.config_model.opmode.horizon / d.attrs['time_res']) else: # Non-final iterations only save data from window stepsize = int(self.config_model.opmode.window / d.attrs['time_res']) node = self.get_node_variables() node_vars.append(node[dict(t=slice(0, stepsize))]) # Get totals totals = self.get_totals(t_subset=slice(0, stepsize)) total_vars.append(totals) costs = (self.get_costs(t_subset=slice(0, stepsize)) .to_dataset(name='costs')) cost_vars.append(costs) timesteps = [[t] for t in self.m.t][0:stepsize] d.attrs['time_res_sum'] += sum(timesteps) # Save state of storage for carry over to next iteration if self._sets['y_store']: s = self.get_var('s') # Convert from timestep length to absolute index storage_state_index = stepsize - 1 assert (isinstance(storage_state_index, int) or storage_state_index.is_integer()) storage_state_index = int(storage_state_index) d['s_init'] = s[dict(t=storage_state_index)].to_pandas().T self.load_solution_iterative(node_vars, total_vars, cost_vars)
[docs] def load_results(self): """Load results into model instance for access via model variables.""" not_optimal = (self.results['Solver'][0]['Termination condition'].key != 'optimal') r = if r is False or not_optimal: logging.critical('Solver output:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(self.pyomo_output))) logging.critical(self.results.Problem) logging.critical(self.results.Solver) if not_optimal: message = 'Model solution was non-optimal.' else: message = 'Could not load results into model instance.' raise exceptions.ModelError(message)
[docs] def save_solution(self, how): """Save model solution. ``how`` can be 'netcdf' or 'csv'""" if 'path' not in self.config_run.output: self.config_run.output['path'] = 'Output' logging.warning('`config_run.output.path` not set, using default: `Output`') # Create output dir, but ignore if it already exists try: os.makedirs(self.config_run.output.path) except OSError: # Hoping this isn't raised for more serious stuff pass # except KeyError: # likely because `path` or `output` not defined # raise exceptions.ModelError('`config_run.output.path` not configured.') # Add input time series (r and e_eff) alongside the solution for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: subset_name = 'y_' + param + '_timeseries' # Only if the set has some members if len(self._sets[subset_name]) > 0: self.solution[param] =[param] if how == 'netcdf': self._save_netcdf4() elif how == 'csv': self._save_csv() else: raise ValueError('Unsupported value for `how`: {}'.format(how)) # Remove time series from solution again after writing it to disk for param in self.config_model.timeseries_constraints: if param in self.solution: del self.solution[param] return None
def _save_netcdf4(self): """ Save solution as NetCDF4 to the file ```` in ``self.config_run.output.path`` """ sol = self.solution store_file = os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, '') # Raise error if file exists already, to make sure we don't destroy # existing data if os.path.exists(store_file): i = 0 alt_file = os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, 'solution_{}.nc') while os.path.exists(alt_file.format(i)): i += 1 alt_file = alt_file.format(i) # Now "pick" the first free filename message = ('File `{}` exists, ' 'using `{}` instead.'.format(store_file, alt_file)) logging.warning(message) store_file = alt_file # Metadata for k in ['config_model', 'config_run']: # Serialize config dicts to YAML strings sol.attrs[k] = sol.attrs[k].to_yaml() sol.attrs['run_time'] = self.run_times["runtime"] sol.attrs['calliope_version'] = __version__ encoding = {k: {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 4} for k in self.solution.data_vars} self.solution.to_netcdf(store_file, format='netCDF4', encoding=encoding) self.solution.close() # Force-close NetCDF file after writing return store_file # Return the path to the NetCDF file we used def _save_csv(self): """Save solution as CSV files to ``self.config_run.output.path``""" for k in self.solution.data_vars: out_path = os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, '{}.csv'.format(k)) self.solution[k].to_dataframe().to_csv(out_path) # Metadata md = utils.AttrDict() md['config_run'] = self.config_run md['config_model'] = self.config_model md['run_time'] = self.run_times["runtime"] md['calliope_version'] = __version__ md.to_yaml(os.path.join(self.config_run.output.path, 'metadata.yaml')) return self.config_run.output.path