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Load, update, and access attributes in the Calliope pre-defined YAML schemas

CONFIG_SCHEMA = load_config('config_schema.yaml') module-attribute

DATA_SOURCE_SCHEMA = load_config('data_source_schema.yaml') module-attribute

MATH_SCHEMA = load_config('math_schema.yaml') module-attribute

MODEL_SCHEMA = load_config('model_def_schema.yaml') module-attribute

extract_from_schema(schema, keyword, subset_top_level=None)

Extract a keyword for each leaf property in the schema.

This currently only reliably works for "default". Other keywords exist at branch properties, which confuses the extraction process.


Name Type Description Default
schema dict

Schema to extract keyword from

keyword str

property key to extract

subset_top_level Literal['nodes', 'techs', 'parameters']

Include only those properties that are leaves along a specific top-level property branch. Defaults to None, i.e., all property branches are included.



Name Type Description
dict dict

Flat dictionary of property name : keyword value. Property trees are discarded since property names must be unique.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def extract_from_schema(
    schema: dict,
    keyword: str,
    subset_top_level: Optional[Literal["nodes", "techs", "parameters"]] = None,
) -> dict:
    """Extract a keyword for each leaf property in the schema.

    This currently only reliably works for "default".
    Other keywords exist at branch properties, which confuses the extraction process.

        schema (dict): Schema to extract keyword from
        keyword (str): property key to extract
        subset_top_level (Literal["nodes", "techs", "parameters"], optional):
            Include only those properties that are leaves along a specific top-level property branch.
            Defaults to None, i.e., all property branches are included.

            Flat dictionary of property name : keyword value.
            Property trees are discarded since property names must be unique.
    extracted_keywords: dict = {}
    KeywordValidatingValidator = _extend_with_keyword(
        subset_top_level if subset_top_level is not None else "",
    return extracted_keywords


Reset all module-level schema to the pre-defined dictionaries.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def reset():
    """Reset all module-level schema to the pre-defined dictionaries."""

update_model_schema(top_level_property, new_entries, allow_override=True)

Update existing entries in the model schema or add a new parameter to the model schema.

Available attributes:

  • title (str): Short description of the parameter.
  • description (str): Long description of the parameter.
  • type (str): expected type of entry. Pre-defined entries tend to use "\(ref: "#/\)defs/TechParamNullNumber" instead, to allow type to be either numeric or an indexed parameter.
  • default (str): default value. This will be used in generating the optimisation problem.
  • x-type (str): type of the non-NaN array entries in the internal calliope representation of the parameter.
  • x-unit (str): Unit of the parameter to use in documentation.
  • x-operate-param (bool): If True, this parameter's schema data will only be loaded into the optimisation problem if running in "operate" mode.


Name Type Description Default
top_level_property Literal['nodes', 'techs', 'parameters']

Top-level key under which parameters are to be updated/added.

new_entries dict

Data to update the schema with.

allow_override bool

If True, allow existing entries in the schema to be overwritten. Defaults to True.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def update_model_schema(
    top_level_property: Literal["nodes", "techs", "parameters"],
    new_entries: dict,
    allow_override: bool = True,
    """Update existing entries in the model schema or add a new parameter to the model schema.

    Available attributes:

    * title (str): Short description of the parameter.
    * description (str): Long description of the parameter.
    * type (str): expected type of entry. Pre-defined entries tend to use "$ref: "#/$defs/TechParamNullNumber" instead, to allow type to be either numeric or an indexed parameter.
    * default (str): default value. This will be used in generating the optimisation problem.
    * x-type (str): type of the non-NaN array entries in the internal calliope representation of the parameter.
    * x-unit (str): Unit of the parameter to use in documentation.
    * x-operate-param (bool): If True, this parameter's schema data will only be loaded into the optimisation problem if running in "operate" mode.

        top_level_property (Literal["nodes", "techs", "parameters"]): Top-level key under which parameters are to be updated/added.
        new_entries (dict): Data to update the schema with.
        allow_override (bool, optional): If True, allow existing entries in the schema to be overwritten. Defaults to True.
    new_schema = deepcopy(MODEL_SCHEMA)
    to_update: AttrDict
    if top_level_property == "parameters":
        to_update = new_schema["properties"][top_level_property]["properties"]
        to_update = new_schema["properties"][top_level_property]["patternProperties"][

    to_update.union(AttrDict(new_entries), allow_override=allow_override)

    validator = jsonschema.Draft202012Validator
    validator.META_SCHEMA["unevaluatedProperties"] = False

    MODEL_SCHEMA.union(new_schema, allow_override=True)

update_then_validate_config(config_key, config_dict, **update_kwargs)

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def update_then_validate_config(
    config_key: str, config_dict: AttrDict, **update_kwargs
) -> AttrDict:
    to_validate = deepcopy(config_dict[config_key])
    to_validate.union(AttrDict(update_kwargs), allow_override=True)
        {"config": {config_key: to_validate}},
        f"`{config_key}` configuration",
    return to_validate

validate_dict(to_validate, schema, dict_descriptor)

Validate a dictionary under a given schema.


Name Type Description Default
to_validate dict

Dictionary to validate.

schema dict

Schema to validate with.

dict_descriptor str

Description of the dictionary to validate, to use if an error is raised.



Type Description

If the schema itself is malformed, a SchemaError will be raised at the first issue. Other issues than that raised may still exist.


If the dictionary is not valid according to the schema, a list of the issues found will be collated and raised.

Source code in src/calliope/util/
def validate_dict(to_validate: dict, schema: dict, dict_descriptor: str) -> None:
    Validate a dictionary under a given schema.

        to_validate (dict): Dictionary to validate.
        schema (dict): Schema to validate with.
        dict_descriptor (str): Description of the dictionary to validate, to use if an error is raised.

            If the schema itself is malformed, a SchemaError will be raised at the first issue.
            Other issues than that raised may still exist.
            If the dictionary is not valid according to the schema, a list of the issues found will be collated and raised.
    errors = []
    validator = jsonschema.Draft202012Validator
    validator.META_SCHEMA["unevaluatedProperties"] = False
    except jsonschema.SchemaError as err:
        path = ".".join(err.path)
        if path != "":
            path = f" at `{path}`"

        if err.context:
            message = err.context[0].args[0]
            message = err.args[0]
        raise jsonschema.SchemaError(
            message=f"The {dict_descriptor} schema is malformed{path}: {message}"

        jsonschema.validate(to_validate, schema)
    except jsonschema.ValidationError:
        # TODO: update when OneOf errors are better formatted.
        # See
        for err_ in sorted(validator(schema).iter_errors(to_validate), key=str):
            best_match = jsonschema.exceptions.best_match([err_])
            path_ = best_match.json_path.lstrip("$.")
            if path_ == "":
                errors.append(f"{path_}: {best_match.message}")

    if errors:
            errors=errors, during=f"validation of the {dict_descriptor} dictionary."