Building a model

In short, a Calliope model works like this: supply technologies can take a resource from outside of the modeled system and turn it into a specific energy carrier in the system. The model specifies one or more locations along with the technologies allowed at those locations. Transmission technologies can move energy of the same carrier from one location to another, while conversion technologies can convert one carrier into another at the same location. Demand technologies remove energy from the system, while storage technologies can store energy at a specific location. Putting all of these possibilities together allows a modeller to specify as simple or as complex a model as necessary to answer a given research question.

In more technical terms, Calliope allows a modeller to define technologies with arbitrary characteristics by “inheriting” basic traits from a number of included base tech groups – supply, supply_plus, demand, conversion, conversion_plus, and transmission. These groups are described in more detail in Abstract base technology groups.


The terminology defined here is used throughout the documentation and the model code and configuration files:

  • Technology: a technology that produces, consumes, converts or transports energy

  • Location: a site which can contain multiple technologies and which may contain other locations for energy balancing purposes

  • Resource: a source or sink of energy that can (or must) be used by a technology to introduce into or remove energy from the system

  • Carrier: an energy carrier that groups technologies together into the same network, for example electricity or heat.

As more generally in constrained optimisation, the following terms are also used:

  • Parameter: a fixed coefficient that enters into model equations

  • Variable: a variable coefficient (decision variable) that enters into model equations

  • Set: an index in the algebraic formulation of the equations

  • Constraint: an equality or inequality expression that constrains one or several variables

Files that define a model

Calliope models are defined through YAML files, which are both human-readable and computer-readable, and CSV files (a simple tabular format) for time series data.

It makes sense to collect all files belonging to a model inside a single model directory. The layout of that directory typically looks roughly like this (+ denotes directories, - files):

+ example_model
    + model_config
        - locations.yaml
        - techs.yaml
    + timeseries_data
        - solar_resource.csv
        - electricity_demand.csv
    - model.yaml
    - scenarios.yaml

In the above example, the files model.yaml, locations.yaml and techs.yaml together are the model definition. This definition could be in one file, but it is more readable when split into multiple. We use the above layout in the example models and in our research!

Inside the timeseries_data directory, timeseries are stored as CSV files. The location of this directory can be specified in the model configuration, e.g. in model.yaml.


The easiest way to create a new model is to use the calliope new command, which makes a copy of one of the built-in examples models:

$ calliope new my_new_model

This creates a new directory, my_new_model, in the current working directory.

By default, calliope new uses the national-scale example model as a template. To use a different template, you can specify the example model to use, e.g.: --template=urban_scale.

Model configuration (model)

The model configuration specifies all aspects of the model to run. It is structured into several top-level headings (keys in the YAML file): model, techs, locations, links, and run. We will discuss each of these in turn, starting with model:

    name: 'My energy model'
    timeseries_data_path: 'timeseries_data'
        power: 0
    subset_time: ['2005-01-01', '2005-01-05']

Besides the model’s name (name) and the path for CSV time series data (timeseries_data_path), group constraints can be set, like reserve_margin.

To speed up model runs, the above example specifies a time subset to run the model over only five days of time series data (subset_time: ['2005-01-01', '2005-01-05'])– this is entirely optional. Usually, a full model will contain at least one year of data, but subsetting time can be useful to speed up a model for testing purposes.

Technologies (techs)

The techs section in the model configuration specifies all of the model’s technologies. In our current example, this is in a separate file, model_config/techs.yaml, which is imported into the main model.yaml file alongside the file for locations described further below:

    - 'model_config/techs.yaml'
    - 'model_config/locations.yaml'


The import statement can specify a list of paths to additional files to import (the imported files, in turn, may include further files, so arbitrary degrees of nested configurations are possible). The import statement can either give an absolute path or a path relative to the importing file.

The following example shows the definition of a ccgt technology, i.e. a combined cycle gas turbine that delivers electricity:

        name: 'Combined cycle gas turbine'
        color: '#FDC97D'
        parent: supply
        carrier_out: power
        resource: inf
        energy_eff: 0.5
        energy_cap_max: 40000  # kW
        energy_cap_max_systemwide: 100000  # kW
        energy_ramping: 0.8
        lifetime: 25
            interest_rate: 0.10
            energy_cap: 750  # USD per kW
            om_con: 0.02  # USD per kWh

Each technology must specify some essentials, most importantly a name, the abstract base technology it is inheriting from (parent), and its energy carrier (carrier_out in the case of a supply technology). Specifying a color is optional but useful for using the built-in visualisation tools (see Analysing a model).

The constraints section gives all constraints for the technology, such as allowed capacities, conversion efficiencies, the life time (used in levelised cost calculations), and the resource it consumes (in the above example, the resource is set to infinite via inf).

The costs section gives costs for the technology. Calliope uses the concept of “cost classes” to allow accounting for more than just monetary costs. The above example specifies only the monetary cost class, but any number of other classes could be used, for example co2 to account for emissions. Additional cost classes can be created simply by adding them to the definition of costs for a technology.

By default, only the monetary cost class is used in the objective function, i.e., the default objective is to minimize total costs.

Multiple cost classes can be considered in the objective by setting the cost_class key. It must be a dictionary of cost classes and their weights in the objective, e.g. objective_options: {'cost_class': {'monetary': 1, 'emissions': 0.1}}. In this example, monetary costs are summed as usual and emissions are added to this, scaled by 0.1 (emulating a carbon price).

To use a different sense (minimize/maximize) you can set sense: objective_options: {'cost_class': ..., 'sense': 'minimize'}.

To use a single alternative cost class, disabling the consideration of the default monetary, set the weight of the monetary cost class to zero to stop considering it and the weight of another cost class to a non-zero value, e.g. objective_options: {'cost_class': {'monetary': 0, 'emissions': 1}}.

Allowing for unmet demand

For a model to find a feasible solution, supply must always be able to meet demand. To avoid the solver failing to find a solution, you can ensure feasibility:

    ensure_feasibility: true

This will create an unmet_demand decision variable in the optimisation, which can pick up any mismatch between supply and demand, across all energy carriers. It has a very high cost associated with its use, so it will only appear when absolutely necessary.


When ensuring feasibility, you can also set a big M value (run.bigM). This is the “cost” of unmet demand. It is possible to make model convergence very slow if bigM is set too high. default bigM is 1x10 9, but should be close to the maximum total system cost that you can imagine. This is perhaps closer to 1x10 6 for urban scale models.

Time series data


If a parameter is not explicit in time and space, it can be specified as a single value in the model definition (or, using location-specific definitions, be made spatially explicit). This applies both to parameters that never vary through time (for example, cost of installed capacity) and for those that may be time-varying (for example, a technology’s available resource). However, each model must contain at least one time series.

For parameters that vary in time, time series data can be read from CSV files, by specifying resource: file=filename.csv to pick the desired CSV file from within the configured timeseries data path (model.timeseries_data_path).

By default, Calliope looks for a column in the CSV file with the same name as the location. It is also possible to specify a column to use when setting resource per location, by giving the column name with a colon following the filename: resource: file=filename.csv:column

For example, a simple photovoltaic (PV) tech using a time series of hour-by-hour electricity generation data might look like this:

        name: 'Rooftop PV'
        color: '#B59C2B'
        parent: supply
        carrier_out: power
        resource: file=pv_resource.csv
        energy_cap_max: 10000  # kW

By default, Calliope expects time series data in a model to be indexed by ISO 8601 compatible time stamps in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, e.g. 2005-01-01 00:00:00. This can be changed by setting model.timeseries_dateformat based on strftime` directives <>`_, which defaults to ``'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'.

For example, the first few lines of a CSV file giving a resource potential for two locations might look like this, with the first column in the file always being read as the date-time index:

2005-01-01 00:00:00,0,0
2005-01-01 01:00:00,0,11
2005-01-01 02:00:00,0,18
2005-01-01 03:00:00,0,49
2005-01-01 04:00:00,11,110
2005-01-01 05:00:00,45,300
2005-01-01 06:00:00,90,458

Run configuration (run)

The only required setting in the run configuration is the solver to use:

    solver: cbc
    mode: plan

the most important parts of the run section are solver and mode. A model can run either in planning mode (plan) or operational mode (operate). In planning mode, capacities are determined by the model, whereas in operational mode, capacities are fixed and the system is operated with a receding horizon control algorithm.

Possible options for solver include glpk, gurobi, cplex, and cbc. The interface to these solvers is done through the Pyomo library. Any solver compatible with Pyomo should work with Calliope.

For solvers with which Pyomo provides more than one way to interface, the additional solver_io option can be used. In the case of Gurobi, for example, it is usually fastest to use the direct Python interface:

    solver: gurobi
    solver_io: python


The opposite is currently true for CPLEX, which runs faster with the default solver_io.

Further optional settings, including debug settings, can be specified in the run configuration.

Scenarios and overrides

To make it easier to run a given model multiple times with slightly changed settings or constraints, for example, varying the cost of a key technology, it is possible to define and apply scenarios and overrides. “Overrides” are blocks of YAML that specify configurations that expand or override parts of the base model. “Scenarios” are combinations of any number of such overrides. Both are specified at the top level of the model configuration, as in this example model.yaml file:

    high_cost_2005: ["high_cost", "year2005"]
    high_cost_2006: ["high_cost", "year2006"]

        techs.onshore_wind.costs.monetary.energy_cap: 2000
        model.subset_time: ['2005-01-01', '2005-12-31']
        model.subset_time: ['2006-01-01', '2006-12-31']



Each override is given by a name (e.g. high_cost) and any number of model settings – anything in the model configuration can be overridden by an override. In the above example, one override defines higher costs for an onshore_wind tech while the two other overrides specify different time subsets, so would run an otherwise identical model over two different periods of time series data.

One or several overrides can be applied when running a model, as described in Running a model. Overrides can also be combined into scenarios to make applying them at run-time easier. Scenarios consist of a name and a list of override names which together form that scenario.

Scenarios and overrides can be used to generate scripts that run a single Calliope model many times, either sequentially, or in parallel on a high-performance cluster (see Generating scripts to run a model many times).


Overrides can also import other files. This can be useful if many overrides are defined which share large parts of model configuration, such as different levels of interconnection between model zones. See Importing other YAML files in overrides for details.

Previous: Download and installation | Next: Running a model