New in v0.6.0


This page summarises changes in version 0.6.0 compared to previous versions. For changes made since version 0.6.0, consult the release history.

Version 0.6 is backwards incompatible with version 0.5. If you are familiar with how Calliope functions then this page will act as a reference for moving to version 0.6.

Removed functionality

If you require any of the removed functionality, we recommend you open an issue on GitHub for it to be built into a later revision of 0.6.

Technology constraints

  • s_time (providing a minimum/maximum/exact time of stored energy available for discharge) no longer exists. This constraint was relatively unpredictable in its effects when providing any combination of s_cap, e_cap, c_rate and time clustering.
  • The variable r2 (providing a secondary resource that could be used by a supply/supply_plus technology), along with all its constraints, have been removed. To utilise multiple resource inputs, conversion_plus can be used instead.
  • r_scale_to_peak (allowing a user to provide a value for the peak resource to which the entire time series would be scaled accordingly) has been removed. resource_scale (previously r_scale) can still be used for scaling resource values by the given scale factor.
  • weight (giving a technology a disproportionate weight in the objective function calculation) has been removed.

Custom objectives

The ability to load additional constraints or objectives has been removed. It is still possible to define a custom objective, but to load it, a modeller needs to use a development installation of Calliope and load the function manually.

Updated functionality


Almost all sets, constraints, costs, and variables have been updated to be more verbose, making models more readable. The primary updates are:


  • y -> techs
  • x -> locs
  • c -> carriers
  • k -> costs


  • e -> energy, e.g. e_cap -> energy_cap
  • r -> resource, e.g. r_cap -> resource_cap
  • s -> storage, e.g. s_cap -> storage_cap
  • c_rate -> charge_rate
  • p_eff -> parasitic_eff


  • r -> resource_con: an output from the model giving how much of a resource was consumed
  • r -> resource: the available resource as an input parameter to the model
  • c_prod/c_con -> carrier_prod/carrier_con: The produced/consumed carrier energy in each time storage_cap

Model and run configuration

run.yaml no longer exists. Instead, all information needed to run a model is now stored in model.yaml under the headings model and run.

run only contains information about the solver: which one to use and any specific solver options to apply.

model contains all other information: time subsetting, model mode, output format, parallel runs, and time clustering.

To solve a model, point to the model.yaml file, e.g.: calliope run path/to/model.yaml.


Overrides are no longer applied within run.yaml (or even model.yaml). Instead, overrides are grouped and placed into a separate YAML file, called for example overrides.yaml (as of version 0.6.3, they are in a top-level overrides key in the model configuration, so the informatiom below no longer applies to v0.6.3 and later).

Each group defines any number of overrides to the technology, location, link, model, or run definitions. One or several such groups can then be applied when solving a model, e.g.:


    techs.ccgt.costs.monetary.energy_cap: 10
    locations.region2.techs.csp.costs.monetary.energy_cap: 100
    model.subset_time: ['2005-01-01', '2005-02-28']

Running in the command line:

calliope run model.yaml --override_file=overrides.yaml:higher_costs

calliope run model.yaml --override_file=overrides.yaml:higher_costs,winter

Running interactively:

# only apply the 'higher_costs' override group
model = calliope.Model(

# apply both the 'higher_costs' and 'winter' overrides
model2 = calliope.Model(

As in version 0.5, overrides can be applied when creating a Model object, via the argument override_dict. A dictionary can then be given:

higher_costs = {
    'techs.ccgt.costs.monetary.energy_cap': 10,
    'locations.region2.techs.csp.costs.monetary.energy_cap': 100

model = calliope.Model('model.yaml', override_dict=higher_costs)

Parallel runs

Building on the simplified way to define overrides (see above) and on lessons learnt during the development of Calliope so far, the functionality to generate multiple runs to run either on a single machine or in parallel on a high-performance cluster has been greatly simplified and improved.

Location and technology subsets

In model configuration, subset_x and subset_y (subsetting the used locations and technologies, respectively) no longer exist. subset_t, now called subset_time, does still exist.

To remove specific technologies or locations from a model, the new and much more powerful exists option can be used.

Technology definition

A technology is now defined in three parts: essentials, constraints, and costs. All top-level definitions (parent, carrier_out, etc.) are now given under essentials and cannot be defined per-location – they are defined only once for a given technology and apply model-wide. Both constraints and costs remain the same as in 0.5, but with more verbose naming:


    name: 'National grid import'
    parent: supply
    carrier: power
        r: inf
        e_cap.max: 2000
            e_cap: 15
            om_fuel: 0.1


        name: 'National grid import'
        parent: supply
        carrier: electricity
        resource: inf
        energy_cap_max: 2000
        lifetime: 25
            interest_rate: 0.10
            energy_cap: 15
            om_con: 0.1

Carrier ratios and export carriers have also been moved from essentials into constraints:


    name: 'Combined heat and power'
    stack_weight: 100
    parent: conversion_plus
    export: true
    primary_carrier_out: power
    carrier_in: gas
    carrier_out: power
        heat: 0.8
        e_cap.max: 1500
        e_eff: 0.405
            e_cap: 750
            om_var: 0.004
            export: file=export_power.csv


        name: 'Combined heat and power'
        parent: conversion_plus
        primary_carrier_out: electricity
        carrier_in: gas
        carrier_out: electricity
        carrier_out_2: heat
        export_carrier: electricity
        energy_cap_max: 1500
        energy_eff: 0.405
        carrier_ratios.carrier_out_2.heat: 0.8
        lifetime: 25
            interest_rate: 0.10
            energy_cap: 750
            om_prod: 0.004
            export: file=export_power.csv

Per distance constraints and costs have now been incorporated under the constraints and costs keys, with a ‘_per_distance’ suffix:


    name: 'District heat distribution'
    parent: transmission
    carrier: heat
        e_cap.max: 2000
        e_loss: 0.025
            e_cap: 0.3


        name: 'District heat distribution'
        parent: transmission
        carrier: heat
        energy_cap_max: 2000
        energy_eff_per_distance: 0.975
        lifetime: 25
            interest_rate: 0.10
            energy_cap_per_distance: 0.3

Interest rates and life times

As seen in the above examples, technology lifetime and interest rate must now be defined for each technology, under costs. In version 0.5, technologies not defining these would silently use implicit default values of 0.10 for interest rate and 25 years for life time. Setting these explicitly for any technology which has investment costs (i.e. those which are not om_… or export) is now mandatory; no default values exist any more.

Location definition

In version 0.5, location definitions included a list of technologies to permit at that location(s). An additional overrides key permitted per-location changes to model-wide technology definitions.

In 0.6, “overriding” refers only to model-wide overrides applied as described above. At each location, techs simply lists all allowed technologies and any possible changes to model-wide configuration values to apply at this location only, as shown below:


        techs: [ccgt, csp]
                    energy_cap: 100


                    energy_cap: 100
            # Note that csp must be listed to be permitted here,
            # even though it has no location-specific configuration.

Loading time series data from CSV files

x_map (mapping a technology name to a column in a CSV file) has been removed. Instead, a user can define the time series file column when defining the file name, separated from the file name by a :. If no column name is provided, Calliope will look for a column with the location name.


# will look for the column `demand` in the file `demand_heat_r.csv`
        techs: [demand_power]
                    x_map: demand
                        r: file


# will look for the column `demand` in the file `demand_heat_r.csv`
                    resource: file=demand_heat.csv:demand

Location metadata

Location coordinates, previously given under the metadata key, are now given directly per location:


    # metadata given in cartesian coordinates, not lat, lon.
            x: 0
            y: 0
            x: 1
            y: 1
        region1: {x: 2, y: 7}
        region2: {x: 8, y: 7}


        coordinates: {x: 2, y: 7}
        coordinates: {x: 8, y: 7}

group_share constraint

The group_fraction constraint is now called group_share and has a different formulation more in line with the rest of the tech-specific constraints:

        energy_cap_min: 0.5
        energy_cap_max: 0.9
            power: 0.5

In the process of making these updates, the demand_power_peak and (undocumented) ignored_techs options were removed from group_share.


When first introduced, charge rate was used to hard-link energy_cap and storage_cap for a storage/supply_plus technology. This meant that on defining energy_cap_max and charge_rate, a user was implicitly defining storage_cap_max. This hard-link has now been removed, replaced with only one constraint concerning charge rate: \(storage_{cap}(loc::tech) \geq energy_{cap}(loc:tech) \times charge\_rate(loc:tech)\).

See also


Pre-processed data

Version 0.5 kept pre-processed data in either a dictionary (static data), pandas dataframe (location data) or an xarray Dataset (timeseries data). To view a value that would be used in optimisation, the user would call model.get_option(). Similarly, to edit a value before running the model, a user could use model.set_option().

Now, all pre-processed data is held in a single unified xarray Dataset: model.inputs.

To view and edit this data before it is sent to the solver, a user need only use standard xarray functionality (see their documentation for more information).

Plotting data


Advanced plotting is still under construction. In case our current functionality is insufficient, input and output data can be plotted by the user using their preferred Python plotting tools, or any other language that can access either NetCDF or CSV data.

Plotting functions can now be called directly on the model and now use Plotly instead of 0.5’s matplotlib.

Changes are:

  • calliope.analysis.plot_capacity(model.solution) to model.plot.capacity()
  • calliope.analysis.plot_transmission(model.solution, carrier='power', tech='ac_transmission') to model.plot.transmission()
  • calliope.analysis.plot_carrier_production(model.solution, carrier='power') to model.plot.timeseries()

All available data is plotted, with dropdown menus available for a user to move between plots. A summary of all plotting can also be produced using model.plot.summary(), a function that is also available via the command line interface.

See also

Model class

Operational mode

In 0.6, running in operational mode changes capacities from decision variables to parameters, preventing various issues that plagued operational mode in prior versions. Additional sense checks were added to ensure that functionality incompatible with operational mode, such as time clustering, is not accidentally used together with it.

See also

Operational mode

New functionality

Debugging & checks

A user can now output a data structure of all model input data (the model_run dictionary) after Calliope’s internal pre-processing, into a YAML file, for debugging. This debug file includes comments as to where constraint/cost values have originated (e.g. having been set by a location-specific configuration, or from a model-wide override group).

Similarly, sense checks are undertaken at several points during pre-processing to ensure the model being built is robust. This includes checks for missing data, possibly misspelled constraints, incompatible inputs, and much more.

This functionality will not find all possible user input errors, as this is an impossible task. However, it flags common mistakes, and the format of implementation allows for further checks to be applied in the future.

Pre-processed model

Having the pre-processed model available in one xarray Dataset allows a model to be saved to file before being run. Although pre-processing is quick, this allows a user to avoid pre-processing the same file multiple times. Instead, they can read in a previously saved NetCDF file which fully describes the model.

Multiple backends

Our primary solver backend is Pyomo. However, we have now extracted all pre-processing stages from the backend, with all data for a model run being stored in a single xarray Dataset. This permits the implementation of additional backends.

One such backend currently in an experimental state is based on JuMP in the Julia programming language. Linking Calliope to Julia is a long-term project, for which we welcome any contributions.

Pyomo warmstart

Warmstart functionality can be used in solvers other than GLPK. They allow a previously constructed model to be changed slightly without having to be fully rebuilt. This can speed up re-running a model when you have just a few input parameters you would like to change (the cost of a technology, for instance).

Although the use of warmstart existed in operational mode in version 0.5, now it extends to all possible parameters in all models. This functionality is currently undocumented in Calliope, but the Pyomo documentation provides some information and the Pyomo model built by Calliope can be accessed by model._backend_model.

Backend interface

Once the backend model has been built, it can be accessed by a user, via Calliope. Parameters can be checked and changed, constraints can be activated/deactivated and a model can be re run, all without having to build the backend again. User who are familiar with building large models with Pyomo will be aware of the time penalty associated with processing the model in Pyomo. This additional functionality helps mitigate this, as changing a few parameters need not require complete model rebuild.


In an interactive Python session (e.g. using Jupyter notebook), output from Calliope can be triggered at different levels of verbosity. By default on building the model (calliope.Model()) and running it (, there is no logging displayed unless it is at least a WARNING. For helpful information on where the model is in its pre-processing and running in the solver, verbosity can be increased using calliope.set_log_level().