Source code for calliope.analysis.plotting.plotting

Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Functionality to plot model data.


import os
import re

import plotly.offline as pltly
import jinja2

from calliope.exceptions import warn
from calliope.analysis.plotting.capacity import plot_capacity
from calliope.analysis.plotting.timeseries import plot_timeseries
from calliope.analysis.plotting.transmission import plot_transmission
from calliope.analysis.plotting.util import type_of_script

def plot_summary(model, to_file=False, mapbox_access_token=None):
    Plot a summary containing timeseries, installed capacities, and
    transmission plots. Returns a HTML string by default, returns None if
    ``to_file`` given (and saves the HTML string to file).

    to_file : str, optional
        Path to output file to save HTML to.
    mapbox_access_token : str, optional
        (passed to plot_transmission) If given and a valid Mapbox API
        key, a Mapbox map is drawn for lat-lon coordinates, else
        (by default), a more simple built-in map.

    subset = {'costs': ['monetary']}

    timeseries = _plot(*plot_timeseries(model, subset=subset), html_only=True)
    capacity = _plot(*plot_capacity(model, subset=subset), html_only=True)
    if 'loc_coordinates' in model._model_data:
        transmission = _plot(*plot_transmission(
            model, html_only=True, mapbox_access_token=mapbox_access_token
        ), html_only=True)
        transmission = '<br><br><p>No location coordinates defined -<br>not plotting transmission.</p>'

    template_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', 'config', 'plots_template.html'
    with open(template_path, 'r') as f:
        html_template = jinja2.Template(

    if 'solution_time' in model._model_data.attrs:
        solution_time = model._model_data.attrs['solution_time'] / 60
        time_finished = model._model_data.attrs['time_finished']
        result_stats = 'taking {:.2f} minutes to solve, completed at {}'.format(
            solution_time, time_finished
        result_stats = 'inputs only'

    html = html_template.render(

    # Strip plotly-inserted style="..." attributes
    html = re.sub(r'style=".+?"', '', html)

    if to_file:
        with open(to_file, 'w') as f:
        return html

def _plot(
        data, layout, html_only=False, to_file=False,
        layout_updates=None, plotly_kwarg_updates=None,
        # kwargs are included as they get passed through from the
        # plotting accessor method, but are not actually used

    plotly_kwargs = dict(
            'displaylogo': False,
            'modeBarButtonsToRemove': ['sendDataToCloud'],

    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':
        plotter = pltly.iplot
        plotly_filename_key = 'filename'
        plotter = pltly.plot
        plotly_filename_key = 'image_filename'
        plotly_kwargs['auto_open'] = True
        plotly_kwargs['filename'] = 'temp_plot.html'

    if layout_updates:
        layout = {**layout, **layout_updates}

    if plotly_kwarg_updates:
        plotly_kwargs = {**plotly_kwargs, **plotly_kwarg_updates}

    if to_file:
        filename, image_type = to_file.rsplit('.', 1)
        # Plotly can only save certain file types
        if image_type not in ['png', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'webp']:
            raise TypeError(
                'Unable to save plot as `{}`, choose from '
                '[`png`, `jpeg`, `svg`, `webp`]'.format(image_type)
        if 'updatemenus' in layout:
            raise ValueError('Unable to save multiple arrays to SVG, pick one array only')
            plotly_kwargs[plotly_filename_key] = filename

    if data:
        if html_only:
            return pltly.plot(
                {'data': data, 'layout': layout},
                include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div',
            plotter({'data': data, 'layout': layout}, **plotly_kwargs)
        raise ValueError('No data to plot.')

[docs]class ModelPlotMethods: def __init__(self, model): self._model = model _docstring_additions = """ html_only : bool, optional; default = False Returns a html string for embedding the plot in a webpage to_file : False or str, optional; default = False Will save plot to file with the given name and extension. `to_file='plot.svg'` to save to SVG, `to_file='plot.png'` for a static PNG image. Allowed file extensions are: ['png', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'webp']. layout_updates : dict, optional The given dict will be merged with the Plotly layout dict generated by the Calliope plotting function, overwriting keys that already exist. plotly_kwarg_updates : dict, optional The given dict will be merged with the Plotly plot function's keyword arguments generated by the Calliope plotting function, overwriting keys that already exist. """ def check_optimality(self): termination = self._model._model_data.attrs.get( 'termination_condition', 'did_not_yet_run') if termination not in ['optimal', 'did_not_yet_run']: warn('Model termination condition was not optimal. Plotting may fail!')
[docs] def timeseries(self, **kwargs): self.check_optimality() data, layout = plot_timeseries(self._model, **kwargs) return _plot(data, layout, **kwargs)
timeseries.__doc__ = plot_timeseries.__doc__.rstrip() + _docstring_additions
[docs] def capacity(self, **kwargs): self.check_optimality() data, layout = plot_capacity(self._model, **kwargs) return _plot(data, layout, **kwargs)
capacity.__doc__ = plot_capacity.__doc__.rstrip() + _docstring_additions
[docs] def transmission(self, **kwargs): self.check_optimality() data, layout = plot_transmission(self._model, **kwargs) return _plot(data, layout, **kwargs)
transmission.__doc__ = plot_transmission.__doc__.rstrip() + _docstring_additions
[docs] def summary(self, **kwargs): self.check_optimality() return plot_summary(self._model, **kwargs)
summary.__doc__ = plot_summary.__doc__