Run configuration


See Run settings in the configuration reference for a complete listing of all available configuration options.

At a minimum, the run configuration must provide three settings, as shown in this example:

model: 'model_config/model.yaml'
mode: 'plan'
solver: 'glpk'

model specifies the path to the model configuration file for the model to be run. mode specifies whether the model should be run in planning (plan) or operational (operate) mode (see Running the model). Finally, solver specifies the solver to be used. Calliope has been tested with GLPK, Gurobi and CPLEX. Any of the solvers that Pyomo is compatible with should work.

Additional (optional) settings, including debug settings, can be specified in the run configuration. In particular, the run settings can override any model settings by specifying override, e.g.:

               e_cap: 1000


If run settings override the data_path setting and specify a relative path, that path will be interpreted as relative to the run settings file and not the model settings file being overridden.

Instead of directly overriding settings within the run configuration file using an override block, it is also possible to specify an additional model configuration file with overriding settings by using the model_override: path/to/model_override.yaml setting (the path given here is relative to the run configuration file).

The optional settings to adjust the timestep resolution and those for parallel runs are discussed below. For a complete list of the other available settings, see Run settings in the configuration reference.

Time resolution adjustment

Models must have a default timestep length (defined implicitly by the timesteps defined in set_t.csv), and all time series files used in a given model must conform to that timestep length requirement.

However, this default resolution can be adjusted over parts of the dataset via configuring time in the run settings. At its most basic, this allows running a function that can perform arbitrary adjustments to the time series data in the model, via time.function, and/or applying a series of masks to the time series data to select specific areas of interest, such as periods of maximum or minimum production by certain technologies, via time.masks.

The available options include:

  1. Uniform time resolution reduction through the resample function, which takes a pandas-compatible rule describing the target resolution. For example, to resample to 6-hourly timesteps:
    function: resample
    function_options: {'resolution': '6H'}
  1. Deriving representative days from the input time series, by applying either k-means or hierarchical clustering as defined in calliope.time_clustering, for example:
    function: apply_clustering
    function_options: {clustering_func: 'get_clusters_kmeans', how: 'mean', k: 20}
  1. Heuristic selection: application of one or more of the masks defined in calliope.time_masks, via a list of masks given in time.masks. See Time series in the API documentation for the available masking functions. Options can be passed to the masking functions by specifying options. A time.function can still be specified and will be applied to the masked areas (i.e. those areas of the time series not selected), as in this example which looks for the week of minimum and maximum potential wind production (assuming a wind technology was specified), then reduces the rest of the input time series to 6-hourly resolution:
       - {function: week, options: {day_func: 'extreme', tech: 'wind', how: 'max'}}
       - {function: week, options: {day_func: 'extreme', tech: 'wind', how: 'min'}}
   function: resample
   function_options: {'resolution': '6H'}


When loading a model, all time steps initially have the same weight. Time step resolution reduction methods may adjust the weight of individual timesteps; this is used for example to give appropriate weight to the operational costs of aggregated typical days in comparison to individual extreme days, if both exist in the same processed time series. See the implementation of constraints in calliope.constraints.base for more detail.

Settings for parallel runs

The run settings can also include a parallel section.

This section is parsed when using the calliope generate command-line tool to generate a set of runs to be executed in parallel (see Parallel runs). A run settings file defining parallel can still be used to execute a single model run, in which case the parallel section is simply ignored.

The concept behind parallel runs is to specify a base model (via the run configuration’s model setting), then define a set of model runs using this base model, but overriding one or a small number of settings in each run. For example, one could explore a range of costs of a specific technology and how this affects the result.

Specifying these iterations is not (yet) automated, they must be manually entered under parallel.iterations: section. However, Calliope provides functionality to gather and process the results from a set of parallel runs (see Analyzing results).

At a minimum, the parallel block must define:

  • a name for the run
  • the environment of the cluster (if it is to be run on a cluster), currently supported is bsub and qsub. In either case, the generated scripts can also be run manually
  • iterations: a list of model runs, with each entry giving the settings that should be overridden for that run. The settings are run settings, so, for example, time.function can be overridden. Because the run settings can themselves override model settings, via override, model settings can be specified here, e.g. override.techs.nuclear.costs.monetary.e_cap.

The following example parallel settings show the available options. In this case, two iterations are defined, and each of them overrides the nuclear e_cap costs (override.techs.nuclear.costs.monetary.e_cap):

    name: 'example-model'  # Name of this run
    environment: 'bsub'  # Cluster environment, choices: bsub, qsub
    data_path_adjustment: '../../../model_config'
    # Execute additional commands in the run script before starting the model
    pre_run: ['source activate pyomo']
    # Execute additional commands after running the model
    post_run: []
        - override.techs.nuclear.costs.monetary.e_cap: 1000
        - override.techs.nuclear.costs.monetary.e_cap: 2000
        threads: 1  # Set to request a non-default number of threads
        wall_time: 30  # Set to request a non-default run time in minutes
        memory: 1000  # Set to request a non-default amount of memory in MB

This also shows the optional settings available:

  • data_path_adjustment: replaces the data_path setting in the model configuration during parallel runs only
  • pre_run and post_run: one or multiple lines (given as a list) that will be executed in the run script before / after running the model. If running on a computing cluster, pre_run is likely to include a line or two setting up any environment variables and activating the necessary Python environment.
  • resources: specifying these will include resource requests to the cluster controller into the generated run scripts. threads, wall_time, and memory are available. Whether and how these actually get processed or honored depends on the setup of the cluster environment.

For an iteration to override more than one setting at a time, the notation is as follows:

    - first_option: 500
      second_option: 10
    - first_option: 600
      second_option: 20

See Parallel runs in the section on running models for details on how to use the parallel settings to generate and execute parallel runs.

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