
Before going through these tutorials, it is recommended to have a brief look at the components section to become familiar with the terminology and modeling approach used.

The tutorials are based on the built-in example models, they explain the key steps necessary to set up and run simple models. Refer to the other parts of the documentation for more detailed information on configuring and running more complex models.

The built-in examples are simple on purpose, to show the key components of a Calliope model.

The first part of the tutorial builds a model for part of a national grid, exhibiting the following Calliope functionality:

  • Use of supply, supply_plus, demand, storage and transmission technologies
  • Nested locations
  • Multiple cost types

The second part of the tutorial builds a model for part of a district network, exhibiting the following Calliope functionality:

  • Use of supply, demand, conversion, conversion_plus, and transmission technologies
  • Use of multiple energy carriers
  • Revenue generation, by carrier export

Tutorial 1: national scale

This example consists of two possible power supply technologies, a power demand at two locations, the possibility for battery storage at one of the locations, and a transmission technology linking the two. The diagram below gives an overview:

Overview of the built-in urban-scale example model

Overview of the built-in national-scale example model

Supply-side technologies

The example model defines two power supply technologies.

The first is ccgt (combined-cycle gas turbine), which serves as an example of a simple technology with an infinite resource. Its only constraints are the cost of built capacity (e_cap) and a constraint on its maximum built capacity.

Supply node

The layout of a supply node, in this case ccgt, which has an infinite resource, a carrier conversion efficiency (\(e_{eff}\)), and a constraint on its maximum built \(e_{cap}\) (which puts an upper limit on \(e_{prod}\)).

The definition of this technology in the example model’s configuration looks as follows:

        name: 'Combined cycle gas turbine'
        color: '#FDC97D'
        stack_weight: 200
        parent: supply
        carrier_out: power
            r: inf
            e_eff: 0.5
            e_cap.max: 40000  # kW
                e_cap: 750  # USD per kW
                om_fuel: 0.02  # USD per kWh

There are a few things to note. First, ccgt defines a name, a color (given as an HTML color code), and a stack_weight. These are used by the built-in analysis tools when analyzing model results. Second, it specifies its parent, supply, and its carrier_out, power, thus setting itself up as a power supply technology. This is followed by the definition of constraints and costs (the only cost class used is monetary, but this is where other “costs”, such as emissions, could be defined).


There are technically no restrictions on the units used in model definitions. Usually, the units will be kW and kWh, alongside a currency like USD for costs. It is the responsibility of the modeler to ensure that units are correct and consistent. Some of the analysis functionality in the analysis module assumes that kW and kWh are used when drawing figure and axis labels, but apart from that, there is nothing preventing the use of other units.

The second technology is csp (concentrating solar power), and serves as an example of a complex supply_plus technology making use of:

  • a finite resource based on time series data
  • built-in storage
  • plant-internal losses (p_eff)
More complex node but without a secondary resource

The layout of a more complex node, in this case csp, which makes use of most node-level functionality available, with the exception of a secondary resource.

This definition in the example model’s configuration is more verbose:

        name: 'Concentrating solar power'
        color: '#99CB48'
        stack_weight: 100
        parent: supply_plus
        carrier_out: power
            use_s_time: true
            s_time.max: 24
            s_loss: 0.002
            r: file  # Will look for `csp_r.csv` in data directory
            e_eff: 0.4
            p_eff: 0.9
            r_area.max: inf
            e_cap.max: 10000
                s_cap: 50
                r_area: 200
                r_cap: 200
                e_cap: 1000
                om_var: 0.002
                interest: 0.12

Again, csp has the definitions for name, color, stack_weight, parent, and carrier_out. Its constraints are more numerous: it defines a maximum storage time (s_time.max), an hourly storage loss rate (s_loss), then specifies that its resource should be read from a file (more on that below). It also defines a carrier conversion efficiency of 0.4 and a parasitic efficiency of 0.9 (i.e., an internal loss of 0.1). Finally, the resource collector area and the installed carrier conversion capacity are constrained to a maximum.

The costs are more numerous as well, and include monetary costs for all relevant components along the conversion from resource to carrier (power): storage capacity, resource collector area, resource conversion capacity, energy conversion capacity, and variable operational and maintenance costs. Finally, it also overrides the default value for the monetary interest rate.

Storage technologies

The second location allows a limited amount of battery storage to be deployed to better balance the system. This technology is defined as follows:

        name: 'Battery storage'
        color: '#DC5CE5'
        parent: storage
        carrier: power
            e_cap.max: 1000  # kW
            s_cap.max: inf
            c_rate: 4
            e_eff: 0.95  # 0.95 * 0.95 = 0.9025 round trip efficiency
            s_loss: 0  # No loss over time assumed
                s_cap: 200  # USD per kWh storage capacity

The contraints give a maximum installed generation capacity for battery storage together with a charge rate (C-rate) of 4, which in turn limits the storage capacity. In the case of a storage technology, e_eff applies twice: on charging and discharging. In addition, storage technologies can lose stored energy over time – in this case, we set this loss to zero.

Other technologies

Three more technologies are needed for a simple model. First, a definition of power demand and unmet power demand:

        name: 'Power demand'
        parent: demand
        carrier: power
        name: 'Unmet power demand'
        parent: unmet_demand
        carrier: power

Power demand is a technology like any other. We will associate an actual demand time series with the demand technology later. The parent of unmet_demand_power, unmet_demand, is a special kind of supply technology with an unlimited resource but very high cost. It allows a model to remain mathematically feasible even if insufficient supply is available to meet demand, and model results can easily be examined to verify whether there was any unmet demand. There is no requirement to include such a technology in a model, but it is useful to do so, since in its absence, an infeasible model would cause the solver to end with an error, returning no results for Calliope to analyze.

What remains to set up is a simple transmission technology:

        name: 'AC power transmission'
        parent: transmission
        carrier: power
            e_eff: 0.85
                e_cap: 200
                om_var: 0.002

ac_transmission has an efficiency of 0.85, so a loss during transmission of 0.15, as well as some cost definitions.

Transmission technologies (like conversion technologies) look different than other nodes, as they link the carrier at one location to the carrier at another (or, in the case of conversion, one carrier to another at the same location). The following figure illustrates this for the example model’s transmission technology:

Transmission node

A simple transmission node with an \(e_{eff}\).


In order to translate the model requirements shown in this section’s introduction into a model definition, five locations are used: r1, r2, csp1, csp2, and csp3.

The technologies are set up in these locations as follows:

Locations and their technologies in the example model

Locations and their technologies in the example model

Let’s now look at the first location definition:

        techs: ['demand_power', 'unmet_demand_power', 'ccgt']
                x_map: 'region1: demand'
                    r: file=demand-1.csv
                    r_scale_to_peak: -40000
                    e_cap.max: 30000 # increased to ensure no unmet_demand in first timestep

There are several things to note here:

  • The location specifies a list of technologies that it allows (techs). Note that technologies listed here must have been defined elsewhere in the model configuration.
  • It also overrides some options for both demand_power and ccgt. For the latter, it simply sets a location-specific maximum capacity constraint. For demand_power, the options set here are related to reading the demand time series from a CSV file. CSV is a simple text-based format that stores tables by comma-separated rows. Note that we did not define any r option in the definition of the demand_power technology. Instead, this is done directly via a location-specific override. For this location, the file demand-1.csv is loaded, and the demand is then scaled such that the demand peak is at the given value. Note that in Calliope, a supply is positive and a demand is negative, so the peak demand is actually a negative value. Finally, the x_map option allows us to read a CSV file with a single column named “demand” and tell Calliope to load data from that column for region r1. This is necessary unless the column name(s) in the CSV file already correspond to the location names defined in the model configuration.

The remaining location definitions look like this:

        techs: ['demand_power', 'unmet_demand_power', 'battery']
                x_map: 'region2: demand'
                    r: file=demand-2.csv
                    r_scale_to_peak: -5000

        within: region1
        techs: ['csp']

r2 is very similar to r1, except that it does not allow the ccgt technology. The three csp locations are defined together, i.e. they each get the exact same configuration. They are within the location r1 and allow only the csp technology, this allows us to model three possible sites for CSP plants within r1.

Locations that do not specify a within are implicitly at the topmost level. Transmission between locations at the topmost level can only take place if transmission links are defined between them. On the other hand, locations which are specified as within another location can automatically and without any losses transmit energy to and from their parent location. In other words, a topmost location and all its contained locations together are implicitly assumed to be on a “copperplate” together. That means there are no transmission constraints and no transmission losses between these locations. Balancing of supply and demand takes place only at the topmost level.

For transmission technologies, the model also needs to know which top-level locations can be linked, and this is set up in the model configuration as follows:

                e_cap.max: 10000

Tutorial 2: urban scale

This example consists of two possible sources of electricity, one possible source of heat, and one possible source of simultaneous heat and electricity. There are three locations, each describing a building, with transmission links between them. The diagram below gives an overview:

Overview of the built-in urban-scale example model

Overview of the built-in urban-scale example model

Supply technologies

This example model defines three supply technologies.

The first two are national_gas and national_grid, referring to the supply of gas (natural gas) and power (electricity), respectively, from the national distribution system. These ‘inifinitely’ available national commodities can become energy carriers in the system, with the cost of their purchase being considered at supply, not conversion.

Simple node

The layout of a simple node, in this case boiler, which has one carrier input, one carrier output, a carrier conversion efficiency (\(e_{eff}\)), and a constraint on its maximum built \(e_{cap}\) (which puts an upper limit on \(e_{prod}\)).

The definition of these technologies in the example model’s configuration looks as follows:


        name: 'National grid import'
        parent: supply
        carrier: power
            r: inf
            e_cap.max: 2000
                e_cap: 15
                om_fuel: 0.1 # 10p/kWh electricity price #ppt

        name: 'Natural gas import'
        parent: supply
        carrier: gas
            r: inf
            e_cap.max: 2000
                e_cap: 1
                om_fuel: 0.025 # 2.5p/kWh gas price #ppt

The final supply technology is pv (solar photovoltaic power), which serves as a inflexible supply technology. It is simple to define, other than having a time-dependant resource availablity, loaded from file. Additionally, it is constrained by available area, which is the rooftop area of the locations in this example.

The definition of this technology in the example model’s configuration looks as follows:


        name: 'Solar photovoltaic power'
        color: '#99CB48'
        stack_weight: 100
        parent: supply_plus
        export: true
        carrier_out: power
            r: file  # Will look for `pv_r.csv` in data directory - already accounted for panel efficiency - kWh/m2. Source: Renewables.ninja Solar PV Power - Version: 1.1 - License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ - Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.08.060
            p_eff: 0.85 # inverter losses
            e_cap.max: 250
            r_area.max: 1500
            force_r: true
            r_area_per_e_cap: 7 # 7m2 of panels needed to fit 1kWp of panels

Conversion technologies

The example model defines two conversion technologies.

The first is boiler (natural gas boiler), which serves as an example of a simple conversion technology with one input carrier and one output carrier. Its only constraints are the cost of built capacity (e_cap) and a constraint on its maximum built capacity.

Simple node

The layout of a simple node, in this case boiler, which has one carrier input, one carrier output, a carrier conversion efficiency (\(e_{eff}\)), and a constraint on its maximum built \(e_{cap}\) (which puts an upper limit on \(e_{prod}\)).

The definition of this technology in the example model’s configuration looks as follows:

                e_cap: 1350
# Conversion

        name: 'Natural gas boiler'
        stack_weight: 100
        parent: conversion
        carrier_out: heat
        carrier_in: gas

There are a few things to note. First, boiler defines a name, a color (given as an HTML color code), and a stack_weight. These are used by the built-in analysis tools when analyzing model results. Second, it specifies its parent, conversion, its carrier_in gas, and its carrier_out heat, thus setting itself up as a gasto heat conversion technology. This is followed by the definition of constraints and costs (the only cost class used is monetary, but this is where other “costs”, such as emissions, could be defined).

The second technology is chp (combined heat and power), and serves as an example of a possible conversion_plus technology making use of two output carriers.

More complex node but without a secondary resource

The layout of a more complex node, in this case chp, which makes use of multiple output carriers.

This definition in the example model’s configuration is more verbose:

            e_eff: 0.85

# Conversion_plus

        name: 'Combined heat and power'
        stack_weight: 100
        parent: conversion_plus
        export: true
        primary_carrier: power
        carrier_in: gas
        carrier_out: power
            heat: 0.8
            e_cap.max: 1500
            e_eff: 0.405

Again, chp has the definitions for name, color, stack_weight, parent, and carrier_in. Its constraints are no more numerous: it still only defines a carrier conversion efficiency and maximum carrier conversion capacity.

Demand technologies

Electricity and heat demand, and their unmet_demand counterparts are defined here:

                om_var: 0.004 # .4p/kWh for 4500 operating hours/year
                export: file=export_power.csv


        name: 'Electrical demand'
        parent: demand
        carrier: power

        name: 'Unmet electrical demand'
        parent: unmet_demand
        carrier: power

        name: 'Heat demand'
        parent: demand
        carrier: heat


Electricity and heat demand are a technologies like any other. We will associate an actual demand time series with each demand technology later. The parent of unmet_demand_power and unmet_demand_heat, unmet_demand, is a special kind of supply technology with an unlimited resource but very high cost. It allows a model to remain mathematically feasible even if insufficient supply is available to meet demand, and model results can easily be examined to verify whether there was any unmet demand. There is no requirement to include such a technology in a model, but it is useful to do so, since in its absence, an infeasible model would cause the solver to end with an error, returning no results for Calliope to analyze.

Transmission technologies

In this district, electricity and heat can be transmitted between two locations. Gas is made available in each location without consideration of transmission.

Transmission node

A simple transmission node with an \(e_{eff}\).

        parent: unmet_demand
        carrier: heat


        name: 'Electrical power distribution'
        parent: transmission
        carrier: power
            e_cap.max: 2000
            e_eff: 0.98
                e_cap: 0.01

        name: 'District heat distribution'
        parent: transmission
        carrier: heat
            e_cap.max: 2000
            e_loss: 0.025

power_lines has an efficiency of 0.95, so a loss during transmission of 0.05. heat_pipes has a loss rate per unit distance of 2.5%/km. Over the distance between the two locations of 0.5km, this translates to 1.25% loss rate.


In order to translate the model requirements shown in this section’s introduction into a model definition, four locations are used: X1, X2, X3, and N1.

The technologies are set up in these locations as follows:

Locations and their technologies in the example model

Locations and their technologies in the urban-scale example model

Let’s now look at the first location definition:

        techs: ['chp', 'pv',
         'supply_grid_power', 'supply_gas',
         'demand_power', 'demand_heat',
         'unmet_demand_power', 'unmet_demand_heat']
        available_area: 500
            demand_power.constraints.r: file=demand_power.csv
            demand_heat.constraints.r: file=demand_heat.csv
            supply_grid_power.costs.monetary.e_cap: 100 # cost of transformers

There are several things to note here:

  • The location specifies a list of technologies that it allows (techs). Note that technologies listed here must have been defined elsewhere in the model configuration.
  • It also overrides some options for demand_power and ccgt. For the latter, it simply sets a location-specific maximum capacity constraint. For demand_power, the options set here are related to reading the demand time series from a CSV file. CSV is a simple text-based format that stores tables by comma-separated rows. Note that we did not define any r option in the definition of the demand_power technology. Instead, this is done directly via a location-specific override. For this location, the file demand-1.csv is loaded, and the demand is then scaled such that the demand peak is at the given value. Note that in Calliope, a supply is positive and a demand is negative, so the peak demand is actually a negative value. Finally, the x_map option allows us to read a CSV file with a single column named “demand” and tell Calliope to load data from that column for region r1. This is necessary unless the column name(s) in the CSV file already correspond to the location names defined in the model configuration.

The remaining location definitions look like this:

        techs: ['boiler', 'pv',
         'demand_power', 'demand_heat',
         'unmet_demand_power', 'unmet_demand_heat'
        available_area: 1300
            demand_power.constraints.r: file=demand_power.csv
            demand_heat.constraints.r: file=demand_heat.csv
            boiler.costs.monetary.e_cap: 43.1 # different boiler costs
                        om_var: -0.0203 # revenue for just producing electricity
                        export: -0.0491 # FIT return for PV export

        techs: ['boiler', 'pv',
         'demand_power', 'demand_heat',
         'unmet_demand_power', 'unmet_demand_heat'
        available_area: 900
            demand_power.constraints.r: file=demand_power.csv
            demand_heat.constraints.r: file=demand_heat.csv
            boiler.costs.monetary.e_cap: 78 # different boiler costs
                    e_cap.max: 50 # changing tariff structure below 50kW
                        om_fixed: -80.5 # reimbursement per kWp from FIT

    N1: # location for branching heat transmission network
        techs: ['heat_pipes']

X2 and X3 are very similar to X1, except that they do not connect to the national grid, nor do they contain the chp technology.

N1 differs to the others by virtue of containing no technologies. It acts as a branching station for the heat network, allowing connections to one or both of X2 and X3 without double counting the pipeline from X1 to N1. Its definition look like this:

    N1: # location for branching heat transmission network
        techs: ['heat_pipes']

For transmission technologies, the model also needs to know which top-level locations can be linked, and this is set up in the model configuration as follows:

            distance: 10
            constraints: # nothing to define, but model requires a key at this level of nesting
            constraints: # nothing to define, but model requires a key at this level of nesting
            constraints: # nothing to define, but model requires a key at this level of nesting
            constraints: # nothing to define, but model requires a key at this level of nesting

Revenue by export

Defined for both PV and CHP, there is the option to accrue revenue in the system by exporting electricity. This export is considered as a removal of the energy carrier power from the system, in exchange for negative cost (i.e. revenue). To allow this, export: true has been given under both technology definitions and an export value given under costs.

The revenue from PV export varies depending on location, emulating the different feed-in tariff structures in the UK for commercial and domestic properties. In domestic properties, the revenue is generated by simply having the installation (per kW installed capacity), as export is not metered. Export is metered in commercial properties, thus revenue is generated directly from export (per kWh exported). The revenue generated by CHP depends on the electricity grid wholesale price per kWh, being 80% of that. These revenue possibilities are reflected in the technologies’ and locations’ definitions.

Tutorial 3: Mixed Integer Linear Programming

This example is based on the urban scale example model, but with an updated run configuration. This run configuration provides technology overrides which trigger binary and integer decision variables, creating a MILP model, rather than the conventional Calliope LP model.


Integer and Binary variables are still experimental and may not cover all edge cases as intended. Please raise an issue on GitHub if you see unexpected behavior.


The capacity of a technology is a continuous decision variable, which can be within the range of 0 and e_cap.max[y, x] (the maximum capacity of a technology y at location x). In this run, we introduce a unit limit on the CHP instead:

                units.max: 4
                e_cap_per_unit: 300
                e_cap_min_use: 0.2
                    e_cap: 700
                    purchase: 40000

A unit maximum allows a discrete, integer number of CHP to be purchased, each having a capacity of e_cap_per_unit. Any of e_cap.max, e_cap.min, or e_cap.equals are ignored, in favour of units.max, units.min, or units.equals. A useful feature unlocked by introducing this is the ability to set a minimum operating capacity which is only enforced when the technology is operating. In the LP model, e_cap_min_use would force the technology to operate at least at that proportion of its maximum capacity at each time step. In this model, the newly introduced e_cap_min_use of 0.2 will ensure that the output of the CHP is 20% of its maximum capacity in any time step in which it has a finite output.

Purchase cost

The boiler does not have a unit limit, it still utilises the continuous variable for its capacity. However, we have introduced a purchase cost:

                    e_cap: 35
                    purchase: 2000

By introducing this, the boiler now has a binary decision variable associated with it, which is 1 if the boiler has a non-zero capacity (i.e. the optimisation results in investement in a boiler) and 0 if the capacity is 0. The purchase cost is applied to the binary result, providing a fixed cost on purchase of the technology, irrespective of the technology size. In physical terms, this may be associated with the cost of pipework, land purchase, etc. The purchase cost is also imposed on the CHP, which is applied to the number of integer CHP units which are invested in.

MILP functionality can be easily applied, but convergence is slower as a result of integer/binary variables. It is recommended to use a commercial solver (e.g. Gurobi, CPLEX) if you wish to utilise these variables outside this example model.

Files that define the model

For all Calliope models, including the examples discussed above, the model definitions in through YAML files, which are simple human-readable text files (YAML is a human readable data serialization format). They are stored with a .yaml (or .yml) extension. See YAML configuration file format for details.

Typically, we want to collect all files belonging to a model inside a model directory. In the national-scale example describe above, the layout of that directory, which also includes the time series data in CSV format, is as follows (+ denotes directories, - files):

+ example_model
   + model_config
      + data
         - csp_r.csv
         - demand-1.csv
         - demand-2.csv
         - set_t.csv
      - locations.yaml
      - model.yaml
      - techs.yaml
   - run.yaml

The urban-scale example follows a similar layout. A complete listing of the files in all example models is available in Built-in example models.

Inside the data directory, time series are stored as CSV files (their location is configured inside model.yaml). At a minimum, a model must always have a set_t.csv file which defines the model’s timesteps. For more details on this and on time series data more generally, refer to Using time series data.

The three files locations.yaml, model.yaml, and techs.yaml together are the model definition, and have been described above. There is one more YAML file, however: run.yaml. This tells Calliope how to run the model given by the model definition, and will be described next. To run a model in Calliope, these two basic components – a model definition and a run configuration – are always required.

The run configuration

At its most basic, the run configuration simply specifies which model to run, which mode to run it in, and what solver to use. These three options are the required minimum. In the case of the example models, we also specify some output options. The output options only apply when the calliope run command-line tool is used to run the model (see below). In the national-scale example:

name: "Test run"  # Run name -- distinct from model name!

model: 'model_config/model.yaml'

output:  # Only used if run via the 'calliope run' command-line tool
    format: csv  # Choices: netcdf, csv
    path: 'Output'  # Will be created if it doesn't exist

mode: plan  # Choices: plan, operate

solver: glpk

To speed up model runs, the national-scale example model’s run configuration also specifies a time subset:

subset_t: ['2005-01-01', '2005-01-05']  # Subset of timesteps

The included time series is hourly for a full year. The subset_t setting runs the model over only a subset of five days.

The full run.yaml file includes additional options, none of which are relevant for this tutorial. See the full file listing for the national-scale example and the section on the run configuration for more details on the available options.

Plan vs. operate

A Calliope model can either be run in planning mode (mode: plan) or operational mode (mode: operate). In planning mode, an optimization problem is solved to design an energy system that satisfies the given constraints.

In operational mode, all max constraints (such as e_cap.max) are treated as fixed rather than as upper bounds. The resulting, fully defined energy system is then operated with a receding horizon control approach. The results are returned in exactly the same format as for planning mode results.

To specify a runnable operational model, capacities for all technologies at all locations would have to be defined. This can be done by specifying e_cap.equals. In the absence of e_cap.equals, e_cap.max is assumed to be fixed.

In this tutorial section, we are only demonstrating the planning mode.

Running a model and analyzing results

Running interactively

The most straightforward way to run a Calliope model is to do so in an interactive Python session.

An example which also demonstrates some of the analysis possibilities after running a model is given in the following Jupyter notebook, based on the national-scale example model. Note that you can download and run this notebook on your own machine (if both Calliope and the Jupyter Notebook are installed):

Calliope interactive national-scale example notebook

Running with the command-line tool

Another way to run a Calliope model is to use the command-line tool calliope run. First, we create a new copy of the built-in national-scale example model, by using calliope new:

$ calliope new testmodel


By default, calliope new uses the national-scale example model as a template. To use a different template, you can specify the example model to use, e.g.: --template=UrbanScale.

This creates a new directory, testmodel, in the current working directory. We can now run this model:

$ calliope run testmodel/run.yaml

Because of the output options set in run.yaml, model results will be stored as a set of CSV files in the directory Output. Saving CSV files is an easy way to get results in a format suitable for further processing with other tools. In order to make use of Calliope’s analysis functionality, results should be saved as a single NetCDF file instead, which comes with improved performance and handling.

See Running the model for more on how to run a model and then retrieve results from it. See Analyzing results for more details on analyzing results, including the built-in functionality to read results from either CSV or NetCDF files, making them available for further analysis as described above (Running interactively).

Previous: Components to build a model | Next: Model formulation