Source code for calliope.constraints.base

Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Basic model constraints.


import pyomo.core as po  # pylint: disable=import-error
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from .. import exceptions
from .. import transmission
from .. import utils

[docs]def get_constraint_param(model, param_string, y, x, t): """ Function to get values for constraints which can optionally be loaded from file (so may have time dependency). model = calliope model param_string = constraint as string y = technology x = location t = timestep """ if param_string in and y in model._sets['y_' + param_string + '_timeseries']: return getattr(model.m, param_string + '_param')[y, x, t] else: return model.get_option(y + '.constraints.' + param_string, x=x)
[docs]def get_cost_param(model, param_string, k, y, x, t): """ Function to get values for constraints which can optionally be loaded from file (so may have time dependency). model = calliope model cost = cost name, e.g. 'om_fuel' k = cost type, e.g. 'monetary' y = technology x = location t = timestep """ cost_getter = utils.cost_getter(model.get_option) @utils.memoize def _cost(cost, y, k, x=None): return cost_getter(cost, y, k, x=x) if param_string in and y in model._sets['y_' + param_string + '_timeseries']: return getattr(model.m, param_string + '_param')[y, x, t, k] else: # Search in model.config_model return _cost(param_string, y, k, x=x)
[docs]def generate_variables(model): """ Defines variables: * r: resource -> tech (+ production * r_area: resource collector area * r2: secondary resource -> storage (+ production) * c_prod: tech -> carrier (+ production) * c_con: tech <- carrier (- consumption) * s_cap: installed storage capacity * r_cap: installed resource <-> storage conversion capacity * e_cap: installed storage <-> grid conversion capacity (gross) * r2_cap: installed secondary resource conversion capacity * cost: total costs * cost_con: construction costs * cost_op_fixed: fixed operation costs * cost_op_var: variable operation costs * cost_op_fuel: primary resource fuel costs * cost_op_r2: secondary resource fuel costs """ m = model.m # Capacity m.r_area = po.Var(m.y_r_area, m.x_r, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.s_cap = po.Var(m.y_store, m.x_store, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.r_cap = po.Var(m.y_sp_finite_r, m.x_r, within=po.NonNegativeReals) # FIXME maybe should be y_finite_r? m.e_cap = po.Var(m.y, m.x, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.r2_cap = po.Var(m.y_sp_r2, m.x_r, within=po.NonNegativeReals) # Unit commitment m.r = po.Var(m.y_sp_finite_r, m.x_r, m.t, within=po.Reals) m.r2 = po.Var(m.y_sp_r2, m.x_r, m.t, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.s = po.Var(m.y_store, m.x_store, m.t, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.c_prod = po.Var(m.c, m.y, m.x, m.t, within=po.NonNegativeReals) m.c_con = po.Var(m.c, m.y, m.x, m.t, within=po.NegativeReals) m.export = po.Var(m.y_export, m.x_export, m.t, within=po.NonNegativeReals) # Costs m.cost_var = po.Var(m.y, m.x, m.t, m.k, within=po.Reals) m.cost_fixed = po.Var(m.y, m.x, m.k, within=po.Reals) m.cost = po.Var(m.y, m.x, m.k, within=po.Reals)
def node_resource(model): m = model.m # TODO reformulate c_r_rule conditionally once Pyomo supports that. # had to remove the following formulation because it is not # re-evaluated on model re-construction -- we now check for # demand/supply tech instead, which means that `r` can only # be ALL negative or ALL positive for a given tech! # Ideally we have `elif po.value(m.r[y, x, t]) > 0:` instead of # `elif y in m.y_supply or y in m.y_unmet_demand:` and `elif y in m.y_demand:` def r_available_rule(m, y, x, t): r_scale = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.r_scale', x=x) force_r = get_constraint_param(model, 'force_r', y, x, t) if y in m.y_sd: e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) if po.value(e_eff) == 0: c_prod = 0 else: c_prod = sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] for c in m.c) / e_eff # supply techs c_con = sum(m.c_con[c, y, x, t] for c in m.c) * e_eff # demand techs if y in m.y_sd_r_area: r_avail = (get_constraint_param(model, 'r', y, x, t) * r_scale * m.r_area[y, x]) else: r_avail = (get_constraint_param(model, 'r', y, x, t) * r_scale) if force_r: return c_prod + c_con == r_avail else: return c_prod - c_con <= r_avail elif y in m.y_supply_plus: r_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'r_eff', y, x, t) if y in m.y_sp_r_area: r_avail = (get_constraint_param(model, 'r', y, x, t) * r_scale * m.r_area[y, x] * r_eff) else: r_avail = get_constraint_param(model, 'r', y, x, t) * r_scale * r_eff if force_r: return m.r[y, x, t] == r_avail else: return m.r[y, x, t] <= r_avail # Constraints m.c_r_available = po.Constraint(m.y_finite_r, m.x_r, m.t, rule=r_available_rule) def node_energy_balance(model): m = model.m time_res =['_time_res'].to_series() def get_e_eff_per_distance(model, y, x): e_loss = model.get_option(y + '.constraints_per_distance.e_loss', x=x) per_distance = model.get_option(y + '.per_distance') tech, x2 = y.split(':') link = model.config_model.get_key( 'links.' + x + ',' + x2, default=model.config_model['links'].get(x2 + ',' + x) ) # link = None if no link exists if not link or tech not in link.keys(): return 1.0 try: distance = link.get_key(tech + '.distance') except KeyError: if e_loss > 0: e = exceptions.OptionNotSetError raise e('Distance must be defined for link: {} ' 'and transmission tech: {}, as e_loss per distance ' 'is defined'.format(x + ',' + x2, tech)) else: return 1.0 return 1 - (e_loss * (distance / per_distance)) def get_conversion_out(c_1, c_2, m, y, x, t): if isinstance(c_1, dict): c_prod1 = sum([m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] / c_1[c] for c in c_1.keys()]) else: c_prod1 = m.c_prod[c_1, y, x, t] if isinstance(c_2, dict): c_min = min(c_2.values()) c_prod2 = sum([m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] / (c_2[c] / c_min) for c in c_2.keys()]) else: c_min = 1 c_prod2 = m.c_prod[c_2, y, x, t] return c_prod1 * c_min == c_prod2 def get_conversion_in(c_1, c_2, m, y, x, t): if isinstance(c_1, dict): c_con1 = sum([m.c_con[c, y, x, t] / c_1[c] for c in c_1.keys()]) else: c_con1 = m.c_con[c_1, y, x, t] if isinstance(c_2, dict): c_min = min(c_2.values()) c_con2 = sum([m.c_con[c, y, x, t] / (c_2[c] / c_min) for c in c_2.keys()]) else: c_min = 1 c_con2 = m.c_con[c_2, y, x, t] return c_con1 * c_min == c_con2 # Constraint rules def transmission_rule(m, y, x, t): y_remote, x_remote = transmission.get_remotes(y, x) e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) if y_remote in m.y_transmission: c = model.get_option(y + '.carrier') return (m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] == -1 * m.c_con[c, y_remote, x_remote, t] * e_eff * get_e_eff_per_distance(model, y, x)) else: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint def conversion_rule(m, y, x, t): c_out = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') c_in = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in') e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) return (m.c_prod[c_out, y, x, t] == -1 * m.c_con[c_in, y, x, t] * e_eff) def conversion_plus_primary_rule(m, y, x, t): c_out = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') c_in = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in') e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) if isinstance(c_out, dict): c_prod = sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] / c_out[c] for c in c_out.keys()) else: c_prod = m.c_prod[c_out, y, x, t] if isinstance(c_in, dict): c_con = sum([m.c_con[c, y, x, t] * c_in[c] for c in c_in.keys()]) else: c_con = m.c_con[c_in, y, x, t] return c_prod == -1 * c_con * e_eff def conversion_plus_secondary_out_rule(m, y, x, t): c_1 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') c_2 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out_2') return get_conversion_out(c_1, c_2, m, y, x, t) def conversion_plus_tertiary_out_rule(m, y, x, t): c_1 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') c_3 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out_3') return get_conversion_out(c_1, c_3, m, y, x, t) def conversion_plus_secondary_in_rule(m, y, x, t): c_1 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in') c_2 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in_2') return get_conversion_in(c_1, c_2, m, y, x, t) def conversion_plus_tertiary_in_rule(m, y, x, t): c_1 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in') c_3 = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_in_3') return get_conversion_in(c_1, c_3, m, y, x, t) def supply_plus_rule(m, y, x, t): e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) p_eff = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.p_eff', x=x) total_eff = e_eff * p_eff # TODO once Pyomo supports it, # let this update conditionally on param update! if po.value(total_eff) == 0: c_prod = 0 else: c_prod = (sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] for c in m.c)) / total_eff # If this tech is in the set of techs allowing r2, include it if y in m.y_sp_r2: r2 = m.r2[y, x, t] else: r2 = 0 # A) Case where no storage allowed if y not in m.y_store or x not in m.x_store: return m.r[y, x, t] == c_prod - r2 # B) Case where storage is allowed r = m.r[y, x, t] if m.t.order_dict[t] == 0: s_minus_one = m.s_init[y, x] else: s_loss = get_constraint_param(model, 's_loss', y, x, t) s_minus_one = (((1 - s_loss) **[model.prev_t(t)]) * m.s[y, x, model.prev_t(t)]) return (m.s[y, x, t] == s_minus_one + r + r2 - c_prod) def storage_rule(m, y, x, t): e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) p_eff = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.p_eff', x=x) total_eff = e_eff * p_eff # TODO once Pyomo supports it, # let this update conditionally on param update! if po.value(total_eff) == 0: c_prod = 0 else: c_prod = sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] for c in m.c) / total_eff c_con = sum(m.c_con[c, y, x, t] for c in m.c) * total_eff if m.t.order_dict[t] == 0: s_minus_one = m.s_init[y, x] else: s_loss = get_constraint_param(model, 's_loss', y, x, t) s_minus_one = (((1 - s_loss) **[model.prev_t(t)]) * m.s[y, x, model.prev_t(t)]) return (m.s[y, x, t] == s_minus_one - c_prod - c_con) # Constraints m.c_balance_transmission = po.Constraint(m.y_transmission, m.x_transmission, m.t, rule=transmission_rule) m.c_balance_conversion = po.Constraint(m.y_conversion, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_rule) m.c_balance_conversion_plus = po.Constraint(m.y_conversion_plus, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_plus_primary_rule) m.c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_out = po.Constraint(m.y_cp_2out, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_plus_secondary_out_rule) m.c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_out = po.Constraint(m.y_cp_3out, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_plus_tertiary_out_rule) m.c_balance_conversion_plus_secondary_in = po.Constraint(m.y_cp_2in, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_plus_secondary_in_rule) m.c_balance_conversion_plus_tertiary_in = po.Constraint(m.y_cp_3in, m.x_conversion, m.t, rule=conversion_plus_tertiary_in_rule) m.c_balance_supply_plus = po.Constraint(m.y_supply_plus, m.x_r, m.t, rule=supply_plus_rule) m.c_balance_storage = po.Constraint(m.y_storage, m.x_store, m.t, rule=storage_rule) def node_constraints_build(model): m = model.m def get_var_constraint(model_var, y, var, x, _equals=None, _max=None, _min=None, scale=None): if not _equals: _equals = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.' + var + '.equals', x=x) if not _max: _max = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.' + var + '.max', x=x) if not _min: _min = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.' + var + '.min', x=x) if scale: _equals = scale * _equals _min = scale * _min _max = scale * _max if _equals: if np.isinf(_equals): e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('Cannot use inf in operational mode, for value of ' '{}.{}.equals.{}'.format(y, var, x)) return model_var == _equals elif model.mode == 'operate': # Operational mode but 'equals' constraint not set, we use 'max' # instead # FIXME this should be logged if np.isinf(_max): return po.Constraint.NoConstraint else: return model_var == _max else: if np.isinf(_max): _max = None # to disable upper bound if _min == 0 and _max is None: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint else: return (_min, model_var, _max) def get_s_cap(y, x, e_cap, c_rate): """ Get s_cap.max from s_time.max, where applicable. If s_time.max is used, the maximum storage possible is the minimum value of storage possible for any time length which meets the s_time.max value. """ # TODO: # incorporate timeseries resolution. Currently assumes that each # timestep is worth one unit of time. s_time_max = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.s_time.max', x=x) s_cap_max = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.s_cap.max', x=x) if not s_cap_max: s_cap_max = np.inf if not s_time_max: return s_cap_max if not e_cap and not c_rate: return 0 elif not e_cap: e_cap = s_cap_max * c_rate elif e_cap and c_rate: e_cap = min(e_cap, s_cap_max * c_rate) s_loss =[dict(y=y, x=x)].get('s_loss', model.get_option(y+ '.constraints.s_loss', x=x)) e_eff =[dict(y=y, x=x)].get('e_eff', model.get_option(y+ '.constraints.e_eff', x=x)) try: leakage = 1 / (1 - s_loss) # if s_loss is timeseries dependant, will be a DataArray discharge = e_cap / e_eff # if e_eff is timeseries dependant, will be a DataArray except ZeroDivisionError: # if s_loss = 1 or e_eff = 0 return np.inf # i.e. no upper limit on storage exponents = [i for i in range(s_time_max)] if isinstance(leakage, xr.DataArray) or isinstance(discharge, xr.DataArray): roll = # create arrays of all rolling horizons S = {s_cap_max} for label, arr_window in roll: if len(arr_window) == s_time_max: # only consider arrays of the maximum time length S.add(sum(discharge * np.power(leakage, exponents))) return min(S) # smallest value of storage is the maximum allowed else: # no need to loop through rolling horizons if all values are static in time return min(s_cap_max, sum(discharge * np.power(leakage, exponents))) # Constraint rules def c_s_cap_rule(m, y, x): """ Set maximum storage capacity. Supply_plus & storage techs only This can be set by either s_cap (kWh) or by e_cap (charge/discharge capacity) * charge rate. If s_cap.equals and e_cap.equals are set for the technology, then s_cap * charge rate = e_cap must hold. Otherwise, take the lowest capacity capacity defined by s_cap.max or e_cap.max / charge rate. """ s_cap_equals = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.s_cap.equals', x=x) scale = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap_scale', x=x) e_cap = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap.equals', x=x) * scale charge_rate = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.c_rate', x=x) if e_cap and s_cap_equals and s_cap_equals * charge_rate != e_cap: raise exceptions.ModelError( 'e_cap.equals and s_cap.equals must ' 'be equivalent when considering charge rate for {}:{}' .format(y, x) ) if not e_cap: e_cap = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap.max', x=x) * scale if not s_cap_equals: s_cap_max = get_s_cap(y, x, e_cap, charge_rate) return get_var_constraint(m.s_cap[y, x], y, 's_cap', x, _max=s_cap_max) else: return get_var_constraint(m.s_cap[y, x], y, 's_cap', x, _equals=s_cap_equals) def c_r_cap_rule(m, y, x): if model.get_option(y + '.constraints.r_cap_equals_e_cap', x=x): return m.r_cap[y, x] == m.e_cap[y, x] else: return get_var_constraint(m.r_cap[y, x], y, 'r_cap', x) def c_r_area_rule(m, y, x): """ Set maximum r_area. Supply_plus techs only. """ area_per_cap = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.r_area_per_e_cap', x=x) if area_per_cap: return m.r_area[y, x] == m.e_cap[y, x] * area_per_cap else: e_cap_max = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap.max', x=x) if e_cap_max == 0: # If a technology has no e_cap here, we force r_area to zero, # so as not to accrue spurious costs return m.r_area[y, x] == 0 else: return get_var_constraint(m.r_area[y, x], y, 'r_area', x) def c_e_cap_rule(m, y, x): """ Set maximum e_cap. All technologies. """ # First check whether this tech is allowed at this location if not[x, y] == 1: return m.e_cap[y, x] == 0 e_cap_scale = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap_scale', x=x) if y in m.y_transmission: e_cap_equals = model._locations.get( '_override.{}.constraints.e_cap.equals'.format(y), {x: None})[x] e_cap_max = model._locations.get( '_override.{}.constraints.e_cap.max'.format(y), {x: None})[x] else: e_cap_max = None e_cap_equals = None return get_var_constraint(m.e_cap[y, x], y, 'e_cap', x, scale=e_cap_scale, _max=e_cap_max, _equals=e_cap_equals) def c_e_cap_storage_rule(m, y, x): """ Set maximum e_cap. All storage technologies. """ e_cap_scale = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.e_cap_scale', x=x) charge_rate = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.c_rate', x=x) if charge_rate: e_cap_max = m.s_cap[y, x] * charge_rate * e_cap_scale return m.e_cap[y, x] <= e_cap_max else: return po.Constraint.Skip def c_r2_cap_rule(m, y, x): """ Set secondary resource capacity. Supply_plus techs only. """ follow = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.r2_cap_follow', x=x) mode = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.r2_cap_follow_mode', x=x) # First deal with the special case of ``r2_cap_follow`` being set if follow: try: r2_cap_val = getattr(m, follow)[y, x] except AttributeError: # Raise an error to make sure follows isn't accidentally set to # something invalid e = exceptions.ModelError raise e('r2_cap_follow set to invalid value at ' '({}, {}): {}'.format(y, x, follow)) if mode == 'max': return m.r2_cap[y, x] <= r2_cap_val elif mode == 'equals': return m.r2_cap[y, x] == r2_cap_val else: # If ``r2_cap_follow`` not set, set up standard constraints return get_var_constraint(m.r2_cap[y, x], y, 'r2_cap', x) # Constraints m.c_s_cap = po.Constraint(m.y_store, m.x_store, rule=c_s_cap_rule) m.c_r_cap = po.Constraint(m.y_sp_finite_r, m.x_r, rule=c_r_cap_rule) m.c_r_area = po.Constraint(m.y_r_area, m.x_r, rule=c_r_area_rule) m.c_e_cap = po.Constraint(m.y, m.x, rule=c_e_cap_rule) m.c_e_cap_storage = po.Constraint(m.y_store, m.x_store, rule=c_e_cap_storage_rule) m.c_r2_cap = po.Constraint(m.y_sp_r2, m.x_r, rule=c_r2_cap_rule) def node_constraints_operational(model): m = model.m time_res =['_time_res'].to_series() # Constraint rules def r_max_upper_rule(m, y, x, t): """ set maximum resource supply. Supply_plus techs only. """ return m.r[y, x, t] <=[t] * m.r_cap[y, x] def c_prod_max_rule(m, c, y, x, t): """ Set maximum carrier production. All technologies. """ allow_c_prod = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_prod', y, x, t) c_prod = m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] if y in m.y_conversion_plus: # Conversion techs with 2 or more output carriers carriers_out = model.get_carrier(y, 'out', all_carriers=True) if c not in carriers_out: return c_prod == 0 if c in carriers_out and[x, y] == 0: return c_prod == 0 else: return po.Constraint.Skip if not allow_c_prod: return c_prod == 0 p_eff = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.p_eff', x=x) if c == model.get_option(y + '.carrier', default=y + '.carrier_out'): return c_prod <=[t] * m.e_cap[y, x] * p_eff else: return m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] == 0 def c_prod_min_rule(m, c, y, x, t): """ Set minimum carrier production. All technologies except conversion_plus """ min_use = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_cap_min_use', y, x, t) allow_c_prod = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_prod', y, x, t) if not min_use or not allow_c_prod: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint if y in m.y_conversion_plus: # Conversion techs with 2 output carriers return po.Constraint.Skip elif c == model.get_option(y + '.carrier', default=y + '.carrier_out'): return (m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] >=[t] * m.e_cap[y, x] * min_use) else: return po.Constraint.Skip def c_conversion_plus_prod_max_rule(m, y, x, t): """ Set maximum carrier production. Conversion_plus technologies. """ allow_c_prod = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_prod', y, x, t) c_out = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) if isinstance(c_out, dict): c_prod = sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] for c in c_out.keys()) else: c_prod = m.c_prod[c_out, y, x, t] if not allow_c_prod: return c_prod == 0 else: return c_prod <=[t] * m.e_cap[y, x] def c_conversion_plus_prod_min_rule(m, y, x, t): """ Set minimum carrier production. Conversion_plus technologies. """ min_use = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_cap_min_use', y, x, t) allow_c_prod = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_prod', y, x, t) c_out = model.get_option(y + '.carrier_out') if not min_use or not allow_c_prod: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint else: c_prod_min =[t] * m.e_cap[y, x] * min_use if isinstance(c_out, dict): c_prod = sum(m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] for c in c_out.keys()) else: c_prod = m.c_prod[c_out, y, x, t] return c_prod >= c_prod_min def c_con_max_rule(m, c, y, x, t): """ Set maximum carrier consumption. All technologies. """ allow_c_con = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_con', y, x, t) p_eff = model.get_option(y + '.constraints.p_eff', x=x) if y in m.y_conversion or y in m.y_conversion_plus: carriers = model.get_cp_carriers(y, x, direction='in')[1] if c not in carriers: return m.c_con[c, y, x, t] == 0 else: return po.Constraint.Skip if (allow_c_con is True and c == model.get_option(y + '.carrier', default=y + '.carrier_in')): return m.c_con[c, y, x, t] >= (-1 *[t] * m.e_cap[y, x] * p_eff) else: return m.c_con[c, y, x, t] == 0 def s_max_rule(m, y, x, t): """ Set maximum stored energy. Supply_plus & storage techs only. """ return m.s[y, x, t] <= m.s_cap[y, x] def r2_max_rule(m, y, x, t): """ Set maximum secondary resource supply. Supply_plus techs only. """ r2_startup = get_constraint_param(model, 'r2_startup_only', y, x, t) if (r2_startup and t >= return m.r2[y, x, t] == 0 else: return m.r2[y, x, t] <=[t] * m.r2_cap[y, x] def c_export_max_rule(m, y, x, t): """ Set maximum export. All exporting technologies. """ if get_constraint_param(model, 'export_cap', y, x, t): return (m.export[y, x, t] <= get_constraint_param(model, 'export_cap', y, x, t)) else: return po.Constraint.Skip # Constraints m.c_r_max_upper = po.Constraint( m.y_sp_finite_r, m.x_r, m.t, rule=r_max_upper_rule) m.c_prod_max = po.Constraint( m.c, m.y, m.x, m.t, rule=c_prod_max_rule) m.c_prod_min = po.Constraint( m.c, m.y, m.x, m.t, rule=c_prod_min_rule) m.c_conversion_plus_prod_max = po.Constraint( m.y_conversion_plus, m.x, m.t, rule=c_conversion_plus_prod_max_rule) m.c_conversion_plus_prod_min = po.Constraint( m.y_conversion_plus, m.x, m.t, rule=c_conversion_plus_prod_min_rule) m.c_con_max = po.Constraint( m.c, m.y, m.x, m.t, rule=c_con_max_rule) m.c_s_max = po.Constraint( m.y_store, m.x_store, m.t, rule=s_max_rule) m.c_r2_max = po.Constraint( m.y_sp_r2, m.x_r, m.t, rule=r2_max_rule) m.c_export_max = po.Constraint( m.y_export, m.x_export, m.t, rule=c_export_max_rule)
[docs]def node_constraints_transmission(model): """ Constrain e_cap symmetrically for transmission nodes. Transmission techs only. """ m = model.m # Constraint rules def c_trans_rule(m, y, x): y_remote, x_remote = transmission.get_remotes(y, x) if y_remote in m.y_transmission: return m.e_cap[y, x] == m.e_cap[y_remote, x_remote] else: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint # Constraints m.c_transmission_capacity = po.Constraint(m.y_transmission, m.x_transmission, rule=c_trans_rule)
def node_costs(model): m = model.m time_res =['_time_res'].to_series() weights =['_weights'].to_series() cost_getter = utils.cost_getter(model.get_option) depreciation_getter = utils.depreciation_getter(model.get_option) cost_per_distance_getter = utils.cost_per_distance_getter(model.config_model) @utils.memoize def _depreciation_rate(y, k): return depreciation_getter(y, k) @utils.memoize def _cost(cost, y, k, x=None): return cost_getter(cost, y, k, x=x) @utils.memoize def _cost_per_distance(cost, y, k, x): return cost_per_distance_getter(cost, y, k, x) def _check_and_set(cost, y, x, k): """ Ensure that sufficient constraints have been set to allow negative costs, where applicable. Returns cost if bounds are set, raises error if unset """ e = exceptions.OptionNotSetError if y in m.y_transmission: # Divided by 2 for transmission techs because construction costs # are counted at both ends unit_cost = (_cost(cost, y, k, x) + _cost_per_distance(cost, y, k, x)) / 2 else: unit_cost = _cost(cost, y, k, x) # Search the Pyomo constraint for this technology and location, see if it's set if (y, x) in getattr(m, 'c_' + cost).keys() or unit_cost >= 0: return unit_cost * getattr(m, cost)[y, x] elif unit_cost < 0: raise e(cost + '.max must be defined for {}:{} ' 'as cost is negative'.format(y, x)) def cost_fixed_rule(m, y, x, k): if y in m.y_store and x in m.x_store: cost_s_cap = _check_and_set('s_cap', y, x, k) else: cost_s_cap = 0 if y in m.y_sp_finite_r and x in m.x_r: cost_r_cap = _check_and_set('r_cap', y, x, k) else: cost_r_cap = 0 if y in m.y_r_area and x in m.x_r: cost_r_area = _check_and_set('r_area', y, x, k) else: cost_r_area = 0 cost_e_cap = _check_and_set('e_cap', y, x, k) if y in m.y_sp_r2 and x in m.x_r: cost_r2_cap = _check_and_set('r2_cap', y, x, k) else: cost_r2_cap = 0 cost_con = (_depreciation_rate(y, k) * (sum(time_res * weights) / 8760) * (cost_s_cap + cost_r_cap + cost_r_area + cost_r2_cap + cost_e_cap) ) if _cost('om_fixed', y, k, x) < 0 and (y, x) not in m.c_e_cap.keys(): raise exceptions.OptionNotSetError( 'e_cap.max must be defined ' 'for {}:{} as `om_fixed` cost is negative'.format(y, x)) return (m.cost_fixed[y, x, k] == _cost('om_frac', y, k, x) * cost_con + (_cost('om_fixed', y, k, x) * m.e_cap[y, x] * (sum(time_res * weights) / 8760)) + cost_con) def cost_var_rule(m, y, x, t, k): om_var = get_cost_param(model, 'om_var', k, y, x, t) om_fuel = get_cost_param(model, 'om_fuel', k, y, x, t) if y in m.y_export and x in m.x_export: export = m.export[y, x, t] cost_export = get_cost_param(model, 'export', k, y, x, t) * export else: export = 0 cost_export = 0 carrier = model.get_option(y + '.carrier', default=y + '.carrier_out') if isinstance(carrier, dict): # Conversion_plus with multiple primary output carriers carrier = model.get_option(y + '.primary_carrier') if not carrier: raise exceptions.OptionNotSetError( 'No specific carrier set for attributing variable costs ' 'to conversion+ tech {} at {}'.format(y, x)) # Note: only counting c_prod for operational costs. # This should generally be a reasonable assumption to make. # It might be necessary to remove parasitic losses for this # i.e. c_prod --> es_prod. if om_var: cost_op_var = om_var * weights.loc[t] * m.c_prod[carrier, y, x, t] else: cost_op_var = 0 cost_op_fuel = 0 if y in m.y_supply_plus and om_fuel: r_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'r_eff', y, x, t) if po.value(r_eff) > 0: # In case r_eff is zero, to avoid an infinite value # Dividing by r_eff here so we get the actual r used, not the r # moved into storage... cost_op_fuel = (om_fuel * weights.loc[t] * (m.r[y, x, t] / r_eff)) elif y in m.y_supply and om_fuel: # m.r == m.c_prod/e_eff e_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'e_eff', y, x, t) if po.value(e_eff) > 0: # in case e_eff is zero, to avoid an infinite value cost_op_fuel = (om_fuel * weights.loc[t] * (m.c_prod[carrier, y, x, t] / e_eff)) cost_op_r2 = 0 if y in m.y_sp_r2: r2_eff = get_constraint_param(model, 'r2_eff', y, x, t) if po.value(r2_eff) > 0: # in case r2_eff is zero, to avoid an infinite value om_r2 = get_cost_param(model, 'om_r2', k, y, x, t) cost_op_r2 = (om_r2 * weights.loc[t] * (m.r2[y, x, t] / r2_eff)) return (m.cost_var[y, x, t, k] == cost_op_var + cost_op_fuel + cost_op_r2 + cost_export) def cost_rule(m, y, x, k): return ( m.cost[y, x, k] == m.cost_fixed[y, x, k] + sum(m.cost_var[y, x, t, k] for t in m.t) ) # Constraints m.c_cost_fixed = po.Constraint(m.y, m.x, m.k, rule=cost_fixed_rule) m.c_cost_var = po.Constraint(m.y, m.x, m.t, m.k, rule=cost_var_rule) m.c_cost = po.Constraint(m.y, m.x, m.k, rule=cost_rule) def model_constraints(model): m = model.m @utils.memoize def get_parents(level): return list(model._locations[model._locations._level == level].index) @utils.memoize def get_children(parent, childless_only=True): """ If childless_only is True, only children that have no children themselves are returned. """ locations = model._locations children = list(locations[locations._within == parent].index) if childless_only: # FIXME childless_only param needs tests children = [i for i in children if len(get_children(i)) == 0] return children # Constraint rules def c_system_balance_rule(m, c, x, t): # Balacing takes place at top-most (level 0) locations, as well # as within any lower-level locations that contain children if ([x, '_level'] == 0 or len(get_children(x)) > 0): family = get_children(x) + [x] # list of children + parent balance = (sum(m.c_prod[c, y, xs, t] for xs in family for y in m.y) + sum(m.c_con[c, y, xs, t] for xs in family for y in m.y) - sum(m.export[y, xs, t] for xs in family for y in m.y_export if xs in m.x_export and c == model.get_option(y + '.export', x=xs))) return balance == 0 else: return po.Constraint.NoConstraint # Constraints m.c_system_balance = po.Constraint(m.c, m.x, m.t, rule=c_system_balance_rule) def c_export_balance_rule(m, c, y, x, t): # Ensuring no technology can 'pass' its export capability to another # technology with the same carrier_out, # by limiting its export to the capacity of its production if c == model.get_option(y + '.export', x=x): return m.c_prod[c, y, x, t] >= m.export[y, x, t] else: return po.Constraint.Skip # Constraints m.c_export_balance = po.Constraint(m.c, m.y_export, m.x_export, m.t, rule=c_export_balance_rule)