Source code for calliope.backend.pyomo.constraints.costs

Copyright (C) since 2013 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.
Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Cost constraints.


import pyomo.core as po  # pylint: disable=import-error

from calliope.backend.pyomo.util import (

ORDER = 10  # order in which to invoke constraints relative to other constraint files

def load_constraints(backend_model):
    sets = backend_model.__calliope_model_data["sets"]
    run_config = backend_model.__calliope_run_config

    if "loc_techs_cost_constraint" in sets:
        backend_model.cost_constraint = po.Constraint(
            backend_model.costs, backend_model.loc_techs_cost, rule=cost_constraint_rule

    # FIXME: remove check for operate from constraint files, avoid investment costs more intelligently?
    if (
        "loc_techs_cost_investment_constraint" in sets
        and run_config["mode"] != "operate"
        # Right-hand side expression can be later updated by MILP investment costs
        backend_model.cost_investment_rhs = po.Expression(

        backend_model.cost_investment_constraint = po.Constraint(

    if "loc_techs_om_cost" in sets:
        # Right-hand side expression can be later updated by export costs/revenue
        backend_model.cost_var_rhs = po.Expression(
    if "loc_techs_cost_var_constraint" in sets:
        # Constraint is built over a different loc_techs set to expression, as
        # it is updated in and constraints
        backend_model.cost_var_constraint = po.Constraint(

[docs]def cost_constraint_rule(backend_model, cost, loc_tech): """ Combine investment and time varying costs into one cost per technology. .. container:: scrolling-wrapper .. math:: \\boldsymbol{cost}(cost, loc::tech) = \\boldsymbol{cost_{investment}}(cost, loc::tech) + \\sum_{timestep \\in timesteps} \\boldsymbol{cost_{var}}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) """ run_config = backend_model.__calliope_run_config # FIXME: remove check for operate from constraint files, avoid investment costs more intelligently? if ( loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_investment_cost") and run_config["mode"] != "operate" ): cost_investment = backend_model.cost_investment[cost, loc_tech] else: cost_investment = 0 if loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_om_cost"): cost_var = sum( backend_model.cost_var[cost, loc_tech, timestep] for timestep in backend_model.timesteps ) else: cost_var = 0 return backend_model.cost[cost, loc_tech] == cost_investment + cost_var
[docs]def cost_investment_constraint_rule(backend_model, cost, loc_tech): """ Calculate costs from capacity decision variables. Transmission technologies "exist" at two locations, so their cost is divided by 2. .. container:: scrolling-wrapper .. math:: \\boldsymbol{cost_{investment}}(cost, loc::tech) = cost_{fractional\\_om}(cost, loc::tech) + cost_{fixed\\_om}(cost, loc::tech) + cost_{cap}(cost, loc::tech) cost_{cap}(cost, loc::tech) = depreciation\\_rate * ts\\_weight * (cost_{energy\\_cap}(cost, loc::tech) \\times \\boldsymbol{energy_{cap}}(loc::tech) + cost_{storage\\_cap}(cost, loc::tech) \\times \\boldsymbol{storage_{cap}}(loc::tech) + cost_{resource\\_cap}(cost, loc::tech) \\times \\boldsymbol{resource_{cap}}(loc::tech) + cost_{resource\\_area}(cost, loc::tech)) \\times \\boldsymbol{resource_{area}}(loc::tech) depreciation\\_rate = \\begin{cases} = 1 / plant\\_life,& \\text{if } interest\\_rate = 0\\\\ = \\frac{interest\\_rate \\times (1 + interest\\_rate)^{plant\\_life}}{(1 + interest\\_rate)^{plant\\_life} - 1},& \\text{if } interest\\_rate \\gt 0\\\\ \\end{cases} ts\\_weight = \\sum_{timestep \\in timesteps} (time\\_res(timestep) \\times weight(timestep)) \\times \\frac{1}{8760} """ model_data_dict = backend_model.__calliope_model_data def _get_investment_cost(capacity_decision_variable, calliope_set): """ Conditionally add investment costs, if the relevant set of technologies exists. Both inputs are strings. """ if loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, calliope_set): _cost = getattr(backend_model, capacity_decision_variable)[ loc_tech ] * get_param( backend_model, "cost_" + capacity_decision_variable, (cost, loc_tech) ) return _cost else: return 0 cost_energy_cap = backend_model.energy_cap[loc_tech] * get_param( backend_model, "cost_energy_cap", (cost, loc_tech) ) cost_storage_cap = _get_investment_cost("storage_cap", "loc_techs_store") cost_resource_cap = _get_investment_cost("resource_cap", "loc_techs_supply_plus") cost_resource_area = _get_investment_cost("resource_area", "loc_techs_area") cost_om_annual_investment_fraction = get_param( backend_model, "cost_om_annual_investment_fraction", (cost, loc_tech) ) cost_om_annual = get_param(backend_model, "cost_om_annual", (cost, loc_tech)) ts_weight = get_timestep_weight(backend_model) depreciation_rate = get_depreciation_rate(backend_model, (cost, loc_tech)) cost_cap = ( depreciation_rate * ts_weight * (cost_energy_cap + cost_storage_cap + cost_resource_cap + cost_resource_area) ) # Transmission technologies exist at two locations, thus their cost is divided by 2 if loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_transmission"): cost_cap = cost_cap / 2 cost_fractional_om = cost_om_annual_investment_fraction * cost_cap cost_fixed_om = cost_om_annual * backend_model.energy_cap[loc_tech] * ts_weight backend_model.cost_investment_rhs[cost, loc_tech].expr = ( cost_fractional_om + cost_fixed_om + cost_cap ) return ( backend_model.cost_investment[cost, loc_tech] == backend_model.cost_investment_rhs[cost, loc_tech] )
[docs]def cost_var_constraint_rule(backend_model, cost, loc_tech, timestep): """ Calculate costs from time-varying decision variables .. container:: scrolling-wrapper .. math:: \\boldsymbol{cost_{var}}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) = cost_{prod}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) + cost_{con}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) cost_{prod}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) = cost_{om\\_prod}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) \\times weight(timestep) \\times \\boldsymbol{carrier_{prod}}(loc::tech::carrier, timestep) prod\\_con\\_eff = \\begin{cases} = \\boldsymbol{resource_{con}}(loc::tech, timestep),& \\text{if } loc::tech \\in loc\\_techs\\_supply\\_plus \\\\ = \\frac{\\boldsymbol{carrier_{prod}}(loc::tech::carrier, timestep)}{energy_eff(loc::tech, timestep)},& \\text{if } loc::tech \\in loc\\_techs\\_supply \\\\ \\end{cases} cost_{con}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) = cost_{om\\_con}(cost, loc::tech, timestep) \\times weight(timestep) \\times prod\\_con\\_eff """ model_data_dict = backend_model.__calliope_model_data cost_om_prod = get_param(backend_model, "cost_om_prod", (cost, loc_tech, timestep)) cost_om_con = get_param(backend_model, "cost_om_con", (cost, loc_tech, timestep)) weight = backend_model.timestep_weights[timestep] loc_tech_carrier = model_data_dict["data"]["lookup_loc_techs"][loc_tech] if loc_tech_is_in( backend_model, loc_tech_carrier, "loc_tech_carriers_prod" ) and not invalid(cost_om_prod): cost_prod = ( cost_om_prod * weight * backend_model.carrier_prod[loc_tech_carrier, timestep] ) else: cost_prod = 0 cost_con = 0 if not invalid(cost_om_con): if loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_supply_plus"): cost_con = ( cost_om_con * weight * backend_model.resource_con[loc_tech, timestep] ) elif loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_supply"): energy_eff = get_param(backend_model, "energy_eff", (loc_tech, timestep)) # in case energy_eff is zero, to avoid an infinite value if po.value(energy_eff) > 0: cost_con = ( cost_om_con * weight * ( backend_model.carrier_prod[loc_tech_carrier, timestep] / energy_eff ) ) elif loc_tech_is_in(backend_model, loc_tech, "loc_techs_demand"): cost_con = ( cost_om_con * weight * (-1) * backend_model.carrier_con[loc_tech_carrier, timestep] ) backend_model.cost_var_rhs[cost, loc_tech, timestep].expr = cost_prod + cost_con return ( backend_model.cost_var[cost, loc_tech, timestep] == backend_model.cost_var_rhs[cost, loc_tech, timestep] )