Source code for calliope.backend.pyomo.objective

Copyright (C) since 2013 Calliope contributors listed in AUTHORS.

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE file).

Objective functions.


import pyomo.core as po  # pylint: disable=import-error
from import load_function

[docs]def minmax_cost_optimization(backend_model): """ Minimize or maximise total system cost for specified cost class or a set of cost classes. cost_class is a string or dictionary. If a string, it is automatically converted to a dictionary with a single key:value pair where value == 1. The dictionary provides a weight for each cost class of interest: {cost_1: weight_1, cost_2: weight_2, etc.}. If unmet_demand is in use, then the calculated cost of unmet_demand is added or subtracted from the total cost in the opposite sense to the objective. .. container:: scrolling-wrapper .. math:: min: z = \\sum_{loc::tech_{cost},k} (cost(loc::tech, cost=cost_{k}) \\times weight_{k}) + \\sum_{loc::carrier,timestep} (unmet\\_demand(loc::carrier, timestep) \\times bigM) max: z = \\sum_{loc::tech_{cost},k} (cost(loc::tech, cost=cost_{k}) \\times weight_{k}) - \\sum_{loc::carrier,timestep} (unmet\\_demand(loc::carrier, timestep) \\times bigM) """ def obj_rule(backend_model): if backend_model.__calliope_run_config.get("ensure_feasibility", False): unmet_demand = ( sum( ( backend_model.unmet_demand[loc_carrier, timestep] - backend_model.unused_supply[loc_carrier, timestep] ) * backend_model.timestep_weights[timestep] for loc_carrier in backend_model.loc_carriers for timestep in backend_model.timesteps ) * backend_model.bigM ) if backend_model.objective_sense == "maximize": unmet_demand *= -1 else: unmet_demand = 0 return ( sum( backend_model.cost[k, loc_tech] * v for loc_tech in backend_model.loc_techs_cost for k, v in backend_model.objective_cost_class.items() ) + unmet_demand ) backend_model.obj = po.Objective( sense=load_function("pyomo.core." + backend_model.objective_sense), rule=obj_rule, ) backend_model.obj.domain = po.Reals
[docs]def check_feasibility(backend_model): """ Dummy objective, to check that there are no conflicting constraints. .. container:: scrolling-wrapper .. math:: min: z = 1 """ def obj_rule(backend_model): return 1 backend_model.obj = po.Objective(sense=po.minimize, rule=obj_rule) backend_model.obj.domain = po.Reals